

Fudo pulled away and looked into Denji's light brown eyes as Denji blushed, " What was the kiss for...Fu-fudo-san". Fudo smiled," we had to seal the deal with a kiss. We are a couple now," Fudo said laughing before kissing him again. Denji was overwhelmed by the second kiss. It was gentle but still firm as Denji could not move. 'his lips are soft' was all he could think of. The only other person he had ever kissed was Aimi-chan. Fudo gently stroke the side of Denji's face with the tips of his fingers before pulling away and smiling. "You better get to practice. We wasted enough time here. I don't want coach Mando to think we are a liar", Fudo said getting up and walking away. "ah...", Denji nodded as he stubbled to get up," yea...well um.." Fudo turned to look at Denji." Remember to act normal. It would help if you thought of them as pigs." Denji looked confused. " pigs are cute and enjoyable to with but it won't stop you from eating them when you finally roast them," Fudo said as he took a seat back at his desk. Denji scratched the back of his head. " I'll try..." Denji said as he pushed in his chair. " you won't try you will do. I will kiss you every day until I see change. " Denji looked surprised " eh..!E-e-everyday?". Fudo nodded, "Every day....two kisses is not gonna undo a one-year relationship. So I need you to really try. Now leave." Denji backed away and ended hitting the door. " ah...bye" he said running to practice. As he left Testu entered with snacks. " He seems scared...A new toy?" Fudo didn't even bother to look Tetsu but rather just nodded before continuing to look at the next set of documents.

As Denji entered the field Coach Mando was relieved. 'those fucking brats..I'll make them pay' he thought as he recalled President Ryuji smug face telling him to bark louder. As he watches the boys hug Denji he was happy that he was able to do something. " man we thought you were a goner," said a team member. " Nah coach really saved me," Denji said as he began to play. For the rest of the practice, everything went smoothly. After showering and getting dressed he enter the coach's office. " Thank you", he said with a deep bow. Coach Mando waved him off. "You're a good kid. Don't worry about it. Just stay away from the student council and delinquents. I don't want you injured or worse suspended from playing. " Yes Coach", Denji said as he left. Waiting outside the door for him was Arata. "Hey..." Denji looked confused. " Arcade?...we made plans, yesterday," Arata said. "Ah..Let's go," Denji said smiling. He totally forgot and really wasn't sure how to act. He didn't want to hang out with him but then he remembers the kiss and Fudo's words...think of them like pigs. Denji tried to compose his face as Arata watched him closely. "pig..." Denji mumbled. "Pig?" Arata said confused. " Pig.yes...I-I think I want to stop at Pigley's Diner after for bacon burgers. Remember the ones we use to eat all the time in Junior high?"Denji said smiling as he began to think of Arata less like a person and more like a pet pig. " I thought you had forgotten that place," Arata was excited.

Spending time with Arata was hard because there were so many good memories there. He really considered Arata like a brother. He thought that they would go all the way to college together but now he barely could stand to look at this man. As they ate across from one another. Denji looked across the table at Arata and for the first time like really compared himself to him. Arata was good looking, funny, and kind but he had this charm about him that made him come off more experienced. "Arata?" Arata looked at Denji. "Hmm," he drank his milkshake. "How many girls have you slept with?" This question made Arata choke. Denji has never really been interested in the topic of sex before. " A few girls here and there. why?"Arata asked. " Am I like the only virgin still on the team?" asked Denji. Arata knew he was the only one and knew a time like this would come eventually. " yeah...."Arata said. " Do you think Aimi-chan will ever sleep with me?" Denji said taking another bite of his burger. " Of course she will. She is serious about you. She 100% only wants you," Arata said. Denji chewed in silence and shallowed. " I don't think so. She's always calling me a perv and I barely do anything. Like if my arm just slightly presses against her boob then I'm a perv. If I want an extra kiss I'm a perv. I honestly don't think all girls are like that. So something is wrong." Denji said looking down. Arata realized that Denji may not be so slow as he thought. "Denji when girls are with the guys they love they often become shy. That's all. Aimi-chan is a girl that likes to take things slow," Arata said. Denji nodded," your right. What am I rushing for.....I'll wait until she's ready after all she's my girlfriend. Thanks, man. what would I do without you." Denji said enjoying the rest of his food. Arata smiled back but on the inside, a part of him wanted to tell the truth and say she was his but the other part of him wanted to lie and say shes sleeping with someone else.

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