
Chapter 4

'Little Yue, Good morning, where is your grandma?' Ask Mrs. Jones while looking down at her with her kind and gentle eyes. From her eyes, one can see the adoration she had for Yue.

'Good Morning Grandma Jane, Mama is just assisting someone to look for a book' Yue said politely as usual. Mrs. Jones requested before for Yue to call her Grandma Jane. Jane is her first name. Mrs. Jones just likes Yue so much that she lets Yue call her grandma. She treated Yue like her own granddaughter.

"I see. Are you assisting someone also?' She asked. Mrs. Jones knows how capable Yue is even at a young age. She is so proud of her. She personally knows how intelligent the child is. Sometimes she is jealous of old Mrs. Wang because she is blessed with this kind of granddaughter but she had kept it at the back of her mind. she is just happy that little Yue calls her grandma. It makes her heart flutter from time to time.

'Yes, Grandma Jane. do you want me to call Mama for you?' Yue asked.

Mrs. Jones sighed deeply and Yue noticed her looking a bit down and stressed and she wonders why.

'Yes please, let her know that I wanted to see her in my office as I have something important to say to her.' Mrs. Jones said

'Okay, I'll let her know' Yue said and turn her back to get her grandma but she turns her back again to face Mrs. Jones to ask what's bothering her because she can clearly see the fatigue and down composure.

'Are you feeling okay Grandma Jane?' She asks and Mrs. Jones smiled a bit.

'I'm alright Little one, do not worry about me. go on' She said but clearly, just by looking at her weak energy, she is telling the opposite and even she is bit hesitating, Yue went to her grandma to deliver Grandma Jane's words.

Mrs. Jones went to her office on the second floor while Yue found her Mama in one of the sections of the shelves. She's just arranging some of the books and it looks like she is done with her task earlier.

'Yue.' her Mama called as soon as she saw her.

'Mama, grandma Jane just arrived and she wanted to see you in her office.' she said

'Oh alright, I'll go there right now, I'll be leaving you for a bit.'

'It's okay Mama, Yue will behave.' she assured and smiled at her.

'I know. Yue is the most kind and behave, child, I've known.' Her mama said and patted her head.

Oh how much Yue loved to be patted by her warm hands.

'See you in a bit, Mama.' then her grandma went to see Mrs. Jones.

Yue was going back to the counter where she left the book she was reading when an unfamiliar voice called her name.

'Yue Xian Wang?' someone called her with a questioning tone.

Yue quickly looks back to see who it is and because of her quick motion, her straight and long black hair followed and made a big swing in the air and it highlighted how beautiful her hair was.

when she turned around, Yue is surprised when suddenly she was greeted with strong sunlight passing through the window that made her immediately close her eyes because of the brightness, but to the person who is in front and called her, her little actions made her looked like she was an angel.

When the bright sunlight hit her, the long black hair became shiny and the color changed to brown, she was wearing a white dress that made her looked so pure. with her small stature and her lips red as an apple, her skin that looked whiter because of the sunlight. it was a sight to behold for him. he stared at her but it is the same with Yue.

When Yue opened and adjusted her sight. even when the unknown person is in the spot of the shadow of the shelves, she can see clearly a child, just like her age. He is the most beautiful child she had ever seen, even in her past life. No one can surpass him. He has the most attractive face even at a young age. She is sure that when this kid grows up. He would make a lot of people cry. be it a male or female. and if he ever entered a competition, he will be awarded the most cutest and attractive face in the world. that is without a doubt, not a joke.

He has these deep blue eyes that made her wonder if he is a half western. it's really rare to see such beautiful eyes, it shines more now because he is in the dark. his jet black hair and clean looked. even when so young, he emitted elegance and surprisingly maturity. She is sure that he is not an ordinary kid as he is wearing expensive clothes. it looks like it was worth ten times compared to what she is wearing.

They stared at each other for a long time before Yue was able to get ahold of herself and replied. Gosh, what is she thinking? Yue! wake up! what you're doing is child abuse!

Once recovered, she quickly answered.

"Uhm yes, that is my name, how did you know?' she asked. He might have heard her grandma called her Yue but not with her full name. Yue is certain she doesn't know the kid. She can never forget his face if she had ever met him in the past.

He stared at her for a minute and Yue tilted her head.

"What is he thinking about? He's thinking so deep?" Yue asked inside her mind

What she doesn't know is that the boy was thinking deeply how cute she was especially when Yue tilted her head.

'Books.' The child said with a serious tone.

Books? what's with books? Yue wonders.

The boy noticed that Yue is confused because her eyes looked at him questionably.

He slowly walked near her and Yue doesn't know why but she felt the nervousness in her heart.

When he is in front of her. he pointed the index card on the back of a book that he seems to be reading. She looked at it to see what it is and he pointed out where her name is written.

"Your name is written in every book.' He said

When Yue realized, she looked at him and unknowingly smiled

'Nope, not on every book.' She humbly said to him.

The boy looked at her and her smile is really contagious. He rarely smiles and right now, even it's the first time they met, she made him smile unconsciously.

He smiles at Yue and Yue's heart was captivated.


Danger Alert cuteness overloading!!

'Lei' he said and made Yue wonder what is it he's saying again.

'Your name?' she asked him and he nodded

'I see, it's your first time in here Lei?' Yue asked and he nodded again.

'Do you want me to show you around?' Yue asked again and she got the same response. he nodded again

'...' Yue is speechless.

It seems like he is a person that loves silence and doesn't talk much.

Alright! He's a guest in the library and she will treat him well.

Yue showed Lei the stuff in the library and he is just silent and didn't really talk to her, he just followed her around.

It didn't really take much of her time since the place is not big. When they are done after a couple of minutes, Yue led Lei in her most favorite spot. behind the shelves are the rows of table and chair, she loves the corner of it where there is a soft sofa with a small center table in front and the same sofa opposite. Lei sat on the opposite sofa.

'Lei, are you looking for a specific book? it's really rare to see someone my age around here' Yue said.

'No, just looking around' Lei answered.

'Do you like books?' Yue asked.

'They are more likable than most people' he said

Yue stared at him, the boy is so cute to the point that she wanted to pinch his cheeks.

The only thing Yue noticed is that he doesn't act like a kid like he's so alert when it comes to his surroundings. He is also very mature at his age and also very quiet and doesn't like to talk much.

'Then do you like me?' Yue asked without her realizing how it would sound to the person she's talking with. The boy looked at her with surprise. There has been no one around him that asked such personal question. He stared at the smiling girl opposite him. he felt his ears heat up.

'You're like a mysterious book' He said

'Then if I'm like a book, then I'll assume you like me! Then can we be friends?' Yue asked with a hidden agenda.

Yue is thinking this kid will surely become very handsome and will be successful in the future so it will be an advantage to befriend him.

The boy smiled at her again

'Then I assume that's a Yes! We're now friends Lei' Yue said

The boy stared at her but then they noticed someone came near them.

It was a huge man with black sunglassed but he has something in his ears and Yue knows it's like a communication thingy.

He looks intimidating despite the colorful summer clothes he is wearing.

The man looked at Lei and Lei nodded at him

'I have to go' he said while looking at Yue.

'Alright! come back again when you have free time' she said


Then he left.

Yue looked at their retreating back. Yue is certain that the man that just came is some kind of bodyguard. so if he is then that means that the kid is from some wealthy family!

Her eyes are twinkling, did she just made friends with someone powerful?

"Good Job Yue Xian Wang" Yue told herself.

What she doesn't know is that destiny knotted her this time to the right person

This time there were no mistakes and what Yue doesn't know is that she had been marked.

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