

"Wait a minute, we shouldn't attack so casually we still don't know why these two people are fighting; besides we could become their targets if we interfere" said a light brown-haired blonde like woman with blue eyes.

"Chloe could be right, captain attacking so casually will not give us any advantage in this matter and could make things worse" said another woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes this woman is called Maya and she is Chloe's childhood friend they both grew up together and even managed to reach the mystical realm quickly becoming part of the knightly orders of the government that governs the entire solar system, the only difference between the two besides their appearances is that Chloe was born with the attribute of light so what is he joined the order of holy knights while maya was born with the power of darkness so he went to the order of dark knights.

The two women were in space with their captain with their weapons placed on their bodies trying to make him reconsider the option of attacking so indiscriminately without knowing the whole picture.

The captain seeing these two women felt irritated, in the past when these two women entered the knight order, he thought of courting them, but was brutally rejected even thought of coercing them to push them into his bed, but knowing the huge bottom of the two women, he had to withdraw his plans and not do it, despite being greedy and lustful he still preferred to live.

"In the current situation, over time, the fight between these two will affect us, being gentle will not do us any good, stopping them for interrogation and then judging them for entering other people's territory illegally is our duty" once the captain finished After speaking, he ignored the two women and ordered his men to attack with everything they had.

At that moment, the entire battalion of magicians concentrated all their magical powers and united them, releasing an enormous large-scale energy attack towards the room where the two unknown individuals were fighting.

On the other side of the area, Chris and Kira, who were still fighting with everything they had, noticed the attack heading towards their area, seeing that they were trying to interrupt them, in addition to the fact that the attack came with malicious intent to hurt them, the two stopped fighting. As annoyed expression appeared on their faces, both of them made sure to keep the radius of their attacks in this area so that the solar system would not be harmed, but now they stopped fighting and concentrated their space manipulating magic powers and attacked in response.

The captain who saw how they didn't try to dodge and instead attacked, could only make a mocking smile, even if they are powerful their powers shouldn't be equal to a whole battalion and even if they can they should exhaust most of their magic powers which would make them easy prey.


But contrary to their expectations once the powers collided the winning side could be seen as day, the strength of the two individuals easily wiped out the squad, but Chris and Kira's goal was to give a warning to avoid interruptions, the attack of the two continued to where the magicians were.


Before the attack touched them it exploded in front of them thinking they were safe everyone relaxed exempted by Chloe and Maya who sensed enormous danger and combined their powers to protect themselves.

From the blast waves of magical power was released in all directions causing all the warriors to suffer a counter hit causing huge damage to the group of mages making them spit blood.

But the wave did not stop, but went to the entire solar system, when the waves reached the planets, they caused small large-scale earthquakes on all the planets, causing the inhabitants to be scared, but because it was not the big thing the ruckus died down soon after, but the leaders who were witnessing the scene as well as the high-ranking officials of the cities did not think the same.

Chris and Kira who achieved their goal ignored the interruption and continued with their fight.

***Presidential Council***

"What we are seeing is true and not a bad joke" said one of the ministers at the table

"Captain listen to me let's report his situation" said the president to the communication device.

"President, the attack just now has left us incapacitated, I suggest we reevaluate our actions from now on" the one who answered was not the captain, but Chloe since the captain was not in a position to do so.

"Report damages" said another of the ministers

"The damage caused to the soldiers can be recovered in a short time, we estimate that in an hour they will all be as good as new, 30 minutes if they are treated with healing magic" informed Maya who was next to Chloe.

"President I think we should wait for them to recover and attack again; they probably exhausted a part of their powers if they continue fighting like this their resistance will be over and we will be able to deal a heavy blow the next time we attack" said a man similar to the captain this official is the captain's younger brother although I know his reasoning made sense, he was not making this suggestion for justice but for more personal matters.

Once the suggestion was made there were people in disagreement, while others supported the idea, without being able to reach a decision the president spoke "sub captain what do you think our action should be" said the president asking Chloe.

To which Chloe I replied "President, the people in question don't seem interested in harming our side and the attack from before was just a warning not to interfere, besides with the powers of these people the waves of their fight should have already arrived to the planets, but they haven't, they should have been holding their range so as not to implicate anyone, we should withdraw our men and have them station themselves on the planets to create protective barriers in case they accidentally cannot be reached contain more and a larger wave of energy arrives, while a small group stays here and monitors the battle"

"Stupid things, we should continue with the plan of attack instead of defending like a bunch of cowards" shouted the commander who had recovered not long ago.

In the same way, the officials argued until they voted for which of the ideas you take until a tie was reached, being the final decision of the president.

"We will follow Vice Captain Chloe's plan; it is better to play it safe than to take risks" said the president as the last word.

***In space outside the solar system***

"How can we follow such a stupid idea" shouted the captain hysterically.

And the worst of all is that he had to be in the observation team, which was in command of the two women due to his injuries.


Kira's avatar Ren who watched the soldiers retreat saw the captain yelling as if he saw an idiot and felt irritated at the sight so he attacked him with a breath attack to shut him up, leaving the captain in a more miserable state.

When Chloe and Maya, as well as the other soldiers saw this, they all remained silent as if they had not seen anything, after all, despite being their captain, he never had a good reputation, it was the opposite since none of them liked him due to his bad deeds and way of being, if it wasn't for his younger brother, he was an important minister he would have been demoted already a long time ago.

The younger brother was so desperate to finish off the two individuals, it was more than anything to be able to gather merit to achieve his re-election, if he did not achieve something great in this remaining half year, he would lose his position due to certain actions he took a long time ago, which he would continue with his brother being demoted which would lead him to lose another of his pillars.

Which would lead him to his collaborators abandoning him since he cannot give benefits and his enemies take hand on the matter giving him an uncertain future.

At that moment the captain remembered something some tens of years ago on earth visitors from higher worlds came among this a researcher who gave them a very particular weapon this weapon was an explosive that would create an opening in the universe sending everything in the area to nothingness, nothingness was not like the emptiness of space all that was known is that it was a non-existent space that contains energy, but the slightest hints of time or space could not be detected, which would cause any being to die to death. entering nothingness, although there are ways to enter and remain in nothingness is not an environment in which one can stay for a long time.

Earth as the main planet of the system alone barely qualifies as a mid-level civilization so it doesn't understand the true power of the weapon.

When this weapon came into the hands of the inhabitants of the earth there were many disputes to decide who would take care of this object, in the end an agreement was not reached so it was decided to destroy it and a person was commissioned to do it, but nobody would know who. it was this person.

When this person was going to destroy the weapon, the captain who discovered it by chance stole the weapon and murdered him, making it appear as if he had died with the explosive, so that later he could tell his younger brother, since then the explosive has been with the captain.

Next chapter