
Never Dead

Author: bandicoot879
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Marlin is a normal male hunter tribesman. One day he dies. He is now reborn in the body of a baby who has been abandoned in the middle of a forest. Dying over and over with no way out he dies an excruciating death over and over by the hands of hungry wolves. After experiencing the taste of death countless times he then hears a voice in his head. [Achievement unlocked! Die 100 times] [User is granted 1000 Points] [Shop is now available] Now what? (Story inspired by cjet799's story 'Perks of Immortality'. I haven't seen many books like PoI so i decided to make a book using the concept of PoI. I will try my best to make my story distuingishable from his. btw his story is on RoyalRoad.

Chapter 1Just a Normal Tribesman

There was darkness and then there was a bright light. That was what Marlin saw after dying. Marlin thinking, he had died thought about his life. His Mom and dad both died when he was young, and he was an only child. So, no one in his tribe had taught him how to hunt properly. While everyone else in his tribe hunted with spears and bows and killed their prey in one quick strike, the only thing Marlin went to go hunting out with was just himself.

When Marlin would return from the village, he would always return with a small piece of prey in hand such as a rabbit or turkey. When Marlin became older, he would then come back with even deer and some boar which surprised even the elders.

When they asked him how he did it he just said that he just kept running at them until they collapsed of exhaustion. They then asked how he hunted the boar and Marlin said

"I was running at it and then it ran at me. So I just punch it instead."

The whole tribe started laughing at Marlin, but he didn't know what they were laughing at but then he asked what they were laughing at. When he asked that they laughed even more.

"He probably used a different way to kill the boar that we don't know of"

One tribesman shouted out and everyone silently agreed with what he said. But shortly after that Marlin announced,

"Well you can tell if I punched it to death by looking at its corpse, right?"

The tribe was surprised at this comment and the people that were still laughing stopped.

When the village came up to check on the corpse, they then saw all the bruises and indents on the boar's corpse. To reinforce this even more Marlin showed them his fists and all the blood and bruises on his fist.

All the people who had laughed at him were now but fools.

Pass by 10 years and Marlin was now the tribe leader. His strength and stamina were unparalleled. Although he still hunted with the same method, he picked up the skills of how to use various weapons and skills such as weaving and medicine making.

No one in the village doubted his power and a year after becoming leader he fell asleep in his tent and found himself in this darkness. The darkness was very boring, but Marlin thought he was probably in the waiting room for heaven.

Marlin waited. He waited some more. He waited even some more. He waited until the point that he kept tapping his non-existent foot on the ground. During this time, he thought of all the ways he had died. The first thing he thought was that some one had killed hm in his sleep but knew that none of his tribe members were that dishonourable. If anybody found out they would instead be treated like a wild animal than a human.

He thought that maybe he had died in his sleep to an unknown illness he had. Although he didn't have any symptoms of being sick there were a lot of illnesses that he knew of that could kill people one day after infecting them.

Some even deadlier ones could kill people within minutes of being infected.

Marlin thought that it was the latter and he hated having to think anymore in this darkness, so he just settled on that.

Suddenly the darkness that Marlin had been so accustomed to brightened up and he saw a bright light. Then suddenly, a huge tsunami of information overloaded his mind giving him a very painful migraine. This information seemed to be one of a baby.

This baby was named Marlin which was also his name and that his mother had abandoned him in the middle of this forest due to his tribe not having enough food to feed any more people.

Marlin opened his eyes and found a huge sun right in his face. Marlin quickly rolled onto his belly quickly escaping from the sun and looked around on his belly. He seemed to be in a forest, and he was currently on the forest floor and was laying on a huge pile of leaves. He was completely naked and was extremely weak.

Marlin tried to move but he barely moved at all. His limbs were so weak that he couldn't do anything. Just trying to move depleted him of all his stamina. He had never felt this weak in his whole life. He was weaker than the average baby.

