
Chapter 24 new students

"Hello class today we welcome two new students one is here the other is running a bit late anyway come here," Lara said the door opens widely everyone wanted to peak at the new student but only half the class could see him as he was short the new student then stopped walking and looked at the class everyone knew instantly what was the shy type "Hi... everyone my name is Abel cole im 7 year old.... I got in this school... because I'm smart.... I hope I can become friends with all of you," Abel said.

everyone but the kehans booed one of the werewolves got up and threw something at Abel "no way I'm is ever Becoming friends with a human eater," Clouse said a kehan stood up a bit angrily Abel is a bit confused "you stupid werewolf.... Abel never mind them I would become friends with you," Toby said Abel was confused he felt like he wanted to clear a few things and he wanted to he looked down "I'm not going to be lying I'm not full kehan I'm only half and my mother..... raised me only as the human part my dad.... left before I could get the chance to meet him," Abel said.

Alex smiled and secretly gave Abel a thumbs up Toby was confused he's never heard of something like this he instantly became angry "you fucking half breed freak you should just die," Toby said Abel stepped back and started to tear up Alex immediately got up from is chair and walked down the hall of desks where all the students were he found himself in front of Abel he knelt down and patted Abel on the head Abel immediately stopped crying "don't cry not everyone will understand your backstory let me tell you something that I hope will make you feel a bit better you are the bravest person I've ever known not even Jon if he was like you could say all that in front of a class," Alex said.

Abel smiled as Alex stood up for him the confused Toby got even more confused and mad "w-why are comforting that halfbreed your a full breed you should be mad at the halfbreed," Toby said Alex stood up he slammed his foot on the wood tiles producing a loud noise everyone shook in fear "shut up! Now I'am more angry at my parents then at a halfbreed which I got into this school by my company! So if anyone gots a problem you can talk with me and I'll make sure me and the principle will be having a nice chat about you being held back, kicked out, or moved into another class! Because trust me I'am not mad at him I'am in a second going to throw something out the window!" Alex said.

everyone sat down there were only 3 people who weren't effected the alpha male, alpha female, and the current chief the schools kehan's Elliot actually enjoyed what he saw Elliot stood up "I'am so glad you told us how you feel and look a friend of Alex's is a friend of mine and like you said if anyone has a problem you speak with him or me," Elliot said both Alex and Abel nodded gesturing thank you they both walk back to Alex and Jon's seat Abel sits next to Alex on his right side while Jon sits next to Alex on his left side Abel and Alex looked at the door immediately when they heard the door knock the teacher looked through the doors window and gestures come in she was still a bit scared at what happened she didn't speak Abel shook in fear to see who it was "hello everyone I'm Cain Cole I'm a half breed kehan," Cain said.

Alex saw Abel was shaking so he tapped him Abel immediately shook and looked at Alex "are you ok why are you shaking so much," Alex said Abel was starting to shake even more "th-that's my brother Cain," Abel said.

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