
Chapter 3 The second Force Sensitive

Right when I finished preparing the meal the system notification of completing the first quest and resounded.

/Quest Surviving 3 days in the forest successfully completed for your completion without the system store you also gain the ability [Better muscle memory] /

'That's great, if I get it right it should help me learning ne movements like swords play right?'

/That's right. /

'And before I forget it please put the mining drone in the Mining Dimension! And also show me my Status again'

/The drone is now placed in the dimension. Here is your current Status:

Name: Alex Barder

Age: 5 (27)

Title: [Child of the Force], [Master Mechanic], [Undying]

Race: Human

Perks: [Child of the Force], [Natural Mechanic] and [Hard working Immune System]

Abilities: [Strong Mind] [Better muscle memory]

Force understanding: nearly none

Force abilities: none

Force relationship: Child/

I was forced out of my thoughts by a slightly exited Jedi Master

"That's the highest Midichlorian count I've ever seen you should become a very powerful Jedi even more powerful then the current grandmaster if I'm correct"

"Is my count really that high? And if it is then what is the normal count for a Jedi?"

"Yes, it is really that high as the normal count for a Jedi is between 9.000 and 11.000 while the minimum is 7.000"

"Does the Midichlorian count in any way affect or limit my growth in the Force?"

"That's a great question but it's still not fully answered some believe it shows us the limit in how far we can grow in the Force and some believe it's just how good we are connected with it. Also is this plate of food for me?"

"Yes, that plate is for you and thanks for answering my questions so far." I said as we both started to dig in our food. It was a quiet and relaxed lunch.

After the lunch we quietly deconstruct the camp and started walking towards his spaceship to fly to one of the bigger Cities to pick up the other potential Jedi.

On our way there I found out that we were currently on the planet Alderaan and were flying towards its capital known as Aldera.

As we arrived there after an uneventful flight we quickly took of towards the outskirts of the city where we found a little shed inside of it was a little green creature with pointed ears.

"Hello there are your parents home?" (Jedi Master)

"Parents I do not have." (unknown Creature)

"Then may I know your name?", he turned to me, "Yours to I don't think you ever told me yours" (Jedi Master)

"Yoda my name it is" (Yoda)

"My name is Alex Barder" (me)

"Alright. Yoda please prick yourself on this needle and put a drop of your blood on this scanner."

When Yoda put a drop of his blood on the scanner, the blood was against my expectations red and not green, the machine showed an 17.200 which surprised the Jedi Master even more you could see him standing there dumbfounded and hear him muttering to himself:

"So, I found two of the possible strongest Jedis of this generation in just one day… I don't think that anything in this live could surprise me more than this…"

"Sir is something wrong?" (me)

"It's nothing. Yoda do you want to come with me and be trained as a Jedi? I'm a Jedi Master and was sent here on a mission to look for survivors of a raided Village and to pick you up." (Jedi Master still looking disbelievingly on the machine)

"Follow you I will a Jedi I will become" (Yoda)

After Yoda packed his seven things, we left towards the Jedi Masters ship and then finally towards the sky and beyond.

Just after we left the Atmosphere the Jedi Master Started to prepare the Hyperdrive coordinates for a save jump towards Coruscant. Then he aligned the ship for it and started the Jump.

'Jason can you please give me more information on my title child of the force?'

/Yes I can, since God didn't want you to go through being born whilst being fully conscious he decided to just create a new body for you which normally would be impossible but through the mysterious energy, which the Jedi call the force, God was able to create a new body for you which in fact makes you an offspring of said energy. /

'If my body was created from the force than why would the machine of the Jedi just show 17.000 and for another being which wasn't created by it 17.200?'

/It was probably just a defence mechanism of your Midichlorians which didn't want to be detected/

'Wait you said I was created by the force and now you tell me that the Midichlorians didn't want to be detected that means there should be an high number in my body or am I just a big colony of Midichlorians which somehow captured and holds my mind and took the appearance of an 5 year old me?'

/Well that's a checkmate for me I thought you wont figure out that I didn't give you an actual body… by the way it's now God speaking here. Hope you can live with it/ (God)

'Just one question do I even need to eat now?'

/Yes, you still need to eat, because normally Midichlorians are just symbionts of living beings and are feed by them for giving them the ability to sense or use the force/ (God

'And how do mine get this energy??? Don't tell me you created my body without the ability to sustain itself?'

/Easy there boy I modified your Midichlorians to have this ability as well and also if the need arises, they can duplicate themselves without losing this special ability/ (God)

'Well then thanks for building a body which is special to myself and not make it an early grave for me'

/No problem. Before I forget it, you won't need to go to the bathroom anymore, I made them so that they won't leave behind any remains and use the full energetic potential of the food you eat/ (God)

'Thanks, I guess?'

/No problem and goodbye have fun/ (God)

'Bye till next time.'

/*Ding* Quest 'Put God in a tight spot' completed

Put God in the hell of critical questions

Reward: 10.000 Credits, 5.000 System Points, A-Wing Blueprint

Penalty: You would never know what your body really is.\

'Thanks Jason, do you think God can still hear us?'(me)

'I will always be with you…'(God)

'Oh, ok so I got turned into a comedian for a God, right? Maybe even for Gods…'(me)

'Don't know what you mean…' (A God in whose voice you can hear that he didn't expect me to find that out)

'You know that if you open a Channel the other side can also come through, right???'(me)

/*Ding* Quest 'Roast God' completed

Find out about being used for Entertainment and tell God that you could also use him for the same thing

Reward: Nebulon B frigate blueprint

Penalty: None\

'Jason how could you go against me your Creator *sniffling* Thank you Alex for making me aware of it and thank god it was you who found it out and not one of the regular psychos who I "hire" to work as Comedians for me' (God)

/*Ding* Quest 'Help God to find his short-comings' completed

Help God to find out that his Channel works for both sides not only for him

Reward: The gratitude of all the Gods who are watching right now and try to figure out how to create a one-way channel

Penalty: The Gods would still tap in the dark and would only find this error when it is too late.\

'You don't make it better Jason…'(God)

'How about you take an example from the one-way mirror from the dimension I came from'(me)

'That's a great Idea thanks for that got to go and work on your one-way mirror solution bye.'(God)

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