
Promise me

The next day, I woke up happily. I didn't know why. There was a smile on my face. I looked at the gifts they gave me. I smiled and went to the washroom.

I took a shower and left to the dorm.

*at the dorm

I came to the dorm within 25 mins, as there was less traffic.

I also got them coffee.

I rang the bell.

*ding dong

No one answered. They might be sleeping. So I had an extra key. I opened and went in.

The dorm looked clumsy. I kept my bag and the coffee on the table.

I tied my hair up, and started cleaning.

*after sometime

No one was awake yet. So I decided to cook for them, as I've finished cleaning. And it would be like a thank you gift to them.

I started preparing pancakes, bulgogi and omelette.

*after 30 mins

I finished doing the pancakes and bulgogi. I had to do the omelette.

I had beaten the eggs. Now, I had to put it in the pan.

Finally, finished making omelettes.

I washed the dishes.

While washing, I heard some footsteps.

He came down.

He approached towards me. Suddenly, I felt his hands wrapped around me. He said,"Hyung, what are you doing, this early?"

His voice. He was half asleep. I got shocked. My heart was beating fast.

I removed his hands and said,"Jimin. It's me!"

His eyes widened and he looked shocked.

"Y-y-y/n! W-w-what are y-y-you doing here?" He asked, stammering.

"N-nothing." I said.

"Okay. Wait!" He paused for a moment and said,"how did you come in?"

"I-I-I had an e-extra key." I said looking away.

"Okay. Can you wake up the others?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure." He said and left.

I placed all the food in the table and set everything.

I sat down and thought about the incident before.

'Why did my heart beat fast? What do I feel towards him? Is this..... No!'

I said to myself.

"Ahhh. The smell.....it's so amazing." I heard Jin oppa coming down.

"Ah. Y/n. What a surprise!" He said.

"Good morning." I said. And one by one everyone came down.

They all settled down. "Did you do this?" Jin asked.

"Yeah. I wanted to thank you guys for yesterday and those wonderful gifts you guys gave me. So this breakfast is specially for you guys, from me." I said.

"Thanks a lot y/n. I was thinking what to do for breakfast today." Jin said.

They started eating. I too did.

By looking at their reaction, I could say they probably liked it.

"Ahhh. It's so tasty." Yoongi said.

I was really happy, hearing it from oppa first.

"Yoongi, you've never said things like this, when I cook for you." Jin said.

"I got bored by eating the same. This tasted different from yours." Yoongi said and continued eating.

I was shocked. I mean, seriously. He talked nice to me but to the others he's really different.

I kept staring at him, until he saw me staring at him.

"Oppa. Is everything fine with you?" I asked, confused.

"Y/n. Hyung is like this every time. You don't need to worry about it." Taehyung said.

I shrugged my shoulders and started eating.

*after breakfast

"What do we do today?" Hoseok asked.

"If Mia was here, she would have planned something. But she has some work, so she couldn't come." I said, a bit sad.

"We have few forms to fill out. First, we'll fill it out and then think of where to go while doing it." Jin suggested.

We nodded in agreement.

"Hyung, me, Taehyung hyung and Jimin hyung finished filling them yesterday." Jungkook said.

"That's why you were inside for a long time?" Hoseok asked.

They nodded.

"If you want any help, please do call us." I said.

They left and we sat in the couch.

"So, what do we do now?" Taehyung asked pouting.

"First, why not keep 'The cutest one' competition? Each of you will show your aegyo moments and I'll say whose the cutie." I said.

They were really excited.

"Okay, I'll start." Jungkook said.

His smile showed his bunny teeth. He looked cute and funny.

"Next" I said.

"I'll do." Jimin said.

He puffed his cheeks and poked it with his finger. It was so cute.


It was none other than Taehyung.

He showed a smile. And cupped his face. It was damn cute.

"Okay!" I said and looked at them.

"So, who is the winner?" They asked, eagerly.

"The winner. All of you showed the cutest side of you, but if I had to choose one, I'll have to choose....." I paused, and looked at their reaction.

Their eyes looked widened and sitting at the edge of the seat like in a theatre.

"The winner is, Taehyung!!!" I said.

"Jinjja?" Jungkook and Jimin asked.

"It's not that you guys are bad. You all were cute, but he was cuter.... do you understand?" I asked doubtedly.

They nodded their head and said,"no".

"Ok, fine. Leave it. You got to know the winner. That's all. And no more talking or fighting over this." I said.

"I promise, we won't. And thanks for choosing me." Taehyung said and left to his room.

I looked at walk, confused. "Okay. Why not help the others?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." They said and we three went into each room.

I went to a room and saw Hoseok and Yoongi filling their forms. Taehyung was helping Hoseok oppa. So I went to offer help to yoongi oppa.

"Hi" I said.

"Oh, hi y/n. I didn't see you coming." He said and smiled.

"So deep into form filling?? Huh?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Aniyo!" He said and laughed. I also laughed.

"Okay. I came to help you. If there's anything you can ask me." I said and went towards the window.

I opened it and took a deep breath in. Yoongi was so concentrated on the form, so I thought to just look at the view.

Suddenly, someone put their hand on my shoulder. I got shocked and jerked off and hit that person. I didn't know who it was.

I turned and saw it was Taehyung.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Ahhh. Y/n. What is wrong with you?" He asked, rubbing his arm.

