
Chapter 66

Li Zi saw Ashlyn's expression and she showed her the video. The video started playing and both Ashlyn and Li Zi were quiet the entire time, Luke of course joined them curious as to why his sister was acting like that.

Cameron and Lake managed to calm themselves down and their laughter died down. When they saw Ashlyn's expression they both glanced at each other and laughed a bit more.

"Pfft, who made this?" Ashlyn asked when it ended.Li Zi showed her the profile of the person and Ashlyn chuckled. "This is a perfect way to ease things down. Specially since the movie you just auditioned for what's to avoid bad publicity the most." Li Zi explained and Ashlyn nodded in agreement.

"Did you manage to get the recordings?" Ashlyn asked. "No it seems, Sissie paid a hefty amount for the original to be deleted completely.

"Hmmm, it seems I will have to use one of my connections for this little problem. But knowing her even if she wants to do something her father will stop her. This viral video is more on my side than it is for her. It will drag her image." Ashlyn contemplated on her next move.

"For now let's concentrate on what we have in hand. Tell me what is scheduled for today?" Ashlyn asked and Li Zi pulled her to take a seat. Ashlyn listened to Li Zi while she wiped her face and the other's listened to her as well.

"Well, first of all we will receive the results of the photo shoot today. The brand allowed us to post a few of the extra photos they took on your social media accounts to promote the brand further." Li Zi started.

"Next would be handling the situation right now but the good thing is that most of the doubts have been cleared off the public's mind. I believe the origin recording will be of great help for us." Li Zi glanced at Ashlyn waiting for her to instruct her something about this matter.

"Don't worry. My connection was present that day and he owes me a favor." Ashlyn smiled.

"Got it. Then I'll leave that to you. This morning I went through the emails and there are a few low grade directors offering your scripts. Seeing the clip of your audition they thought that if they have you in their own films would be a good move. Though I expected this, I surely did not expect Director Lou to send you a script himself." Li Zi clenched her fists tightly in anger.

"Tsk, that shameless man! What does he want in return?" Cameron spoke up with the same anger.

"He invites you to a drink to discuss the script offer….at a nightclub. Please don't accept this." Li Zi begged.

"Even if he makes the public make you seem as arrogant and haughty is better than asking any risks with that old pervert!" Lukas agreed.

Lake shuddered. "Certainty, the entertainment industry has such disgusting people in it hiding behind an innocent mask."

The director Lu they were talking about is very famous for his films. After many years of being a not so well known director he became famous in the industry and he started to get noticed. Using his power to influence the public's opinion of the actors and actresses he would make them give in to his requests. Whether it was money, their body, or whatever he wanted he would make sure to get it.

Though this fact isn't generally known amorous to the public it is very well known in the industry. If any actress is seen around this man the rest would start pointing fingers at her and assuming she had given in to his requests. Though sme would succeed their colleagues would have no respect for them and it made it hard for such artists sto gain connections and friendship.

"I won't. The trap he is setting for me is quite clear and...bold. It's a bit complicated though. I need to have a proper excuse or else the public will find another reason to drag me down. Last night's incident hasn't fully been forgotten so we can't risk it." Ashlyn sighed.

"Anyways what else do we have scheduled?" Ashlyn asked.

"For today nothing else. It's a free day, just make sure to stay in your hotel room. Tomorrow we have another interview and the agency prepared a press conference for you to clarify things." Li Zi responded.

"They scheduled a press conference?" Ashlyn arched an eyebrow. "To a newbie?" She was quite suspicious about it.

"Well, the author of the book and the director are friends with our CEO, all they did was say a few compliments and now the CEO wants to suck up to you." Li Zi shook her head.

"Hmmm." Ashlyn gave it a thought and she dismissed everyone.

She walked to her room and decided to go through her social media and do a few responses since things were already scalating in a neutral way. No one was even sure of what the truth was, all they were waiting for was Ashlyn's statement on the situation.


An hour or so later,

Ashlyn, who was writing a paper to sent to her professor groaned.

Thanks to the Academy she attended before that passed as a normal high school, she was able pass her college really easily. A few days ago she had talked to her professor and agreed to still send the work.

School work distracted her from thinking too much sometimes. Though she had technically already graduated, the reason why she had continued her studies was because she wanted to have a reason to stay away from her father and his little family.

She shut down the computer and went to pour herself a drink. When she came back she found her ringing phone on the bed.

She answered it and she smiled when she heard what the other person had to say.

"Hi, Ms.Brown I have given some thought to your offer and I decided to accept it. Can we meet up to discuss the details?" Tylor asked.

She had her own reasons for accepting the offer, Ashlyn knew that but what surprised her was that Tylor called her during a moment where everyone thinks she bullies her stepsister and pushed her down a few stairs.

Unfortunately, I can’t give a mass release any time soon because of my school work. I will try to give you guys an up-spree of 4 chapters next week! *fingers crossed*

lizmorgancreators' thoughts
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