

'Hi, Grandma Jane! we're here!' Yue cheerfully greeted her grandma Jane who is standing at the entrance of the door to greet them. She is wearing a green flowery dress matched with white pearls and necklaces that made her look sophisticated and elegant. A madame from a rich family, a lot different than what she wears when she goes to the library. This is the first time they saw her dress up like this.

'It is lovely to see you little Yue - Mary thank you for coming' Then Mrs. Jone's eyes turn to Yue's Mama. She gave her an appreciative gaze.

'Of course Jane, we will be here.' Mary replied with a tender smile on her face. Mrs. Jones smiled and her gaze went to Lei who is an unknown face to her.

Lei with an unreadable expression looked at Mrs. Jones.

Yue always complimented how kind-hearted, understanding, and giving she is. Yue is very close to this lady, Yue likes this lady, that's the reason Lei smiled at her. This left an impression on everyone on how adorable a child he is. Someone that won't be able to hurt even a fly.

'Who might this be?' Grandma Jane asked and Yue answered her cheerful as usual.

'Grandma Jane meet my dear friend Lei, Lei this is Grandma Jane.' She said and everyone had noticed the immediate redness of Lei's ears. Everyone chuckled.

Someone has a crush is what on their mind. Mrs. Jane was very amused and cannot help staring at Lei. What an adorable and beautiful child, standing beside Yue makes them like little Angels that had fallen from the sky. Mrs. Jones is already used to seeing beautiful children but this specific two in front of her makes her heart melt.

'Lovely to meet you, Lei. Welcome to my humble home, please come in.' Mrs. Jones said and the three visitors went inside. What a spacious and homely home it is!

One can see the sparkle of the place. Very clean and tidy, the furniture is quite old but you will know that it has been maintained and taken care of. The most eye-catching is the antiques decorated in the house. All of it looks very expensive. Mary is always astonished every time she comes here. However, for Yue that has experienced being once a high-class lady, she is already used to it. For Lei, he didn't even take one glance at the place.

Mrs. Jones led them to the dining table and they saw three people there. one is familiar to Yue since she is always by Grandma Jane's side. She is Jannette, her secretary. Mrs. Jones signed them to come near her.

'Mary, Little Yue, and Lei, You might know this beautiful woman here, she is my most helpful secretary Janette. ' Then grandma Jane pointed the lady on her side, Janette smiled at them.

'The person next to her is our beloved cook Mrs. Mildred and her daughter who keeps everything tidy and in place, Mildrad.' And they all nodded and smile. Very pleased to meet the people close to their Madam. Their Madam was always sad because she was all alone, she doesn't like going out much and doesn't like to live in America where her children are.

To have something to do, one of her son franchise a Library since their mother loves books. He originally bought it so that his Mother can go out of the house and spend some time outside in the library for her to have fun but it didn't occur to him that she will manage it herself.

He was surprised to hear the news but glad that his Mother is willing to spend some time and meet other people. It is money well spent.

The only problem is that they recently found out that she is getting sick and they wanted to take care of her themselves that's why they nagged and force her to go and live with them in the United States. The servants served the madam for a long time when she was still very young so wherever she goes is where they will be but its different from these people. Mrs. Jones cannot take Mary as Yue's education will be affected.

'Nice to meet you, My name is Yue, This is my Grandma Jane, and this is Lei!' Yue cheerfully greeted all of them.

The servants looked at the beautiful and bright child in front of them. Their Madam is always full of praise for her intelligence and character, no child can be compared.

Their Madam said that she hasn't seen anyone as lovely and talented as she is even in the family of nobility or her grandchildren. She said that she will become someone important and great in the future and their Madam had never been wrong.

They all seated in front of the dining table, Mrs. Jones is seating on the head chair as a host and on her right is Yue's Mama as a guest then Yue and Lei. On the left side is Janette her secretary, next to her is Mrs. Mildres and Mildrad.

'I'm so happy that everyone is here. People who helped me a lot during my stay here. People who made my time more enjoyable' Mrs. Jones looked at Yue and smile.

'Sadly, I have to go but I have the most fun memories that I won't be able to forget. Thank you.' and Mrs. Jones looked at her right side.

Right now, Yue is feeling sad. She doesn't like farewells but it cannot be avoided. In her last life, she has never felt like this. Grandma Jane has been a grandmother figure to her like her Mama. She gave her Mama job, supported her in reading books, spoiled her, been very kind to her.

Yue felt small and warm hands envelope hers. She looked at the owner and see it's Lei comforting her. He might have felt she's very lonely and telling her silently that he's there for her. Yue smiled at him and mouthed I'm alright.

Grandma Jane might go but she will be in our hearts and memories. It's not gonna be like we won't be seeing her again right?

And she met Lei, her first true friend. Even though it's her second life. She knows that he is gonna be part of her life. Someone she can count on.

but he has to grow up first.

Thinking about it made her giggle. Yue looked at Mrs. Jones as she was having her speech on how grateful she is she met a friend like Mama and many others. Grandma Jane likes to talk a lot that's for sure. After that, They all ate the lovely food on the table cooked by Mrs. Mildred.

They had such a great time, even Lei that has not met Mrs. Jones felt the kindness and the warmth of the woman who was adored by Yue.

After Lunch, they stayed in the garden for the whole afternoon. Mrs. Jones, Mary, Janette, and Mrs. Mildred who are the elderly sat, drink tea while chatting while Lei and Yue are playing board games Mrs. Jones prepared. They are all having such a lovely time but no matter what it is, it has to come to an end. It's nearly getting dark and Mrs. Jones asked them to stay for dinner but Mary has to refuse as they can't let Old Wang eat dinner by himself. Also, Lei, They have to return him before it gets dark since they just took him with them, even he says it's alright, it's not right to keep him late especially that they haven't asked his guardian.

'Mary.' Mrs. Jones uttered and she rushed to Yue's Mama and hug her.

'I'm sorry, my flight will be tomorrow but I won't let you come to the airport because I'm afraid that I'll cry to see my precious friend bidding farewell.' Mrs. Jones said

'Hmm, your right, I'll just be very sad but there's a thing called a telephone right? we'll just stay in touch if we miss each other.' Yue's Mama said. The pair of adults separated after a long period of time.

Mrs. Jones asked her chauffeur to send them back. She felt lonely as the car slowly getting out of her sight. Jannette came near her and comfort her. Mrs. Jones gave her a small smile and went inside the house when she no longer see the car.

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