
Ch. 40: Rescue


I fight the sudden drowsiness, and stretch my stiff legs. I've been laying down for a few days, thats too long, I need to move. The pain in my shoulder doesn't hurt as much anymore to not allow me to walk. I follow the quiet sounds of birds which leads to the darkness of night. But with my eyes, I still see everything, clear as day, ironically. I'm in a forest surprisingly, from what I saw it was just barren land but where I'm standing, I'm surrounded by giant red-barked trees. 

I see a natural made path in front of me and I follow it. I think my giant steps have frightened the birds, because everything is silent now. This path curves according to the trees or bushes, and every so often little unnatural paths have been made to branch off the main one, leading to caves which I'm assuming will be inhabiting other dragons. I pass maybe two or three before the next one stops me, it looks human made, a door leads into the cave but it's not the size of a dragon, I step cautiously towards it. As to not disturb who ever lives here. When I get closer I feel Sam, deeper in the cave. The overwhelming feeling of the need to get to her sets me into a panic, I practically bound towards the door, ignoring my shoulder.

 "Sam! Can you hear me?..."

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