

Star City, Central District.

In a complex of luxurious villas located in the central part of the city, there was a villa that stood out with a beautiful lake which is crossed by a bridge with dragon designs, in the middle a small mansion of around 5 floors of black color Although the design of the house is not very extravagant, it blends very well with the surrounding environment.

In the residential room of the villa, on the sofa there is a young man between the ages of 15 and 16 sitting thinking about what he had done in recent years.

In the last 6 years Chris after leaving the orphanage the first thing he did was look for ways to get money and resources.

He thought of creating miracle artifacts and medicines to sell, but that method would attract a lot of trouble and unwanted attention.

The first year he concentrated on increasing his strength due to the previous 7 years of forcibly suppressing the energy of his body it only took him half a year to reach the holy realm.

After his strength reached a decent level, he went to work as a mercenary, he chose the jobs that consisted of killing the most heinous people.

After locating these people, he extorted all their assets, killed them and then collected the reward for taking their heads, thus he quickly gained wealth and fame as a mercenary/assassin in the city.

To avoid nuisance, he hid his appearance using his asura transformation.

After that he just did a couple of tricks to move his resources so it would seem like his normal self-became a millionaire due to luck.

After erasing all traces of evidence of his actions, even altering people's memories, Chris spent the days he rested in a relaxed manner.

As he wallowed in his thoughts, a message suddenly came through his communication device.

After picking it up Chris realized that it was to perform a mission request for his other self, ironically due to his wearing a black mask with white markings, plus his white hair and his brutal way of treating his targets was given to him. Asura's nickname.

After confirming the authenticity of the message, Chris's hair suddenly turned bright white without a trace of impurity while giving off a red glow on the ends of the hair as if the hair had been stained with blood, at the same time his eyes turned bright reds.

Once the transformation was finished, he put on a brand, while his body disappeared from the rooms without a trace.

*** *** ***

A short time later, Chris, I showed up in front of a high-end restaurant where only the big names in town came to eat.

Upon reaching the door, the receptionist recognized him and guided him to a private room, it was evident that she frequented the place frequently.

Upon entering Chris did not greet or introduce himself as if the people in the room were not worth the importance of introducing themselves.

He sat in a seat across from a middle-aged man who was in the prime of his life when he said "For the highly esteemed mayor of the city to personally look for me for a job, why the unexpected surprise?" "

Despite the sneer in the young man's voice, the man didn't say a word, but unlike him, one of the bodyguards on his side couldn't stand the young man's behavior shouting furiously.

"Damn brat for the mayor of the city to dare to call you is the good fortune of your entire... life... AHHHHHHHH..."

Before the wrathful bodyguard finished his sentence of rebuking several black colored swords came out of nowhere passing through the guard's arms and legs, but that was not all, the blades of the swords expelled a different element, one lit up in flames, another one released lightning, the next thick to freeze people's body, while the last one released light energy to heal him so that he could continue to suffer for longer.

"AAAHHHHHH..." The guard while he felt how his body was damaged and recovered at a speed where he could be seen, the screams of agony could be heard throughout an entire street, fortunately the room was soundproof so none of the cries could be heard on the outside, no one from the restaurant staff entered the room to ask what the scandal was either, it was evident that, despite being a high-class place, it was also used to handle shady dealings.

The mayor to see how one of his best men was so easily intimidated, to the point that his cries were not different from those of a pig in the slaughterhouse, he spoke to stop such a pitiful scene.

"I understand that you don't like being threatened, but you could stop" said the mayor, in the past he made several deals with this young man and each one of them ended in resounding success, but each one of the targets he ordered him to eliminate died in the meanest ways possible.

"I doubt that you called me here just to buy me a meal, tell me what you want" Chris said as the swords disappeared leaving a half-dead man in the place.

"Very well, I will not waste any more words, within a month the middle schools will hold the exam for graduates and my daughter will participate in the exam, since not long ago a hornet's nest bothered a high official, her objective will be to capture at that moment my daughter, so I just need you to protect her during the exam" said the mayor.

"Why do you ask me for such an annoying task, besides with your power in the city, protecting your daughter would not be a problem" said Chris, somewhat bitter by the attitude of a loving father, of the man who, without blood or tears, ordered him to kill his opponents.

"The graduation exam every year is different and this year the exam that will be taken is survival in the steles forest that is located on the outskirts of the city, usually you are only asked to enter the forest and marry 5 magical creatures' level 1 in the outer hall but due to the appearance of many genies in this generation, this time they will be required to enter the middle hall for a week and capture a level 3 magical creature or 3 level 2 creatures at least" the mayor said.

Hearing this, Chris couldn't help but frown and ask, "Even if all the students in this generation are in the core rank, it's not natural to increase the requirements like this."

The mayor couldn't help but sigh and reply "The big shot I told you about is the city's education magistrate, his personal intentions are obvious in doing this, choosing survival in the forest so that guards cannot be sent to protect my daughter and after he hides a group of people in the forest beforehand so he can capture her"

"So, you want me to pretend to be one more student and protect her without anyone knowing, you don't think it would be faster if I killed this person" Chris.

"Killing him at this time would be very troublesome if he died it would cause a lot of chaos in the city and could affect the upcoming re-elections, so it's not possible to deal with him at the moment since he has a good reputation among the masses and that would cause a lot of commotion." the mayor said while sighing.

Hearing that Chris said mockingly "I understand that you can't kill him at the moment, but what caused this competition between the two so that there is no decorum, and a method so direct that it does not hide his intentions is used"

"This conflict did not start between the magistrate and me, but it was from his son, this is his only son since his wife died shortly after he was born, that's why he has spoiled him since birth and he has been a troublemaker becoming a useless 2nd generation, who is not diligent but wastes his time on parties and prostitutes, he has been persecuting my daughter for a long time and recently made her father ask for marriage but he rejected it, his son kept persecuting my daughter My daughter and she not only refused but almost paralyzed their offspring, since then the conflict began" said the mayor with a bitter face as he recalled the event.

Hearing the unusual story, Chris didn't know whether to laugh or cry, usually he would turn down such an annoying request, but since he also had to take the exam as well as being reunited with Lillia after so long, Chris also meets the daughter of the mayor Aurora by Lillia in one of her meetings every year, in addition to the fact that Lillia mentioned Aurora very frequently, thinking about it, she decided to accept the job, but she tried to get as many benefits as she could from the mayor for this task .

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