
Chapter 8

Logan walked MJ home, only to realize she lived relatively close to him. As he left her house, he spotted a face staring out at him from a window. The vibe he got from the face staring at him was of curiosity, and not really anything else. He used 'Observe' just to be safe.

Peter Parker

Level 11

HP: 400/400

Str: Better than yours

Dex: Don't even try

Con: Significantly better than yours

Int: Fucking genius

Wis: 8

Luck: -5

Current feelings: Curious why you're in the neighborhood, Curious why you were with MJ, his childhood friend, possibly slightly jealous

Logan rolled his eyes and kept walking, looking back at the stats and raising an eyebrow. He then squinted. 'Huh. Guess I know who Spider-Man is now.'

{Observation match found!}

Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Level 11

HP: 400/400

Str: Better than yours

Dex: Don't even try

Con: Significantly better than yours

Int: Fucking genius

Wis: 8

Luck: -5

Logan shrugged to himself but kept the information in his back pocket, so to speak. He had no idea if he would ever need to fight Spider-Man, and he figured if he could throw him off his game, then all the better to use that tactic. Logan got home quickly, which turned out to only be a maybe 10-minute walk, planting himself on his bed and kicking off his shoes.

6 hours later, at roughly 3am, Logan was once again rudely awakened by a hard knocking at his front door. He dragged himself out of bed, half-asleep with very bleary eyes. He was shirtless, his strength stat doing him very big favors to make him look like he was just transitioning into a swimmer-like body. It wasn't quite there yet, but the shadow of it was there. He yawned, opening the door, his baggy blue sweatpants dragging on the tile floor. He was greeted by a police officer holding his dad by the scruff of the neck. Logan just rolled his eyes and leaned against the door jamb. "What did he do this time?"

The police officer, wearing a badge signifying him as 1 level below captain, and reading "Stacy" cleared his throat. "He was involved in a scuffle at a bar. We have reason to believe he started it as well. He also sent several nasty looks at my daughter who was riding with me before school, so I would rather not have him in my car any longer." The officer clearly assumed that Logan would be similar to his father, but the officer was proved very wrong when Logan rolled his eyes.

"A week in the slammer would do him a lot of good, but I guess I'll put him to bed." Of course the officer and his daughter behind him were caught very off-guard to see Logan proceed to knock his dad the fuck out with not a punch to the face, but a roundhouse kick. His dad's ignorable slurs of nonsense were quickly cut off. The officer's daughter, a one certain blonde teenager, widened her eyes as she finally recognized the rather handsome boy in the doorway. Her face blushed as she remembered his general attitude at school in their English class they have together. Logan quickly dragged his dad inside by the wrist. "I'm sorry for anything my father said to your daughter while he was in your custody, Lieutenant Stacy." He kinda just tossed his dad over the back of the couch and chucked another blanket at him before turning back. "If you come across him again, feel free to just stick him in a cell." He glanced over Lt. Stacy's shoulder and saw Gwen. He nodded. "I was wondering if you were related to Gwen. I take it very personally when my father harasses my classmates like that. His actions don't reflect on me, of that I can assure you." He nodded to Lt. Stacy and gave a small wave before heading inside. "Goodnight Lieutenant." He then closed the door.

A few hours later when he went to school, he was still very tired since he couldn't go back to sleep after he knocked his dad out. It was strange, he wasn't used to people he knew living around him, so he practically jumped out of his skin when MJ's...aunt? Mom? He didn't know...pulled up next to him with MJ in the passengers seat and honked. His arm shot out in a reflexive strike, but he was still almost 5 feet away from them, so it made him look rather lame. He sighed and stopped walking so he could accept the ride to school that was offered.

He reached his locker only to find the very first mark of vandalism, "Knock your dad out again for me, yeah? ~Gwen" in thick black sharpie. His system dinged again.

{Gwen Stacy is impressed by your sense of justice and your abs}

+6 to Charisma when interacting with her.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed his shit before heading to class. Everyone in class seemed...distracted? He found out why a few moments later when he was on his phone.


New vigilante spotted in downtown Queens! Witnesses cite being unable to make out his true shape until his appearance changed entirely. What citizens first believed to be nothing more than a trick of the light suddenly turned into a man clothed in a dark trenchcoat. Witnesses also cite several bombs being diffused simultaneously by some trick of the light, though the true methods of such diffusal are as of yet unknown. Up and coming gang leader Clock-Watcher was apparently also involved, as his henchmen, accompanied by B-rate thug Shocker, were the aggressors in the situation. Witnesses report flying outlines of birds, at first bright white and suddenly deep black and full of darkness when the vigilante changed color. More information on this new protector will be released as more is known. Whatever the case, his actions saved countless lives, considering the amount of collateral damage and casualties that could have been caused by the reported bombs. Stay tuned for more on this light and dark vigilante that some are calling Eclipse.

~Article written by Benjamin Urich~

Logan sighed and put his phone away, leaning back in his chair. Notoriety was not what he wanted. But he figured it was only a matter of time. He laid his head on his desk, waiting for the day to end.

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