7:56pm- Raccoon City
The city is filled with nothing but buildings filled with darkness, streetlamps lighting empty sidewalks, and traffic lights guiding non-existent traffic. Trash litters the ground and several parked cars, some parked neatly, and others half-hazerdly are scattered about the sides of the roads. Leon and Claire look for any sign of life, but there is none.
"Attention all citizens," The recorded voice of a man plays throughout the city, "Due to the city wide outbreak, you are advised to take shelter at the Raccoon City police station," As they continue driving down the road, soon both sides of the road are completely filled with the empty carcases of cars, "Free food and medical supplies will be provided to everyone in need," The voice is just loud enough to be heard inside their car where it's partly muffled, adding to the unnerving ness of it.
"Oh my god, this is so unreal…" Claire mutters as she looks out the window, nothing but the darkness in the other cars staring back.
"The police station's not much farther," Leon reassures her, "They'll know something,"
"Are you sure? I mean, look around," She gestures towards all the cars, "What if we're the only ones? What if there aren't any survivors-"
"No. There's survivors," Leon interrupts, "It's a big city," He glances at all the empty windows looking down at them, "There, has to be…"
A barricade of dividers and cars blocks the road ahead of them, preventing them from going any further in that direction. Leon puts the car in park.
"Looks like we're walking from here," He states as he grabs the door handle.
"Wait," Claire states as she sees something outside the side window. A flickering light above occasionally illuminates the figures and she can make out two people on the ground on the sidewalk under a streetlight. They're hunched over on all fours, like dogs, eating something. The sound of something cracking can be heard over the rain hitting the window. The two figures, as if sensing her gazing eyes, turn to them, showing their rotten faces.
"Do you know another way around?" Claire asks. Leon leans forward and looks over at the zombies as they start to get up.
"There's only two," He replies as he grabs his gun, "Nothing I can't-"
He's interrupted by a zombie that slams its face into his window.
"Jesus christ!" Leon exclaims as he leans back from the window. The zombies from under the streetlight are now at the car, banging their fists against Claire's window. Within seconds more zombies seem to appear from nowhere, surrounding the car and shaking it.
"We gotta get outta here!" Claire states as she looks around, a bright light behind them catches her attention. It's heading towards them. As Leon throws the car into reverse and looks over the side of his seat, he sees the light too. A truck horn goes off as the their eyes adjust enough to see a massive tanker truck barreling towards them.
"We need to go, now!" Claire shouts.
"We can't!" Leon replies, "Just get out of the car!"
They both start pushing against their doors, trying to push off the zombies on the other side.
"Fucking, come on!" Claire shouts as she shoves her shoulder against the door. The truck is going to reach them in seconds.
"Hold on!" Leon states as he grabs onto the wheel as firmly as possible, Claire placing her hands on the dashboard in front of her. The truck driver passes out from blood loss, causing the truck to start turning and ram into some of the cars on the side of the road. The side of te cab rams into the back of the cop car, shoving them forward and through the barricade. The force propels them forward into a crashed car as the truck turns sideways and falls onto its side. Gas starts leaking from the car as Leon gets out. His body weak from the sudden impact, he falls down onto the wet pavement, having to push himself back up onto his feet.
As he stumbles away from the car it abruptly explodes. He shields his face from the heat and burning pieces of metal that go flying before putting it down and looking at the burning remains of the car. He looks at the car then sees the gas pouring out from the tanker.
"Oh shit," He mutters to himself as he turns and runs, ducking behind a car just before it explodes into a ball of flame. He gets up, looking at the spreading flames, Claire nowhere in sight.
"Claire? Claire!?" Leon calls out.
"Leon?! Oh thank god you're alive!" She replies with relief. Their brief moment of relief is cut short when nearby zombies start stumbling through the flames towards Claire.
"Hey, um, it's not safe here," She shouts, "Any idea where the station is?!"
"Um..." He quickly looks around, seeing the top of the station far off in the distance past the trucker, "Yeah, it's not too far from here!
"What does it look like?!"
"It's the one with the clock tower on top, its lights are on!"
"I see it! I-I'll meet you there,"
"Alright, stay safe!" He sees several zombies around him getting up, he draws his gun.
"You too!"
Claire pulls out her gun, only one bullet left in it with five more in her belt bag. The station is almost a straight shot from where she's at thanks to the truck breaking the barricade. However, several zombies and crashed cars lie in front of her.
"You can do this Claire," She tells herself as the zombies are all slowly making their way to her. She takes a deep breath and steels herself before she makes a run for it. As she runs by the first zombie it lunges at her with a sudden burst of speed. She jumps to the side, just barely avoiding getting grabbed and keeps running. A zombie makes its way in front of her and she shoots them in the head, making them flinch just long enough to run past. A large bus that's also on fire blocks her path to the front entrance so she runs to the left where a gate leading to the front courtyard is.
Claire runs for it, feeling a zombie's hand brush against her arm as she swings open the gate. She slams it shut behind her, locking it before stepping away as zombies crowd around it, reaching their hands through the bars to try and grab her. She turns away from the gate to find herself in a little makeshift cemetery, a couple rows of piles of freshly shoveled dirt sitting with large sticks to act as tombstones.
"That's a promising sign," Claire mutters as she catches her breath. Cautiously, she walks through it, half expecting something to come jumping out of one of the dirt mounds. As she walks towards some stairs leading down into a small well-lit tunnel, she hears a large gate slamming shut. She runs over to a boarded up doorway to see Leon.
"Hey, Leon!" She shouts.
"Claire!" Leon runs up to the doorway, "See, what'd I tell you? There has to be survivors," He gestures to the station as it shines like a lighthouse over a dark ocean.
"Maybe…" She replies, glancing back at the cemetery, then looks around for some way to get over to the other side, "Hey, um, you wouldn't happen to have a hammer or something would you?"
"Um," He looks at the planks of wood, placing his hands on them and giving a hard tug, but they don't budge even slightly, "Damn, these things are nailed on tight,"
"Hmm…" Claire states, "Uh," She looks around, seeing no other path but the stairs, "There isn't another door or anything leading here?" She asks. Leon looks at the other end of the wall.
"Not that I can see, sorry,"
"There's some stairs leading underneath the entrance," Claire states, "I think they go to the other side,"
"Well, maybe there's one over there, hold on," He hurries over to the other side than comes back, "There's another barricaded doorway, and that one still has a door too, but, there's a path that looks like it goes to the side of the station. I'll see if I can't find a way there through the station,"
With that Leon heads off into the police station as Claire makes her way to the stairs. As she reaches the bottom, the entrance to the station goes over her head, sheltering her from the onslaught of rain. As the rain's pounding becoming much quieter, the buzzing of the tunnel lights greets her upon reaching the bottom of the stairs. A door halfway down the tunnel sits in wait. Her footsteps seem unnaturally loud as their echos bounce around. She doesn't get more than a few steps past the door when she hears it start to open.
With that, Claire and Leon find themselves in a living hell, but things are only going to get worse from here. What awaits them inside the station, the living, or the dead? What's shaking the door? A sudden breeze, maybe a rat? We'll have to wait and see.