
The Advice

Down the hallway in the castle, Grand Advisor Gerald was seen talking with someone in silent.

"You know what to do" he asked the youth standing in front of him.

"Yes Lord Gerald" the boy replied him.

"Good, get two nice ones and the best. Be secretive enough. Do not let Lady Erwina's people see you" he warned the boy again.

"I won't Lord Gerald".

"Okay, you'd take them to the secret room. You may go now" he quickly pushed a pouch of coins in the boys hands.

"Yes my lord"

"Hurry" with that, the boy left the premises as silent as a mouse.

As that was taken care of and out of the way, Grand Advisor Gerald made his way in the opposite direction from where the youth left.

Soon, he reached the end of the hallway and took a bend to a small corridor. There were several rooms along that corridor and he walked till he got to the last.

He knocked on the door to the room, waited for a moment and opened it.

As soon as he entered, the two people on the bed rushed to find the bed sheet to cover up.

When the man saw his face, he relaxed a bit.

"Gerald. It is you" the man said as he held on to the girl on top of him.

He did catch them in an awkward position and awkward moment, but it was something he was used to.

"Don't you know how to give some privacy?" The man said as the girl continued what she was doing before the interruption.

Gerald simply turned his back to them and spoke.

"I am sorry your highness but you know how the Lady is."

"Mmmmhh hhummrrhh" moaning voices were coming from behind him as they duo continued their love making.

"Not now Gerald. Hmmm faster, faster" he kept on ordering the girl on top of him as he slapped her ass cheek.

"Your father asked after you your highness" Gerald said trying to change the conversation.

"Asked or did he quarrel again, urrghh hhmmm come on, yes... Mmh"

"Well he did a bit of both your highness" he stood there, unmoved by their wild sexual act.

"Umm yeah, what did uuhh ummm, he say?" the prince said in between moans.

"Well the king said, So he's out there fucking women, when he should be here learning how to rule" he said removing the last part.

"And the umm usual hmmm, yes, come on faster you... And the usual, Give him some advice Gerald. Or did he by any chance forget to add those worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrdddddddsss.... Hmmmm yeahhhhhh."

He kept on screaming as he reached the bliss of his love making, then stopped.

The prince gave the girl's ass one last squeeze and gently pushed her off him.

She quickly got up and began dressing. He followed suit and wore his pair of trousers.

"Why me? Well it comes with the position I hold. I have to be involved all their escapades" Gerald thought to himself.

"Or do I lie Grand Advisor Gerald?" The prince asked him as he walked up to him.

"No your highness."

He gave a wicked laugh and walked to the table in the room. He got a bottle of wine and filled his cup, then added another one and beckoned on Gerald.

"Gerald, come drink with me."

"Thank you your highness but I am okay" he politely declined his offer.

"Gerald, come here" he ordered and Gerald had no choice but to go meet him.

"Here, have some and loosen up, my father ain't here" he said as he handed him a cup of wine.

"Thank you your highness" he took it from the prince and took a sip while the Prince finished his in one gulp.

"Ohhh refreshing... "

"Your highness, if only you would consider attending some council meeting and... "

"And watch him handle matters of state... That would be nice if the old geezer paved way already."

Gerald knew where this conversation was going and quickly ordered the girl out of the room.

"Leave us. Wait for me in the corridor" he ordered and she left immediately.

"Your highness".

"No Gerald. I mean of what use is it really, what use attending such when I may never ascend the throne. He refused to die or abdicate the throne."

"But you are crown prince, your highness."

"Yes, I deserve a chance to rule. "

"You would rule. You are next in line. It is better you start showing his majesty you are fit to be king or else..."

"Else what Gerald?"

"The throne can be given to your sister, the princess. Have you forgotten how smart and talented she is in handling matters of state?"

The prince poured another cup of wine and drank slowly this time, seeming to realize that his position shook.

"If your father conquers the magical realm, who is going to be his heir? It is you. Do you now know why the Lady Erwina is determined to let her daughter learn matters of state?"

He dropped the wine and patted the prince's shoulders.

"Your father, the king asked me to advice you. This is my advice, prove to him you are fit to be the next king. Take up your responsibilities and stop throwing your life away. Isn't this reason enough to know your father has big plans for you?"

"I guess so".

"Guess so? Crown Prince Owen, you should be leading soldiers to capture the hybrid, do something, be there by his side. Prove that you are worthy. This is your chance, do not waste it" he yelled at the prince.

The Prince looked sober enough now.

"My apologies your highness. I spoke out of turn. I won't speak of this again. Now if you would excuse me, I have to return the girl."

He bowed his head and walked out of the room without sparing the prince a second glance.

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