
The Peace Befor The Storm

As the train emerges from the pitch black tunnel we get greeted by the sight of immigrant camps.


The train suddenly stops. All the kids start crying in fear as we try to get up after we fell. We hear "Sorry dear passengers but the train will be held here for the time being". From the intercom.

Everybody on the train calms down and peace has been achieved.

The train gets going again. As we pass the area the locomotive stopped we see through the small windows a group of policemen with ar15's aiming down sight into a group of Muslim immigrants that tried attacking the train.

We finally get to leave the train and we call a taxi that's going to take us to Paris where we are going to spend a day.

We arrive in Paris with little to no complications, just a little argument with the cab driver with my  , broken French. But we got there eventually.

After we explore the area we decide to find a hotel to stay the night. We visit a few places but there weren't any free rooms. But I mean with our luck this was kinda expected. So we found some sketchy, rundown motel, we were skeptical about staying the night there, but we had no choice as there was supposed to be a storm a night.

We get the room as far into the motel as possible so we're as out of the way as much as possible. We take a bath and go to sleep but the constant squeaks of the monstrous rats that nested in the wall behind us cept us wide awake.

In the morning we get dressed and head out as early as possible. After all we came to France and we're in Paris the city of love we need to use up all the time possible to strengthen our newly acquired marriage. We head out straight to the Eiffel Tower and take the lift up to the top floor where we eat breakfast in what is the most posh and fancy restaurant I've ever seen; well cultured waiters, great food which is visually and tastefully appealing.

After we Finish eating we head out to the observatory floor where my darlings hair waved magnificently in the cool breeze. We head back into the elevator where I get a bad feeling something in the form of Spidermans sixth sense but it's too late to react as the doors closed and the elevator is moving. We're past the halfway point of the colossal Tower when all of us hear a big bang and the elevator starts falling.

We heard the elder pair saying their rosaries and saw the single dad clutching onto his children. My wife starts hugging me with all the force she could find.

Then we hear the high pitch screech that signalised our survival. The emergency brakes turned on and the lift starts to slow down. When we come to a full stop we are literally less than 3 metres above the ground. We eventually got to leave the trap after the police and Firemen come

We spend 3 hours giving a report to the police of what happened.


We spent the rest of our day on rock solid ground going from shop to shop from memorial to memorial. She bought herself a sexy red dress designer high heels and a red beret which contrasted beautifully with her pitch black silky hair.

Her eyes that's stole everyones heart,her figure that's exposed every man's hidden desires and her voice that when heard would never be forgotten reminded me why i married her.

We headed to our tour train which we were surprised wasn't having any problems we boarded the train peacefully and found out seats. The train took around 1.5 hours to leave the cities and enter the plain fields which blossomed with happiness. The afternoon sun was giving the panorama a welcoming Orange tint. As we Look through the Windows on the other side we see a sunset flourishing with happiness but not for long as a Storm was headed our way which covered up the mature colours of the sunset.

We traveled in the miserable weather all the way to our next stop. Belgium.

We finally arrived in Belgium a country known for its incredible chockolates and waffles. Enter we exit the train we hit a tram to Brussels where we're going to speed the night. We get to Brussels with no complications and we rent a room for the night in a hotel. After we left our luggage at the hotel we went to the Town Square a beautiful statue was standing proudly in the center of the Square. We admire the knight on his horse and take a few Pictures. 

We leave the Town Square in a steady trot as we admire the architecture of the antique buildings

with Wood painted dark green with Golden detailing ,a small restaurant with engraved marble pillars. Astonishing.

Whilst admiring the Buildings my Miss spots a distant poster advertising a dinner festiwal covery happening in less than an hour we rush to the concert and almost get hit by a car.

The festival consisted of bands playing abba, acdc ect. It was awesome. But we has to leave early as my wifes drink was drugged and she wasn't feeling very well.

The next morning after my wife recovered from the drug we headed back to the train with no complications. We left Brussels as peacefully as we entered.

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