That's how weak he was. He is probably the weakest human to ever exist out of the womb right now. Marlin looked around for a food source since his tummy was grumbling. He saw a berry bush about 10 meters from where he was and slowly crawled to where that bush was. His completely and utterly slow. He was going about at a turtle's pace. After about 15-20 minutes of crawling he had finally reached the berry bush.

Marlin due to his experience from his previous life knew that the berries were safe to eat. He desperately grasped one of the berries with all his strength and with his very weak grip he pulled of one of the low hanging berries and put it in his mouth.

Marlin then thought that he was going to have no chance at surviving in the forest when winter came around. Marlin knew that in order to survive he as going to have to find other humans. But when Marlin found out he was in the body of a baby instead of his own he was surprisingly very calm. He thought that if it was a normal person, they would still be freaking out right now. He was glad that him being a very calm person had come in handy.

As Marlin shoved more berries in his mouth to satiate his hunger, he saw that the low hanging berries were less and less and that it was impossible for him to reach any higher. He swivelled on his bottom looking around him. Since he was a baby his vision was quite blurry. He was lucky that he was so close to the berry bush that he could distinguish that it was a berry bush. If the bush was any farther away, then he would've thought it was an ordinary bush.

Marlin then was full and looked around for a spot so sleep in and saw a small hole in a tree trunk that he could climb into. After another 20 minutes of crawling he was now inside of this small tree trunk hole. After briefly think about what he would do when he woke up, he then fell asleep.




"What's that?"

Marlin opened his eyes and what he saw put him on edge. 3 pitch black wolfs all with blood red eyes were staring at him. Their teeth were as sharp as spear and you could feel yourself being cut just by looking at the teeth. Marlin's heart rate suddenly increased, and he could feel his blood pumping in his own ears. Marlin looked at these wolves with fear in his eyes as he tried to think of a way out.

But while he was thinking of a way out, he saw one of the wolves biting away at the wood around the hole in the trunk. The hole in the trunk was shallow enough for Marlin to get out of but incredibly hard to get into without being small enough. As he kept thinking of a way out he finally realized he was dead. The wolves were going to bite away the wood and when the hole was big enough, they would poke their head and throw him out and eat him. Marlin's eyes widened at that thought but knew that only a coward would wait for their death.

As the one of the wolves was chipping away the wood and the other two were waiting behind it One of the chips of wood fell into his hole. This chip was quite small and seemed quite sharp. Marlin had an idea and grasped this chip of wood in hand. Marlin waited for the wolf to reach in and grab him with tis mouth to drag him out of the hole and finally his wish was granted.

The hole that the wolf had been slowly widening was finally big enough for it to for its head to fit through and grab this big chunk of meat into its mouth. What the wolf didn't know was that Marlin was waiting for it the whole time. Marlin grasped the small wood chip ready to strike.

The scary wolf poked its head through the hole and tried to bite whatever was in there but then it felt a massive pain in its eyes, and it jumped back onto the ground. Its companions realizing this went to their companion to help it out and saw a small woodchip lodged in one if its eyes. One of the wolf's friend grabbed the wood chip with its mouth and ripped it out and the wolf winced in eve more pain as blood leaked out of its eyes.

Once that was done the other two wolves went back over to the small hole in the tree and one of them reached and grabbed the big chunk of meat that they were looking for. This large chunk of meat was Marlin and as he was being grabbed, he kept hitting the wolf with his tiny little fists as he could. After hitting the wolf a couple of times, he was then thrown on the ground by the wolf.

"Oh no"

What proceeded fully shocked even Marlin.

Marlin could feel his head being punctured by tens of large teeth and in front of him he could see the two other wolves grabbing his legs.

"Not like this"

Then all three wolves pulled back with all the force they could muster, and this baby was full ripped into two halves and blood splattered onto the floor and onto the wolves.

Marlin then saw darkness.

"Well I guess I'm actually dead now"

And then he saw a bright light. The same bright light he first saw when he was a baby.

"Why is this happening to me? I'm just a normal tribesman"

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