
Sewage Tussle

"What the hell was that?" Ben asks as they stumble around, trying to keep balance.

"An earthquake?" Leon asks. The shaking starts to get more violent as something large starts to approach.

"This isn't an earthquake," Ada replies as she points towards some bars. On the other side of the bars, in another tunnel that goes left and right, a massive creature crawls past. A large, glowing, yellow eye stars forward, luckily not seeing them. It looks to be a massive alligator, but it's body is covered in a dense coat of trash and sewage, giving it a very ghastly appearance. As it walks past their tunnel, the ground continues to shake, each step making a loud boom that echoes throughout the whole place. Some loose pebbles and dirt fall down onto them, getting into their hair and bouncing off onto the ground.

Once the creature finally passes and gets far enough away, the shaking stops and they can finally regain their footing.

"How the hell do they sell something like that?!" Leon exclaims.

"Shush!" Ben quickly hushes, "We don't need that thing coming back for us," He harshly whispers.

"Umbrella doesn't sell those," Ada responds quietly as she brushes the dust off herself, "They sell the, viruses, that can make those. Now come on, we need to get through that tunnel before it comes back,"

"What?" Ben asks, completely baffled, "You can't be serious? You want to go, into, the tunnel that thing is in?"

"It's the only way," Ada says as she heads for a nearby door, "But, you can stay here if you'd like,"

Leon glances at a terrified Ben before he shrugs and follows Ada to the door.

"What the fuck did I get myself into?" Ben mutters to himself before he hurries to the door as they walk through, "H-Hey, wait!" They enter a small maintenance room, several pipes taking up most of the wall space. Another door to their right leads into the tunnel the alligator's in. They can see it's tail in the distance, the footsteps still a bit audible as it continues to crawl away. A few meters in the direction the alligator is going, are some steps leading to another door, this one made out of a much more heavy looking metal. As they start walking towards it, the alligator stops moving, letting out a loud hiss.

They all freeze in place until the alligator starts moving again, luckily not towards them. Heading through the door, they find themselves walking down a concrete corridor leading to a grated walkway in a much taller tunnel. Several meters below them, a river of sewage and trash flows to the left. The walkways are supported by mere pipes hanging from the ceiling. The path goes into the middle of the tunnel before turning right, going in the direction of the tunnel.

There's another tremor.

"Are you, positive, this is the only way?" Ben asks, "There has to be another way,"

"Sorry, but this is it," Ada replies. Walking several meters in a straight line, the path comes to an end, then a few feet of nothing before a wall that goes halfway down the tunnel's height.

"Hope you girls don't mind getting your shoes wet," Ada states as she leans over the edge, looking down at the water. Ben leans over the side railing into the watery depths as it swallows all light that tries to penetrate it's shield of trash.

"Guess, I'll go first," Leon states as he walks up to the edge. He sits, hanging his legs off the edge before he pushes himself off, falling into the murky depths. As he lands, his legs bend and he leans forward, part of his face dipping into the water. He quickly stands up, wiping off any algae that got on his mouth and chin.

"Disgusting!" He exclaims as he spits, trying to get the taste of death out of his mouth. He turns around and looks up at the others and goes to say something, but there's a very loud splash off in the distance. Leon freezes for a second, before he slowly turns around, looking down a dark tunnel devoid of light. Heavy splashes start approaching from the darkness.

"Leon, Leon, run dude!" Ben shouts as Leon starts to slowly back away, "Get the hell out of there!"

In the distance, two glowing eyes appear in the tunnel. Leon turns around and starts running, the water's weight and trash unable to slow him down. The distant splashes get much faster, approaching very quick, and within seconds, they see the alligator stampeding several feet underneath them after Leon. Once it passes them Ada kneels down at the walkway's end.

"You can't really-"

"Shut up and jump," Ada interrupts Ben before she pushes herself off and goes into the water.

