
Chapter 8: Clash of the Climax, End of the Invasion 1/2

Sarahgri99: Yeah, I'm a huge HIMYM fan and probably one of the very few people who don't despise the finale, but I have no intention of starting a flame war over it. Anyway I really enjoyed writing the Tatsu vs Lee fight, and I hope you enjoy what I have planned next.


Pakkun took a whiff "I sense that Sasuke has stopped moving, but he's still a long way ahead of us."

Tatsu nodded "I can sense his chakra rising, he must be planning to fight."

"Did I just smell what I think I smelled?"

"What is it, some kind of trouble?"

"Strange I never noticed it before. Tatsu, did you use the same shampoo as I do?"

"...One time, I borrowed it from Lee one damn time!"

"But I wonder why my coat looks so much glossier than yours."

"...Seriously, I'd trade you for Lee in a heartbeat. I wonder how he's doing anyway."


"TANTRUM!" riding Choji like a bull and pulling a staff out of nowhere, Lee was chasing back the Sound ninja and stampeding like an angry rhino "ONWARD! TANTRUM!"


Tatsu shrugged "I'm sure he's doing just fine."


Sasuke had finally caught up to Gaara's group "Hey."

"Oh geez." Kankuro grumbled.

"If it isn't Sasuke Uchiha." Temari gave a scowl.

Sasuke whipped out a kunai and smirked "Sorry, but this is as far as you guys go."

Kankuro was sweating 'Oh man Gaara, where are you when we need you? You picked a lousy time to be out of commission, this Uchiha kid is trouble. So what're you gonna do?"

Temari leapt ahead "Go Kankuro, get Gaara away from here. I'll take care of this one."

"Don't be a fool Temari, this kid's too much for you to handle all by yourself."

"Don't argue, our mission is to make sure Gaara is safe. He's our first and only priority. Don't worry about me, this is what I've been waiting for. Get going Kankuro."

"Right." Kankuro leapt ahead.

"No you don't!" Sasuke fired some kunai, but missed "Damn!"

Temari blocked his way "Take this!" she fired a blast of wind to stop him 'Bad timing, I would have to face this Uchiha kid when my chakra is almost gone. I'm in real trouble if he uses his Sharingan, I've got to force him to waste a lot of his chakra and quickly. It's my only chance?'

'Should I use that and try to take her out quickly? No, I've gotta conserve my chakra if I want any chance of stopping Gaara. I've gotta resort to some of my lesser fire attacks and my Purple Thunder. But until then, I'm biding my time and saving my chakra.' Sasuke quickly fired off some shuriken.

Temari unleashed a blast of wind, sending the shuriken into the tree 'He's holding back, saving his chakra for Gaara. Wind Scythe Jutsu!" she unleashed a blast of wind.

Sasuke dodged the blast, causing it to cut the tree beneath him, along with several branches, forcing him on the evasive as he fired off more shuriken.

"Is that the best you can do? Sand Storm Jutsu!" she fired another blast of wind, deflecting the shuriken and building up sand on the tree branches.

Sasuke was forced to hide behind one of the trees 'I've gotta do something about that damn fan of hers.'

'Still holding back, this fight won't last long that way.'

'Oh well, it can't be helped.' Sasuke came out into the open.

'Good, I was wondering when you were going to get serious.'

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Sasuke unleashed several small balls of fire.

'That's more like it.' Temari leapt to the ground as the balls of fire exploded, creating a ring of fire surrounding her.

'Now to finish her off. Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Sasuke finished the onslaught with a giant ball of fire "Did I get her?"

"Wind Scythe Jutsu!" Temari launched a blast of wind, clearing out the flames.

Sasuke quickly leapt away from the wind, only to slip on some sand and fall.

"You're mine!" Temari leapt up and hit him with several kunai to the chest, only to discover a log in his place "What the- a Substitution?!"

And a paper bomb.

"Oh no!" she got thrown back by the shockwave and coughed up blood.

Sasuke appeared on a branch above her "I've gotta run. I've wasted too much time on you as it is." and he disappeared.

'Hopefully… I held him off long enough… for Gaara to get away.'


At the Hokage battle, Orochimaru revealed the nature of his Transference Ritual, allowing him to transfer his being into the body of another every few years and that he intended to make Sasuke his new vessel.

Regretting not killing Orochimaru when he had the chance all those years ago, Sarutobi mustered up his chakra and summoned some Shadow Clones for a last resort attack in an attempt to rectify his mistake.

