
Chapter 482 Binhai, I'm Back!

Watching this skinless grotesque monster lunging at her, Xia Ying was filled a mix of horror, fear, and disgust. She was unable to scream out; if she could have, she would have wailed loud and long by now.

Moreover, Xia Ying felt that her pores were wide open, as if something was trying to burrow into her body. It was as if she had plunged into a block of ice, shaking with cold!

As the saying goes, it was faster to act than to speak. Huang Xiaolong threw a punch out into the void.

This punch, with the immense strength of a landslide or tsunami, carried the momentum of sweeping over everything, directly aiming for the old crone with the cat's face!

Within the gale of the punch, there was even a vision of a saintly monk talking about the dharma in a lotus potision.

Oṃ maṇi padme hūṃ!

The six-syllable great illumination mantra resounded!

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