
Keep the fire burning

Jason watched as 3D scored another easy point in the paint after posting up Vince. He just didn't have the ability to properly defend him in the post.

On offense DJ waited for the rest of the team to get in position before calling out for a play. Vince came to the perimeter to set a screen for Matt who was out on the right wing.

Matt then used the screen to run to the top of the perimeter. As he was running he took a glance at the clock and noticed that there were only five seconds left.

DJ got into position to hand the ball off to Matt as well as to set a screen for him. Matt took the ball from DJ and used his screen in an attempt to get open.

Matt's defender as well as DJ's defender swarmed him after the screen. This left DJ open as he began to cut toward the basket.

Matt saw this and threw an overhead pass to DJ. The ball flew over the heads of the defenders but it was a little out of control.

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