As the battle across the Hidden Leaf raged on, Sarutobi had his Shadow Clones use the Reaper Death Seal on Hashirama and Tobirama, revealing Yoroi and Misumi as the corpses used to reanimate them, while the real one intended to do the same to Orochimaru, trapping his soul within the Reaper's stomach at the cost of his own life.

However, Orochimaru used his Sword of Kusanagi to stab Sarutobi in the back.


Kankuro continued carrying Gaara through the forest, and he sensed a presence 'It's coming, but which one?' he was forced to dodge several shuriken "So it's Uchiha. What about Temari?'

Then Sasuke showed up, forcing Kankuro to stop "You through running away?"

"Who says I was running? I'll take you on, no problem."

"Wait!" then Temari showed up.

"Temari. When he showed up and you didn't, I thought he must've finished you."

"He could've, and why he didn't I don't know. Guess I didn't delay him for very long did I?"

"It's okay, every second gives Gaara more time to recover though why he still hasn't after a whole month I don't know. Anyway, the more chakra Uchiha is forced to use up the better for us."


Pakkun took a whiff "There it is."

"What, more shampoo?" Naruto snarked.

"No, I smell Sasuke. And he uses the same shampoo too. He's not alone, I smell others with him. He's caught up to them."

Tatsu smirked "Finally. Hang in there for just a little longer Sasuke, we're almost there.'

"They're close together and they've stopped moving, could mean a fight. We should hurry."


'What are all these other smells? A bunch of them all converging on the same spot. Smells like we're not the only ones tracking Sasuke, there's something else out there."

"Enemy or ally?"

"I don't know, but it isn't human."

"Not human? What're you- Hold on, I recognize that chakra. Why didn't I sense it sooner? Please, both of you make sure you survive until we get there.'


Temari made a decision "I've got this Kankuro, go on and get Gaara out of here."

But then Kankuro stepped forward instead "Temari, you take Gaara and go on ahead. You're all worn out, look at yourself. Go on, you'll only get in my way."

"Wait a second-"

"Get moving!"

Temari looked down at Gaara.

"Hurry up!"

"Alright." Temari grabbed Gaara and took off.

Kankuro turned to face Sasuke "Okay Uchiha, time you picked on someone your own size."

Sasuke smirked "Whatever you say."

"Hold on!" a new voice cut in "I've got dibs on him first Sasuke."

Kankuro looked and saw Shino standing beside Sasuke "What do you want?"

"Shino? How did you find us?" asked Sasuke.

"I planted a beetle on you as you left the arena, a female beetle." explained Shino "She gives off a very faint scent, nothing you could detect but the male of the species can. He has a very strong sense of smell and he'd follow her anywhere."

Kankuro was briefly freaked out by the bugs at his feet.

"Sasuke Uchiha, it's Gaara you're really after. That is, because you never got your own shot at him. Well I have similar unfinished business with Kankuro, because I never got to fight him either, and unlike you I was actually supposed to fight him. He's mine, leave him to me. Go."

Sasuke smirked "Well alright then, if you're sure you're okay."

"Don't worry, give me 10 minutes and I'll come after you to see if you're okay."

"Don't waste your time, by then my work will be done too. And Shino?"


"Thanks." and he blitzed off after Gaara.


Kankuro let out an arrogant chuckle "You clueless fools, you don't know what you're in for. Imagine something more monstrous than your worst nightmare, only it's real."

"I'm having a little trouble picturing it, why don't you go ahead and show me."

"Oh it's not me, if you're ever unlucky enough to catch up with Gaara then that's when you'll see it. But first of course, you'll have to beat me."


Pakkun stopped "Uh oh."

Tatsu stopped "What's up?"

"Something wrong?" Naruto slammed straight into a tree "Ow…"

"Smells like they're in motion, Sasuke along with two of the other ones." Pakkun told him "And they're moving fast, smells to me like Sasuke's chasing them."

"You sure?" asked Tatsu.

"But there are two more still there, not moving. The two that are left are about to fight."

"I recognize those chakra signatures, one is Kankuro, the Sand guy with the puppet, and I'm pretty sure the other one is Shino. My best guess is that he wanted the match that he was denied."

"Even if it means losing some time, we should go around them just to be safe."

"Right." and they went around the battle.


Gaara soon regained consciousness "Temari, put me down."

"You sure you're strong enough Gaara?" Temari set him down.

Gaara began clutching his head.

"Gaara!" Temari looked at his wounds 'This isn't right, his wounds should've healed a long time ago, and there's no telling how long Kankuro can delay the Uchiha. Every second counts. If we don't keep moving, the whole plan will fail."

"Leave me alone Temari, go away. You are nothing but a nuisance. Beat it!" he finally punched her away into a tree "I don't need you." he glared at the one in front of him.

