
Battle of Laketown(1)


Garen POV

The prince and the others have not yet returned. They said they would be back before nightfall, I am worried something might have happened.

"Garen have you met my friend Bard?"

Coming inside my tent I see Fili and the bargeman Bard: "Ah yes the prince mentioned you. What's the problem?"

"Some of the town's citizens are concerned that the hunters did not return from their hunting trip, they are asking me if some of your men saw them?" Bard looked hopefully at me.

"Strange, none of my scouts saw your hunters, maybe they were just late?"

"No, we don't go out during the night it's too dangerous, they should have returned before sundown."

Just as I was about to reply a guard went inside the tent. "Lord Garen we spotted an elf arriving west of our camp."

"An elf? Probably from Woodland, Get my horse I will meet this elf."

"May we join you?"

I looked at Fili and Bard and nod, my guards got more horses and we went to the west side of the camp, arriving there I saw a familiar elf which was the cause of the prince's short temper lately.

"Lady Melody, why have you come?" I looked shocked at her thinking if she ran away again.

Observing her she looked ragged and tired, she paused and took her time regaining her breath before replying.

"I've seen a vision of death upon your legions and Tiberius, an army is approaching from the east led by a Nazgûl."

I looked surprised when she mentioned an army approaching us: "I've sent scouts around the area to inform me of any irregularities they haven't reported anything."

"Where are the scout's captain?"

The captain replied while sweating: "They haven't returned since this afternoon."

"Shit they should have returned a few hours ago, rally the men! Prepare for battle!"

Screaming of centurions in the camp can be heard as they wake up their legionnaires, soldiers woken up from their dreams were still confused but quickly regained clarity when they heard that a night raid from an unknown enemy might be inevitable, they prepared their armor and steels, wore their helmets, lifted their shields and run towards to their respective cohorts.

"Bard go to the town and inform the mayor!"

"Yes!, would the enemy coming from the lake too?"

"I don't know but your hunters and my scouts not returning mean it's certain they will be coming from the land."

Bard nods and rides his horse towards the town, I can see him screaming at the gates about the situation and soon torches we're lightening up around the town walls.

"Send more scouts around the area! We need to know who we are dealing with and their numbers!"

I haven't completed my orders when I suddenly heard rumbling from the east, I see pebbles on the ground shaking and birds flying off from their nest. Everyone paused as they looked at the birds flying up in the air in the middle of the night.


The soldiers quickly marched to the entrance of the camp and lifted their shields to form a shield wall as they looked at the dark forest from the distance. The watchtowers were manned by archers which were taking out arrows from their quivers and aiming at the forest. If it were not for Melody warning them they would have been caught unaware as the enemy would have attacked them unprepared.


I heard a sentry screaming and looked towards the forest, from the dark forest I heard war-cry and see a cavalry charge led by a dark clothed person riding a dark horse.


Looking at the source of the voice I see Melody trembling, I learned about the Nazgûls from the prince, they are also known as Ringwraiths, The Nine, The Fallen Kings, Black Riders, or Úlairi in Quenya were the dreaded ring-servants of the Dark Lord Sauron in Middle-earth throughout the Second age.

"What are they doing here?"

I gulped as I can feel the dark aura from here, the Nazgûl led the charge riding a dark horse while followed by men riding blade chariots pulled by two horses and cavalry riders wearing similar clothing like the Scythians from back home.

"Wainriders! They're Easterlings!"

I heard Fili shouting and finally know who we are dealing with, The Wainriders were a people, or confederacy, of men from the east that served Sauron. They journeyed in great wagons as nomads, and their chieftains rode chariots in battle. They were enemies of the alliance and were the cause of the destruction of the Rhovanion kingdom which used to rule the Northmen making the entire northeast of middle earth without a ruler.

"Archers fire!"

Horses fell as they were hit upon by a rain of arrows from our camp, I saw the Nazgûl lifting its sword and parried all the arrows falling above him like they were nothing.


The legionnaires threw their javelins and weakened the charging cavalry but even so the enemies were undeterred as the Nazgûl screamed in a sharp voice increasing the morale of the Easterlings.



Legionnaires bodies flew through the air as the enemy cavalry slammed on them, the blade chariots sliced through the men and squashed them under their wheels. I saw Fili throwing his axe and successfully throwing off a chariot rider.

"Maintain the shield wall!"

Reserves quickly filled up gaps before more enemy can enter the camp, I watched the legionnaires slowly stabilizing the frontline as the enemy cavalry combat in melee with the legionnaires. After the initial charge, the enemy was at a disadvantage fighting the heavy infantry of Rome in a tight space and was slowly being eliminated.

I heard screaming and see the Nazgûl killing my men easily, the Nazgûl slashed his sword and killed multiple legionnaires like they were nothing as he tries to break through the formation.

"Damn it, His trying to escape!"

I shout and lead my guards while Melody follows me, we rushed towards the Nazgûl, as we got closer we felt the dark aura of the Nazgûl, for some reason we were out of breath and nervous being near him.

"Don't think of escaping after killing my men!"

I urged my horse and it gallops faster towards the dark being, slashing my blade the Nazgûl easily parried my attack and kicks me, making me fall off from my horse.

"Begone Dark One!"

I watched Melody taking out a pair of daggers and jumping towards the Nazgûl, she slashed her daggers towards him but a dark orb came out from the Nazgûl hands and flew towards her, I watched her roll down on the ground as the black orb hits her. Successfully stopping us the Nazgûl breaks out from the formation while rallying the wainriders. The Nazgûl rides his horse towards the town while more wainriders arrive from the forest, surrounding our camp.

"Assemble five cohorts we're reinforcing the town!"

I shout my command to a centurion while I help Melody up, I see the town under siege by the wainriders as they brought battering ram to bring down the gate. After ten minutes I see the gate breaking open and the Nazgûl entering the town along with the wainriders. I watched as fire erupt within the town as my cohorts assemble.

After a few more minutes the cohorts were assembled and I lead them towards the town while Melody recovers and my centurions stay to protect the camp.


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