
Attack: Nerissa Returns



As soon as everything died down, Astrid was shocked to see the face of their attacker which was as clear as day and a nightmare in its wake.


Jareth's eyes widened as she stuttered her next words. "Aunt… Aunt Nerissa?!"

This time she finally directed her gaze on Astrid. There was no hint of smile or joy on her face as she looked at her baby. 

Instead what laid in its wake was pure anger. Anger and hatred filled her black orbs as she stared sternly at them both.

Astrid's breathing changed and her chest began to rise and fall with an unsteady rate as her gaze still stayed locked on their attacker.

A mall smile crept up on her face with each passing second. This was the first time she was seeing her aunt get really angry and it only further made her look unrecognizable to Astrid but the smell, the fresh sunflower sent of her skin was undeniably not mistaken and that was what convinced Astrid she was the one.

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