
A man that can lead an army

After killing a couple of participants in just a swing of his scarlet blade, the Demon Lord rushed to the others and raised the sword in hand. He was raising it over his head.

The people in front of him trembled in fear. Although it was a competition only and not real, being in the face of such a monster, one could not help be afraid.

Ssssshiiing! A sudden down-strike drew a long scarlet mark in the air.


People who were hit by it were torn to pieces in a second when the attack landed on them.

Multiple figures spawned in the spawning area outside the painting; each one of them was wearing uniformed faces. Fear was visible in their eyes.

But the people around were not minding them as their focus was on the giant monitor.


The Demon Lord was in frenzy mode. It did not stop its onslaught.

Seeing the Demon Lord killing his men from left to right, "Attack! Attack!" He shouted once again.

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