

Yue was very happy for her Grandma Jane, she has now found new work and she is very pleased now nice and helpful Grandma Leila is. She is also Lei's grandma that is her friend. She realizes just how lucky she is to meet Lei.

In her past life, after the library closed, her Mama would stay in the house and help Baba time to time but Yue knows that she is not content with that. A lot of things already changed but in a good way.

Yue is smiling brightly and she felt Lei's warm hand on hers. She looked at him and he asked 'what are you thinking about that makes you smile like that.'

'I'm just happy that I met you.' Yue said honestly but unknown to her, what she had said is very damaging into a young boy's heart. Lei's ear suddenly became red and his heart is thumping so fast that it made him think if he has to see a doctor.

Mama and Leila looked at the children and they are smiling brightly. What an adorable pair they would make. Leila giggled thinking her grandson acting like this. The grandson who is void of emotion before is looking like a very normal child now.

'Grandma, you called?' A very low, soft but cold voice sounded from behind Yue. Yue saw that Mama and Grandma Leila who is in front of her are looking towards her back so Yue shifted her body and look who was it.

She saw a very tiny girl with long black hair up to her waist. If normal people have this kind of lengthy hair, it would look terrible but it very much suits her. Her skin is so white as milk but she looked sickly and pale. Yue saw a pale beauty in front of her that just makes a person want to protect her.

'I'm glad you're here, dear I want you to meet Yue and Mary, they'll be part of our family from now on.' Then she looked at Yue and Mary 'This is Lei's twin sister Lai.'

Yue is very surprised, Lei didn't tell her about a twin. looking at Lai, she and Lei are very beautiful and they have similar rare bright blue eyes.

Yue smiles at Lai but she just looked at her and ignore her. Yue's smile faded and Lai looked at her grandmother with a cold expression.

'Grandma, don't tell me you called me just for this?' Lai asked.

'I didn't teach you to be an ill-mannered child. go back to your room.' Leila's expression changed into a serious and intimidating one. She looked very scary. Lai clutched tightly on her stuff toy.

Lai looked at her grandmother like she was wronged and with hatred in her eyes, she turned her back and left, stomping her feet.

Yue can see her beautiful long black hair swaying as she walks.

'Please forgive her rudeness, I'll make sure to it she will behave herself.' Grandma Leila said and she has now the smile on her face just like earlier, liked nothing happened. Mary felt a little uncomfortable by the thought of someone not liking her and Yue but she just kept in mind that she will earn. there are lots of time to get to know each other.

They chatted a bit more and Leila told their driver to take them home instead of taking public transport. Once home, Yue talked to her Baba about all that has happened, what fun they had, and how kind is Grandma Leila is. After that, they all prepared and went back to bed.

Yue is staring at the ceiling, her birthday is getting near and their arrival is getting near at the same time. She wonders how will she deal with it. thinking about it for a few hours made her sleepy and went on the dreamland.

Time flies very fast and it's been a week since Mary started working at Lei's house. Yue can see her Mama is happy with her work and it seems like Grandma Leila liked her food.

While working, Mary was surprised by the rare and expensive ingredients and how modern the kitchen is. She was very content with her new work but the thing is that the employer is very generous. They paid mary 3 months advance! She was very unwilling to accept it but Leila insists that even she cannot reject it.

Every other day she went with her Mama and she can play with Lei but for an unknown reason, his sister doesn't like her very much. Yue would ask Lei but he just shrugged his shoulder and would not pay mind into it at all.

Today, Yue will come again with her Mama. 'Yue, we're going!' Mary said to her and she replied 'Wait! I'll just get my bag' she said and hurriedly went upstairs to get her backpack. When she got it, she went out together with her Mama and head to Lei's house.

They arrived early in the morning and Mary went straight away to the kitchen while Yue went to the garden and there, she would wait for Lei to finish his studies. He and his twin have private tutors and homeschooled. Yue thinks it's the way rich do things, for their social life, they would take their children to parties and events. It is rare to find a true friend when you're rich, Yue's glad that he met Lei and she can guide and watch over the adorable child. She will make sure he will grow up well. By the way, she wonders just how rich Lei's family is?

While waiting, she opened a thick book that she is reading. It was a sunny day but it is cool under the trees. Yue felt the cold breeze past her cheeks, little rays of sunlight passing through the leaves. She was enjoying the peaceful silence while reading when she heard footsteps and a pair of feet stopped in front of her. She lifted her small head and looked at the person and surprised to see a little girl.

'You! Stay away from my brother' She said while her pretty face is frowning. Yue looked at Lai with blinking eyes. Looking at her makes her think about a little kitten in a small box that's looking for an owner, All alone, and Lonely and Lai looked just like that.

'Why?' Yue asked a question and that made Lai angry.

'Ju - - Just Stay away from him!' Lai shouted looking very upset, She looks like she is hurt about something.

'And why would she do that? Little sister's cold and arrogant voice sounded from behind. Lai flinched, looking very scared and like a mouse caught in a trap. Yue peeked to see the person but she knows who it is just by the sound of the voice.

'Bro- - brother.' Lai called. Yue saw Lei looking very serious. He walked past Lai and went to Yue's side and he looked down at Lai with coldness in his eyes.

'Why are you here?' Lai asked with furrowed eyes. Instead of answering Lai's question, he said to her 'You are spouting nonsense.' hearing the harsh words of her brother made Lai teary-eyed and ran away.

Yue tugged Lei's shirt that's white as snow and he looked down at her and smile, a hundred eighty degrees changed from earlier. These past few days, Yue is getting to know Lei more and got to use his attitude. Like for example, he's a prodigy, he can understand the most complex topic she would talk about and sometimes would give opinions that most children cannot.

'Don't judge a book by its cover.' True to it's saying

The child that she taught as innocent and kind is kind of different originally she taught he was. Lei never greeted anyone back aside from me and the elders, Her Mama and his Grandma. The maids would serve him attentively and carefully as they are afraid of any mistakes. They are all afraid to make the young master upset or angry and Yue doesn't know why such a small child would make them scared as a mouse. They would cower in his presence except for Grandma Leila's butler and head maid. Right now Yue is seeing a different side of him, she never taught that he can be as mean and cold even to his sister. Yue observed him and Lei felt her stares and he remembered how he acted earlier.

'Are you also frightened of me?' Lei asked her and Yue stared at him at the eyes that made Lei uncomfortable. Just what will he do if Yue gets scared of him? As much as possible he doesn't want Yue to see this kind of side of him. He felt helpless under her stares.

'Is there a reason for me to be fearful?' Yue and asked and that made Lei's heart skipped a bit. Just like he taught, Yue is very different from the others.

So he finally found his match.

If Yue knows what's going on with his mind, She will be shocked to the core. She will think it would be child abuse and she is an old hag.

Yue tilted her head and Lei found it very adorable, The rays of little light shone upon her face and it made it more divine. Lei can't help raising his hand and touch her rosy cheeks.

'No.' One word of assurance.