
Chapter 1694. That’s right, you’ve been promoted!

“About that, my mom already knows about our relationship.”

On the phone, Shi Mo was silent for half a second. “So, I’ve been promoted?”

Yin bei was stunned for a moment, then she was amused by him. “PFFT!”

“Yeah, you’ve been promoted!”

“Then, I’ll need your guidance for the rest of my life,”he suddenly said.

Yin bei was stunned again. His words surprised her.

She thought that at their age, it was not easy to be in a relationship for the rest of their lives. At least for her, she had never thought that Shi Mo would tell her about the rest of their lives before graduation.

So, he had also planned to spend the rest of his life with her from the very beginning? Was the original intention of this relationship to date with the goal of marriage?

“Shi Mo..”


“Is what you said just now true?”

On the phone, Shi Mo was silent for half a second.

“Why would you ask that?”

“My mother said that you and I are from two different worlds.”

Next chapter