"Son of a bitch, son of a bitch, son of a, fuck!" He mutters to himself as he walks over to the edge. He kneels down, then jumps off the edge down into the water.

Meanwhile, Leon continues to charge through the sea of trash as the alligator. He looks behind himself to see the gater slowly catching up to him. It suddenly opens up its massive jaws, showing its ginormous teeth, and starts to charge at him. Leon runs to the right side of the tunnel and sees its jaws appear on his left, snapping shut just mere inches from him. He gains some distance as the gater regains its bearings, but then it charges at him again, going more to the right. He runs to the left, luckily a bit more space between him and its jaws as they snap shut again, some sewage water splashing onto the side of his face.

He quickly wipes it off as he continues to run. The alligator slows for a second, but then starts charging again, this time down the center. Leon runs to the left again, but as the alligator's jaws near, he suddenly falls down. Landing on a large slope, Leon falls into a large square pool of sewage. There's a loud metal bang as Leon turns around, seeing the gater's jaws are clamped around a large metal pipe as it tries to rip it apart. It has a fire warning on it. Leon brings up his gun and shoots the canister, but it just makes a small hole in it.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" He exclaims as he backs away. The gater finally breaks the pipe, Leon diving to the side as it comes crashing down into the pool. He gasps for fresh air as his head comes back out to the surface, however he barely has time to react as the gater turns towards him, large metal spikes on the pipe's edge moving toward him.

Ada and Ben reach the end of the path just before the slope, seeing Leon ducking under a massive broken pipe in the gater's mouth.

"What do we do?" Ben asks, Ada, "What do we do?!"

"Give me a second to think!" She replies. She looks around, seeing a nearby walkway. It goes along the wall. At the end there's a ladder that can be lowered into the pool below. Ben looks around in all the trash, hoping to find something. He finds a knife and a grenade. Ben glances down at Leon as he struggles to fight the thing, his bullets having no effect on it. Its skin is too thick. The pipe in its mouth is keeping its mouth open. As Ada hurries over to the walkway, Ben grabs the grenade.

"Leon, catch!" He shouts as he chucks it. It lands nearby, floating up to the top near Leon. As Leon grabs it, Ben grabs the knife and jumps onto the slope, going down into the pool with Leon and the gater. The gater and Leon are on the other side, leaving the thing's back turn to him. As the gater turns to face Leon, its tail starts swinging toward Ben. Ben brings up the knife, swinging it towards the tail as it comes at him. With a hefty thud, the tail rams into him. Ben digs the knife into the tail as he grabs onto the tail with his other hand. The gater stops turning and starts to flail, trying to get him off.

"Throw the grenade in its mouth!" Ben yells as he struggles to stay on, some blood shooting out onto him from the stab wound. Leon pulls the pin on the grenade and hurls it. The grenade flies past the pipe, and into its mouth.

"Get off it!" Leon exclaims before he dives away from it into the water. Ben lets go of the tail, being thrown into the water. As the gater starts to resume its search for food, the grenade explodes inside its neck, ripping its head apart from its body. Leon and Ben regain their footing, standing back up out of the water to find the gater dead. They both let out a sigh of relief, before they proceed to start wiping sewage of their mouths and trying to spit any that got into their mouths.

"I didn't know you could be such a badass Ben," Ada comments as she lowers the ladder, "Guess you're useful after all,"

"Thanks, I guess," Ben replies as him and Leon walk over to the ladder.

"You did pretty good too," Ada tells Leon as he reaches the top of the ladder, "You certainly don't seem like a rookie,"

"Thanks," Leon replies with a tired smile. His and Ben's faces are both covered with smear marks of who knows what. They walk through a nearby door, entering concrete hallway. It goes a few feet straight, then turns right. Lots of tools and trash are littered about. Turning the corner, the corridor spans several meters in length before coming to an elevator, its light greeting them. They head to the elevator, pressing the down button and descending further down below.

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