Sasuke had caught up with Gaara and met his gaze, unafraid "I have no idea what scheme you Sand Village clowns have got going, but I'll stop it no matter what it is."

Gaara's skin cracked slightly.

"Besides, I'm dying to see what you really are."

Gaara suddenly gripped his hand, his skin cracking even further, ignoring Temari's constant yells of protest "We're so alike Uchiha, I don't have friends as you have but they're not what makes you strong. It's your purpose that does it, in that way we're alike. You! But mine is the stronger purpose, for only by destroying you and all you represent can I even prove that I exist. Only by killing you can I know what life is."

Sasuke stared intently for a moment 'He showed up during my training and asked me what my purpose is, but I wouldn't tell him, and he thought my eyes showed a desire for power and the drive to do anything to get it. If it weren't for Tatsu and Naruto, that's probably how I would've turned out.'

"You… You are my-" Gaara clutched his head and screamed in pain, his skin cracking apart even further "You are my prey! My prey! MY PREY!"

Temari froze 'It's starting.'


Kankuro was quick to attack with his puppet Crow, using its many hidden weapons to catch Shino by surprise.

Shino was able to dodge the attack through use of his destruction bugs, but eventually made the mistake of inhaling some of the puppet's poison gas.


By this point, Gaara had halfway transformed "Now… let me feel it…"

Sasuke froze 'That eye, the same eye as when he fought Tatsu in the preliminaries.'

Gaara pounced at him in a primal rage.

Sasuke was forced to dodge, the blow destroying a tree, and hide behind a tree 'Looks like I may not finish this before you guys catch up with me after all, sorry Shino.'


As the battle raged on, Shino managed to direct his bugs to pinpoint Kankuro's location.

They soon managed to pinpoint it and consume all of his chakra,, subduing Crow and causing Kankuro to collapse.

With the battle won, Shino collapsed due to Kankuro's poison.


Sasuke dodged a sweep of Gaara's claw 'Is he human or some kind of monster? What the hell is he?'

"Why do you hide Sasuke Uchiha, do I frighten you?" Gaara snarled maliciously "Are you shocked by my true form? Come out come out Sasuke Uchiha, to live I must kill and you are my prey!"

Sasuke quickly leapt out from his hiding spot.

"So there you are!" Gaara slashed his claw at him.

Sasuke disappeared via Substitution "Guess again!" he appeared above Gaara and flung a volley of kunai.

Gaara blocked them with his giant sand claw, then absorbed them like quicksand "Here, you can have them back!" he flung the kunai barrage at Sasuke, charging them with fire chakra.

Sasuke then disappeared.

"Only a clone."

The real Sasuke was hiding behind a tree 'This guy's a freak.'

"What's wrong, Sasuke Uchiha? Why do you run and hide? Why don't you attack?" then Gaara screamed in pain and clutched his head "Why do you always run away?" he let out a furious primal roar "I won't let you get away, you can't escape do you hear? Sasuke Uchiha!" he leapt forward, cutting down several trees.

'This is unreal, his strength is off the charts.'

"What's wrong?! You're not afraid of me are you?!"

'If this comes down to physical strength then you can forget it.'

"Yes that's it, you fear me don't you Uchiha? You live in fear every day I'm alive!"

'He said I was his prey, and yet I'm probably just a substitute because you couldn't kill Tatsu. You said I knew loneliness more than anyone, but you're wrong. Naruto understands it a lot more than I do.'

"What's wrong, Sasuke Uchiha?! Are you really so afraid of me?! Has all your hatred and sense of purpose dwindle down to this abject fear?! Is this the existence you live now, that of a coward?! Come out and fight me! Show me that I'm wrong! Prove that your existence is stronger than mine! You'll never know unless you fight me! You'll never feel it! ATTACK!"

Sasuke's mind was racing, his thoughts moving to Itachi 'he killed everyone but me, I was the only one allowed to live.' he formed a hand seal 'For what reason? No, I know the reason. He had to leave one alive to spare himself the guilt of having exterminated an entire clan.' lightning chakra began generating in his hand 'By sparing me, Itachi chose me to be the avenger of the clan. He chose me to be the one to kill him.'

"Good, now we're gonna have some fun Sasuke Uchiha!"

'With one blow, I'll finish this. Thanks Kakashi.'

"UCHIHA!" Gaara leapt forward.

"CHIDORI!" Sasuke fired the blast of lightning, ripping through Gaara's blood, causing him to howl in pain 'Looks like it worked.'