"You scared the heck out of me." I said.

"You are really strong enough. God!" He said, sarcastically.

"Hey, stop!" I said and he laughed while I looked grumpy.

"You look cute." He whispered.

"What?" I asked, even though I knew what he said.

"N-n-nothing." He said stammering.

"It doesn't matter. Cause whatever you said, I heard it." I said Anand smiled at him and turned to the window and looked out.

I took a glance at the room and saw Hoseok oppa and yoongi oppa were not there.

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"They went long back. You were interested in seeing the view, they didn't wanna disturb your freedom, so they left." He said.

"And where were you?" I asked.

"Here only." He replied coolly.

I gave him a stare he laughed at it.

"So, why did you think that I looked cute? Is it because you think I'm cute or you like Jimin hyung and didn't wanna...." before he finished I cut his sentence and said,"no! I really thought you were cute. And if you don't like that title to be yours, tell me, I'll give it to someone else." I said, a bit angry.

"I'm sorry. I was just making some fun." He said, feeling sad.

"It's ok. I want you to promise me a thing." I said.

"What is it?" He asked curiously.

"Ok. I've heard that you are a good secret keeper and a great adviser."

"Yeah, kinda, I guess. So?" He asked.

"So...I thought that it would be the best for me to tell you if I had any issues in my personal life or something like that." I said.

He looked a bit surprised and asked,"but why did you choose me? Cause I'm good at keeping secrets?"

"Aniyo! It's because I trust you. I really want to open about my past and talk to someone and not only my past, even my future. I thought you would be a great companion and more over a great friend to me. I do trust the others, but not as much as I trust you." I said, looking at him.

"Okay. I'm ready to help." My face grew happier when he said that.

"But..." he paused.

"But, why don't you tell Jimin hyung. I mean, he's your childhood friend. And you've known each other for a long time." He asked.

"Yeah. I too wanted to. But he already feels guilty for leaving me, while in busan. And I don't want him to stress himself due to me. And I wanted to talk to you about this cause, I personally think you can take me in the right track, in my decisions." I said and a tear flowed.

"Hey. It's ok. I'll help you." He said and wiped my tear.

"Thanks a lot,Tae. I will never forget your help." I said and hugged him.

He patted my shoulder, comforting me.

"Promise me, you'll never tell anyone about it. Not even the members, until the right time comes." I said, putting my pinky finger out.

He held my out his pinky and locked with mine and said,"I promise. And I'll help you to tell it to the others."

"Shall we head down?" He asked.

"Sure!" I said wiping my tears and smiling.

We both walked down and saw the boys, seated in the couch, wearing shorts, except Jimin.

"Here they are!" Hoseok said.

"Ahh. Where have you guys been?" He asked.

"We were upstairs." Taehyung said.

"Ok. Tae, y/n, we're going to swim. Do you guys wanna join?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah. I'll join." Taehyung said.

They looked at me, for an answer.

"No, I'm good. You guys can carry on." I said.

"Ok. Then you and Jimin can sit outside." Namjoon said and they left.

We both walked towards a swing, in the open area, near the pool.

"Why'd you not join them?" I asked.

"I didn't have mood to swim." He said.

"What mood do you need to swim?" I asked him, looking confused.

"Why you didn't wanna go?" He asked.

"I didn't want to. And I don't swim in pools. I like to swim in beaches and oceans." I said.

"I didn't want to now." He said, coolly.

"Okay. So, how'd you meet them?" I asked.

"When I got transferred here, a guy handed me a visiting card, while I was watching a dance show at the street. And we were trainees for a year. In that one year, we got to know each other. And that's how we met." He said.

"So, you guys didn't know each other before?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah." He said.

I was shocked, but I really didn't show it.

"Thank you, for the gift. It was really touching. See I wore it too." I said showing it.

"Yours was way better than mine. And I too wore it." He said showing his hand and the bracelet I had given.

"It looks good on you. It looked dumb when I bought it first. But, it actually looks good, when you wear it." I said and laughed.

"Yah. Stop it y/n." He said, pouting.

I pinched his cheeks.

Why did I even do that? I didn't know why. I wanted him close to me. I feel myself around him. What is this feeling I have only when I'm around him? I still can't understand.

Namjoon oppa approached us and said,"guys we're done. Wanna go somewhere?"

"Yeah. Coffee?" I asked.

"Sure. We'll change and come." He said and left.

We both got up and went to the living room. We waited for the rest to come.

*after sometime

They came down and we left.

We went to a coffee shop near the dorm. We walked and went, as it took at least 25 mins.

We entered the cafe and I said I'll bring their orders.

I went to the counter and asked them for 4 vanilla latte, 2 caramel frappuccino, and 2 white chocolate mocha.

I took them and handed their drinks.

"Shall we leave?" Yoongi asked.

"Sure." Jin said.

We left and went to walk in a park nearby.

*after walking for sometime

"Yah. I'm really tired. Can we please go home?" Jin asked.

"Sit for sometime. And then we can go." I said and looked around.

They all sat down.

After few minutes, Hoseok stood up and asked,"can we leave now?"

"Yes" Taehyung said.

But suddenly, something caught my eye.

"You guys, head home. I have some important work to do." I said and left.

"Ok bye!" They shouted and left.

To be continued......

To be continued......

Next chapter