
Wolves and Orcs

Misty mountains

Tiberius POV

The Centurions relayed the order of their prince, as they shouted commands to the soldiers to form the shield wall. Soldiers rush to the rear and lined up to halt the charging orcs but as fast they try they were still too late.

The wolves speed is beyond any horse could achieve, they swiftly dash left and right as roman archers try to hit them, soon they arrived in front of the shield wall.

They slammed on their shields tossing the soldiers far, the shield wall being too thin were quickly broken through as more orcs arrive riding their wolves.

I watched my men as they were slaughtered by the orcs."Praetorian guards to me!" I unsheathed my sword and ride my horse forward. My guards urged their horses following me. I arrived on the scene and noticed the guards not behind me. I looked to see the Praetorian guards that were following me were intercepted by orcs and were in combat with them.

I quickly ride my horse and slashes my blade on an orc's head as it was about to kill a soldier, the orc seeing my attack quickly leans his body to dodge his strike, dodging my slash the orc shouts and counter-attacks. I lifted my shield and blocked the hit but the orcs strike was too strong.

Losing my balance I fell off from my horse, falling on my back I see the wolf's head staring at me. I quickly rolled to my left as the wolf try to bite off my head.

I reached for my sword and slashes at the wolf's head decapitating it, its rider falls and gets disoriented. I quickly stand up and ran to the orcs side and stabs my sword down on the orc's head before it recovers.

The orc's eyes opened and see the tip of my blade before dying as my sword pierced the orc's head through his eye, the orc's spasm before stopping, seeing the orc not moving I confirmed my kill.

I survey my surroundings and see my men dying, the soldiers were too scared to fight back properly, it's their first time they do battle with giant wolves and orcs and his legionaries were still in combat with the goblins that were slowly pushing them because of the orcs attacking their rear.

"The army is outmaneuvered" I thought in my head.

The legion is on the verge of routing when I see Gandalf and dwarves arriving. They killed the orcs faster than I did, showing me their expertise in fighting them, they moved agilely as they rolled and climb on the wolves and killing its rider.

I see Gandalf staff shines brightly blinding both the wolf and rider, he quickly decapitates both of them with his sword and looks for another target.

I watch them as they save his men from routing. Encouraged I mount my horse and rally the men.


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