
Water City

(A/N: I kinda confuse what I would do with the romance. So I will just dump it all with some bullshit cliche stuff. It's just a heads up for you, who don't like it. Byee.

You can leave suggestions about the event but I already made the chapter so not all the ideas can fit into it.)

"Huf~. Fighting is tiring, other than that. Some of my personality seems to change a lot from it.". I said arriving in front of Rivira. I went around the place, looking for an inn to stay.

"Excuse me. Is there any vacant room for tonight?" I said entering a certain building with a lot of windows. "Ah, customer. Welcome, there a lot of vacant rooms. I'm Willy, please come this way." He said while showing the way upstairs.

The place seems quiet with a few people staying but I don't really care if it's only for sleeping. I even brought my own bed, at least it's not cold or wet. "How much for staying here?" I said since here, people usually showed the room first before paying.

"100 thousand valis." He said and my hand slipped punching the wall. "Say it again." I ask him to said the price again.

"Do you think, since my face is new here. You can shot the price like that?" I said with emphasis on my words while smiling close to him. "Ahaha~, I think my lips just slipped right there. It should be 10 thousand valis." He laughed awkwardly.

"Here." I said giving him the money while he ran downstairs in scared. I went inside my room and looked around. This place seems like built roughly. I had to give some praise for them making this in the dungeon.

"Let's just sleep." I bring out my bed and sleep soundly.


"Hii.. He's so scary. Just watch, I will take revenge on him." He said which sounds irritated being threatened like that.

"We're back." Someone said from the entrance of the inn. "Ah! Loki Familia. You're back." Willy said welcoming them.

"Actually, can I ask for your help again?" He said softly being polite. "Is there another problem, Willy?" Finn said noticing the troubled face from him.

"Actually, there's someone that threatened me. Using the opportunity that no one dared to stay here except all of you here. He asked to sleep here for free which I couldn't help to give him since he's stronger." He said.

"What!? Let me kick him out for disturbing the love place for me and Captain!!" Tione said to appeal herself to Finn. Willy smile grew wider "Thank you so much, Loki Familia." He said while showing the room where Ageas stay.

Tione already kicked open the door without even knocking. Ageas which already asleep felt some danger lurking, quickly run to the door and kick the person out.

A brawl started between Tione and Ageas. Tiona sight being blocked by the bounciness which Tione had. Using the small space around Tione, Ageas maneuver his body and kick her stomach. Tione already used both her hand blocking his kick got blown to the hallway.

"Seriously, you can knock, right? Why did you have to burst someone's door?" Ageas said while yawning and walking a few stepped out of his room.

"Ah!! Ageas-kun!!" Tiona shouting ignoring her irritate looking sister, even though she about to pounce for revenge at her sister.

Ageas glance toward her with his eyes half-closed from being waked up forcefully "Hmm? Who?" He lightly asked. Tione and Tiona froze while wind flew between them. Tiona crouching at the corner of the hallway while drawing a circle at the carpet "He hate me... he hate me... hate.... hate..".

"Oi!! You just met us back then. How can you forget!!!??" Tione shouted loudly at Ageas. He just wiped his eyes real quick and look around "Hmm? Why both of you here, Tione, Tiona?" He asked without care about anything that happened.

"Th.. that.." Tione stuttered with her word while her face turned red from embarrassment. "Anyway, I'm sleeping. Goodbye." Ageas said leaving Tione and Tiona there.

Quickly the other member and Willy arrive there after hearing how loud the door blasted open. "What happened, Tione?" Riveria asked after noticing Tiona depressed self and Tione standing there with a crater behind her.

"Ahaha... Well, it's complicated." Tione said while pointing toward the room, made all the members curious. While all the members peeking into the room, Tione grabbed Willy and glared at him "Speak the truth!!" She said while unconsciously activating Berserk.


I woke up from the light penetrate the window and went to my eyes. I really want to sleep more, I thought while stretching my body but then my hand struck something or should I say, someone.

"Hmm? Tiona?" I dumbly said looking the person that slept beside me. She woke up and wipe her eyes slowly "Ageas...-kun.. Good morning!" She said after noticing me. She hugged me tightly without letting me go.

I push her head away "Mind explaining, how you get here?" I ask her while trying to separate us apart. She thought about how to explain it to me but quickly gave up and pointing toward the door.

"Ah.. Then, why don't you sleep in your own room?" I ask her again. "The key is in Tione and... She's outside using Willy as a punching bag." She answered cheerfully.

"Hah~, I won't ask further. Can't be helped then. Use this room as much as you want. I'm leaving after I eat." I said while sitting at the dining table and bring out my own food.

"Hmm.... You eat a lot, Ageas-kun." Tiona said after looking at how many portions at the table. "What are you saying? You also need to eat. Just get some." I said ordering her to eat.

"Really?" She asked while drolling but then quickly take a seat and took a bite. "By the way, Ageas-kun. Do you have someone you like?" Tiona asked while stuffing her mouth with food.

"What do you mean by like? only like? I got a lot but romantically? I don't know. So don't ask about love with me." I said answering her. "What about marriage thought? Do you want.." "No. Not yet at least." I give her a straight forward answer making her stop eating.

"Don't take me wrong. It's not like I didn't find you beautiful. I had my own problem with love but marriage while in different familia will also cause some problems." I explained to her briefly. She continued eating in silence.

"I'm sorry for telling you this but the commitment your sister show is better than yours. Being in a number 1 familia didn't mean you can have anyone you like. Show your commitment and conviction." I said patting her head. With me being finished with my food, I started to walk out from the room, leaving Tiona there.

I started walking down the stairs and reach floor 25. "So, this is the water city. No wonder people called it Water City." I said while looking around at the complex looking floor. "Ehehehehehe... This is it!!!" He started to kill monster by monster that swimming in the water, Giant Crab, Aqua Serpent, and Raider Fish. With Luck rank A the item that dropped from them are massive in number. Not forgetting Azure stone which always being looked for by people to craft a weapon.

The place looked beautiful, it was like a mountain beside the sea. Waterfall coming out from the top of the mountain dropping down to the lake which so vast and looked like a sea. I could hear a singing voice which I'm shocked to find a Mermaid singing on a stone. She also noticed me which made her wary of me since I'm not charmed by her singing.

Not to gain any hostility, I started to back out and find another spot for me. Killing a human is not a problem for me with the experience I had but killing human without a reason to, might leave bad after taste. At least that's my thought for now.

I found a spot and stayed there for a few hours before leaving the floor for Excelia. Securing a few thousand each and a hundred kilos of Azure stone. Since some of the problems is the money which I should pay.

"Now, for the tricked I have been thinking for." I said while thinking to activate Eiyuu-ou.

[Eiyuu-ou activated. Converting all status to magic.]

I heard the sound and felt weak for a few seconds. "With this. I'm weaker than any monster here." I smirked since it worked well. If my thought is right, I should be able to increase more Excelia by killing a stronger monster.

With this, I spend my day on floor 27 gathering materials again because they still exist on floor 27 and killing more monsters before a big dark shade coming out from the water with a huge tremor.

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