
Dark Mysteries

Claire heads down some steps to the door the man had come from, turning left into it and into a small hall. The walls are all concrete, with some lights overhead lighting up the whole place. At the other end of the hall, there's a small wooden table with an open book on it. She goes down to the end, the path continuing off to the left and spots a map of the parking garage on the wall. At the actual end of the hall, is an elevator, to the left is a door with a magenta diamond symbol on it.

She stops when she sees a picture of the man from before on a page in the open book on the table. She stops and picks it up, taking a closer look. He's in a police uniform and talking behind a podium. Underneath the picture are a bunch of sentences talking about some random crap that has to do with the RPD Station. Some words catch her eyes, "police chief Brian Irons".

"That bastard's the police chief?!" Claire mutters to herself before putting dropping the book back down onto the table, "This must be how he got here," She states as she walks up to the elevator, a note is taped to the elevator saying, "Express elevator to Chief's Office. Not for general use,"

"He must have used this to get-" She's interrupted by sudden dog bark and someone shouting.

"Get off me!" She hears Leon shout. Claire runs back down the hall, but before she can reach the door, there's a gunshot, and a yelp.

"Hey," A woman's voice states. Claire opens up the door slightly, looking out into the garage and seeing a woman in heels and a large coat walking towards Leon whose on the ground, "Stay sharp," A doberman laying behind Leon with a bloody face and hole in its neck starts to get up. Leon quickly grabs his gun and shoots it in the head.

The woman walks up to Leon, gun pointed at him. He draws his gun. Claire is about to step out, but the woman speaks again.

"Lower it," The woman reaches into her coat and pulls out a small wallet, "FBI,"

"FBI, what the hell are they doing here?" Claire asks herself quietly. She glances over at Leon, recalling how Sherry was scared of him.

Please don't tell me he tried to help that, fat fuck, get Sherry…

"Sorry..." Leon replies, lowering his gun, "Thank you for-" Ada shoots the dog a third time as it tries to get up again, "For, your help,"

"Surprised you made it this far," The woman states before she turns around and starts walking away.

"Hey, wait," Leon says as he gets up, "What's going on here, why were you sent here?"

"Sorry. That information's classified," She states as she continues walking away.

"Where are you going?" The woman stops in her tracks and turns around, Claire quickly backs away from the door before she can see her.

"Do yourself a favor. Stop asking questions, and get the hell out of here," She turns back around and walks off, heading to a door in the back of the parking garage. She heads through, disappearing out of sight. Leon looks at the gate blocking the way out.

"Sure, I'll just, lift this gate up with my bare hands," He says to himself sarcastically. Claire opens the door up a bit, peeking through to make sure the woman is gone before stepping out.

"Leon?" She asks as she steps into the garage and up the steps.

"Claire? Oh thank goodness, I tried to call you on the radio," He says as he meets her halfway.

"Really? Guess that secret area place was jamming the radio, good thing I left that note,"

"Yeah. How are your legs? Mine are still a bit sore from that jump down,"

"Jump down?"

"Yeah, in that room with all the machinery, the walkway was busted, so I jumped down into this lower area and just climbed up a ladder,"

"Oh, that. Yeah, I just, kinda fell onto my back, after a monster man ripped the floor out from under me,"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, but don't worry about it," She waves a hand through the air, "I took care of the creep and he's gone, along with, most of my ammo,"

"That's a relief to hear,"

"Hey uh, you wouldn't happen to have met the police chief back at the station, have you?"

"Chief Irons?"

"Yeah, the big fat guy, with the mustache," She pretends to outline a mustache on her face.

"No. Why? What happened? Wait," He leans over, looking past Claire, "Where's the little girl, SHerry?"

"That fucker took her,"

"What?! Chief Irons wouldn't-"

"Have you met him before?"

"No, but-"

"Well I have, and he put a gun to my head and threatened to kill me if Sherry didn't go with him. The bastard used a key card to open the gate long enough for them to get through,"

"I'm sure it was a misunderstanding of some kind,"

"Misunderstanding? How on earth could it have been a misunderstanding?"

"I mean, I just met someone from the FBI, and they pointed a gun at me too,"

"I saw. I watched the whole thing through the doorway," Claire admits.

"What, why didn't you come do or say anything?"

"I think it's best if she doesn't know about me, or Sherry. Doesn't it seem a bit odd? Why would she point a gun at you? You weren't doing anything,"

"I'm sure if I asked her she'd say it's classified information,"

"Classified my ass. There's something more going on here, besides zombies. I mean, Sherry told me her mother took her through the orphanage to her work. Not to, the orphanage, through, the orphanage,"

"...Something does feel, odd about it. So, what do we do?"

"I'm gonna try and find a keycard to this place then figure out where Irons went with Sherry...Why don't you go after that woman? Maybe she has one, and if she doesn't maybe she knows where one could be,"

"Alright, sounds like a plan. Wait, why don't we make sure our radio's work again first?"

"Alright," Claire grabs her radio and talks into it, "Testing, one two-"

"Testing, one two…" Her voice emanates from Leon's radio.

"Okay, good, I'll be sure to let you know if get anything,"

"Thanks Leon. Stay safe, alright? We both already got guns pointed at us once," She jokes.

"Yeah," He chuckles, "You too," And with that they go their separate ways, Leon going through the back door the FBI agent had gone through, and Claire going through a door up and to the left of the door she had come from.

Seems Claire and Leon have reunited once more, and their journey to uncover the truth has only just begun.

Also, one little thing I need to mention. Starting from this point forward, now that Claire and Leon are going to be experiencing two completely different things that intertwine a lot, I am going to be breaking the story into "sections" where I start with Claire's side of the story, and then go back and go through the event from Leon's side of the story, that way there aren't a bunch of missing parts. I didn't do that for the RPD Station because there wasn't really much difference between what happens, Leon was just doing the same thing as he while in different parts and there wasn't really anything unique to his side, but if you guys really want me to I can go back and write that, but that will jumpble up the chapter numbers since I would have to put it after they enter the secret room before the Claire fights William.

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