
Gary is Dead

Gary had never been particularly lucky, or particularly skilled. He lived his lackluster, lowly life much like any other horribly depressed time wasting wage-slave. He woke up, he ate, he worked, he shat, he slept. Ah! The human endeavor! How glorious!

Poor old Gary wasn't exactly satisfied with the route his life had taken. He was born to a poor family. He worked hard in school, and got decent grades for someone of his character. He'd gone to college, but dropped out due to decreasing finances, and no real future prospects. His life's ambition? To drink, and smoke, and masturbate all day long. Sadly there aren't any such career paths available. So poor old Gary decided to chase the American Dream! A nice paying job, a beautiful house, wife, car, and 2.5 children. The truest expression of self-fulfillment available to mankind!

Oh Gary. How naive! Gary is on the lower end of below-average. Black hair, brown eyes, a colossal nose, and permanently chapped lips. At least he has a pretty smile. Of course looks don't determine success, but they sure go a long way. Gary also lacked any of the connections, money, or ruthlessness truly necessary to achieve success. He worked oh so very hard.

Until he gave up.

The moment Gary gave up he had never felt anything better than just saying that." I quit." Gary went on to work various shit-jobs such as delivery-slave, food-slave, or cleaning-slave. You know 'entry-level' work except permanent. Gary was able to barely survive and, due to giving up on all of his goals, and ambitions, was given too much time to think.

He spent a vast majority of his time either working, or reading web novels into the extremely late hours of the night. He became obsessed with the idea of cultivating. He looked into various new thought movements in hopes they'd have the answer.

Of course he didn't put in the effort to attempt martial arts as that seemed unlikely to lead anywhere. After all there are plenty of martial artists yet none of them can fly or shoot lasers out of their hands.

"I give up" thought Gary. "I'm doing all the same bullshit everyday. I don't want a wife, or kid, or house anymore. In fact, I don't even want to put in the work to go to work everyday."

So Gary quit his job, tried as many drugs as he could get his hands on, and shot himself in a motel bathroom. Leaving behind a very distraught, but well paid, hooker. Marvelous.

Gary is dead.

Gary no longer has to worry about paying his water bill, as Gary no longer has a mouth with which to drink water.

Gary no longer has to think about asking out the cute bartender he made eye contact with 3 months ago.

Gary no longer has to experience the inevitable collapse of Earth's climate, and the subsequent refugee crisis.

Gary has found that Gary no longer has to think about anything in general.

Gary literally has nothing to think about, because he is experiencing nothing.

Gary is dead, but now he's alive again.

Gary woke up on the worst bed he'd ever slept on. This was a universal achievement mind you considering the fact that Gary had spent a good amount of his adult life sleeping on the floor. Interestingly enough, modern floors are quite comfortable, so perhaps it really isn't all that special.

Gary's memories came back to him. He had died and transmigrated into the body of: also Gary. A servant of the Immortal Sunset Empire's branch sects's outer sect's Elder's Mistress' adopted sister's food stall. His new body's extremely low potential for cultivation cosigned him to this regrettable fate.

"Shit" Said Gary out loud.

Intro to 10KYSC. This is my first story I'd appreciate any feed back.

Serpent_Dragoncreators' thoughts
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