
“How come they were defeated?”

"Equal terms, huh," Spike repeated Adam's words. He continued saying, "Then say it after you saw my surprise to you, hehe," he chuckled before clicking his fingers.

Everyone knitted their brows, wondering what he meant. After the clicking sound, the widescreen behind Spike lit up, displaying the whole stage and the audience podium where the competition was held.

While spreading his arms on both sides, he shouted, "Behold!" He said and watched everyone's reactions with a wide grin on his face. 'Now, these fools will definitely understand the true value of that 1 gold coin I mentioned,' Spike thought.

He opened his mouth again and said, "Do you understand now?" He asked them a question when he noticed everyone was having shocked expressions.

"Hehe…" he chucked. It was such a good feeling looking at their dumbfounded faces. This was what he expected. To be shocked by his surprise. That 1 gold coin actually held the life of many people. 

Next chapter