Unfortunately, Gaara just let out a maniacal laughter "I see, so that's what it is! Now it's clear to me exactly why I've been looking forward to this… this pain. What a thrill it will be to crush such an opponent capable of wounding me so badly! Such a victory will make me feel what it is to be truly alive! There's more, so much more…" the wound in his arm regenerated, and sand poured from his gourd before sprouting into a tail.

'What the hell is this guy? How many of these things are going to grow out of him?'

Gaara's sand claw grabbed the branch he was standing on, then catapulted himself forward.

'He's even faster!' Sasuke barely dodged the swipe.

Gaara grabbed another branch.

'Only by predicting his moves do I have any chance of dodging them, if it weren't for my Sharingan I'd already be dead. I can't use my Chidori, and now I can only use my Purple Thunder twice before I pass out, so I've gotta be smart about using my chakra. Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" he launched a jutsu.

Gaara used his sand to protect himself and launched forward.

'It didn't even slow him down, a jutsu of this level is useless.'

"You're finished!"

'It's Chidori or nothing then.'

Gaara punched Sasuke with his sand claw, sending him crashing into a tree.

'Chidori is when I focus more on the nature of the lightning chakra instead of form, making it very different from Purple Thunder.'

"Is that it? That's the best demonstration you could make of the value of your existence?! That's just pathetic, truly. Your hatred, it's weak. You are far too soft and forgiving! The greater the hunger for revenge, the greater the hate, and it's the power of hate that gives you the strength to kill! Your hate is weaker than mine, far weaker!"

"Shut up."

"You know what that means don't you?"

"Just shut up!"

"It means you can't win. You are weaker than I am."

'There's a reason Itachi let me live, a reason he chose me to be the one to track him down and kill him. I'm not like the rest of the Uchiha, I will not succumb to hatred or vengeance! I will find my own way!' lightning crackled to light 'Maybe by concentrating on the nature and form of the technique evenly, I can make something new.'


Gaara leapt forward.

"PURPLE CHIDORI!" concentrating the chakra nature and form evenly, Sasuke's Chidori turned purple, the technique blowing Gaara's sand arm and part of his tail clean off.

Gaara let out a howl of pain as his arm regenerated.

Sasuke finally collapsed 'No good… that was all I could manage… I'm out of chakra… can't move…'

Gaara let out a primal roar as he pounced, until…

"Wind Style: Crimson Wind!" a blast of red wind sent Gaara flying, and Naruto suddenly appeared in between them.

Sasuke weakly looked up "Naruto…"

'This guy… Sasuke, this is Gaara isn't he?"


"Hey guys." Pakkun spoke up "I guess now would be the time to tell you I'm not the fighting type."

"Yeah, we can tell just by looking at you." Tatsu said dryly 'I can sense Dosu's chakra, he'll be here any minute. We've gotta hold out until then and attack Gaara as a unit.'

"What do you want?" Gaara snarled.

Naruto got into a stance 'This guy… Tatsu, get Sasuke out of here!"

Gaara leapt at them "KAMIKAZE! YOU WILL PAY! DIE!"

"No!" Dosu suddenly appeared, tanto in hand, in between Gaara and Sasuke "Are you three alright?"

Gaara froze, recalling a memory from his past, before he suddenly smacked Dosu with his giant sand claw, sending him into a tree "STAY OUT OF THIS!" he slammed Dosu into a tree with his sand claw and clutched his head in pain.

Naruto felt his blood chilling "What're we supposed to do now? We're screwed! I don't know if I can handle this guy, I mean Tatsu barely beat him at full power!'

"Why can't I…?" Gaara thought back to his childhood memories of his maternal uncle Yashamaru, who had seemed to be the only person who cared about him, ended up trying to kill him out of sheer hatred, then Yashamaru's statement about his mother's death, followed by his suicide bombing, and then Gaara came to only love himself and find purpose for himself in killing others 'Yashamaru…'

Naruto looked on in horror 'Those eyes…'

"What's the matter? Aren't you about to make a run for it? Who are those three? Who are they to you?"

"Who are they to me? They're my friends, that's who they are! All three of them, even if they come from different villages!"

Dosu's good eye widened 'I see, so this is how ninja in this village really are. I only wish I could've seen it sooner.'

"You try laying so much as another finger on any of them and I'll pulverize you!"

Gaara let out a growl and tightened his grip on Dosu "What's the matter? Weren't you gonna pulverize me? Well come on then!"

'This isn't gonna be easy as long as he stays like this, but I've got no choice. Tatsu…"

"Say no more." Tatsu cut him off "I understand."

"Thank you." then he turned to Gaara "You're gonna pay for hurting my friends!"

Next chapter