
We All Need Air

The siblings walked out of the restaurant with smiles on their faces while linking their arms together. Angela unhooked her arm from his as they stepped out, and Oliver nodded to the left as he said, "This way."

"Oh… Actually, I want to walk back to Nina's."

He arched his brow, peering over her shoulder as if looking towards the direction of where Nina's apartment was. "That's a few blocks away."

"It's just a twenty-minute walk. I need some air."

"We all need air, genius."

Angela rolled her eyes. "I mean… I need to walk alone. I have lots of things to think about. Besides, I need to burn off that dinner we just ate."

Oliver glanced at his car that was parked at the lot across the street while subconsciously twirling his key in his finger. "Are you sure you don't want me to drive you? It's getting late."

She checked her watch. "Don't be ridiculous. It's only 8:30. And yes, I'm sure. You're going that way, and I'm going this way."

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