
The Situation

Misty Mountains

Tiberius POV

In the commander's tent, Tiberius and his officers continued their meeting as Thorin and the other dwarves leave the tent to rest. They discussed the situation of the army and their logistics.

"We have only nine thousand legionnaires from the original thirty thousand your majesty, we lost a legion fighting the Germania and another legion fighting those creatures, the injured are being treated and can fight again in a few days while one thousand soldiers are critically injured and are unfit for battle. The physicians are treating the wounded but estimate more of them will die soon from their injuries or infections. The physicians are also complaining that they lacked medical supplies as they have used up most of them during the battle against the Germania barbarians. If we don't resupply soon more than half of the wounded men will die in a few weeks."

I looked at the officers as they tell me the status of the army, I closed my eyes thinking before speaking: "We will ask Thorin's and his companions for advice tomorrow if he has any idea to treat the wounded, as for the soldiers we can recruit the barbarian prisoners as auxiliary soldiers to replenish our force, how many barbarians do we have?"

One of the officers replies: We had ten thousand barbarians prisoners your majesty but lost some of them as the goblins and orcs managed to break through our defenses but luckily they were at the center of the army and only lost one thousand of them, but it will be very difficult to recruit them your majesty after we just had a war with them and might not agree."

"Don't worry I will handle it, I will convince them to join tomorrow, are they behaving?"

"Yes your majesty they are too scared to move after what they saw, they won't attempt to riot after seeing our forces beating hordes of goblins and orcs riding giant wolves. They were also worshipping the great eagles that saved us, their shamans thought it was their Gods blessing our forces.

"Hmm, we can use that as a reason to recruit them, I will talk to their shamans and chieftains tomorrow, for now all of you are dismissed."

They saluted and left the tent, I go to my bed and rest. As I close my eyes I remember the experiences that just happened, it was too unreal and confusing, too many things happened in just one day I remember the endless goblins coming out from the cracks of the mountain and giant wolves riding orcs that I haven't seen nor heard about and giant eagles flying down from the sky obliterating them like they were nothing and the pact with the dwarves and Gandalf magical glowing staff, I try to sleep but can't seem to as I see the battle in my mind as I close my eyes, I stand up to go outside to take a walk.

"Your majesty?" A praetorian guard looks at me and asks.

"I will go for a walk around the camp, I want to be alone." They looked at me worryingly before saluting.

As I walked around the camp I saw a bonfire and see Darius and Garen sitting around it.

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