
A Challenge To The Death

"I appreciate the hospitality you've extended to my brother and me, Lady Lilith. I do not wish to offend you in any way," Vy quickly responded. 

She did not want to cause any trouble, even if that meant she had to hold back on her revenge. 

"Do not worry, Vyrena, you have not offended me in any way," Lilith quickly assured Vy before continuing, "The thing is, my sister would like to issue you a challenge."

"A challenge?"

Lilith nodded, "She wants to fight you, to the death."

Vy grew a little tense. She was not afraid of the challenge that was issued. Vy was surprised that Lilian would suggest such a thing. Aether, who had been listening in, was surprised too. 

He perked up his head to listen in and get a better grasp on the situation. 

"She wants to fight me to the death? So it's either she lives, I live or we're both dead?"

"Yes, that's right. She seems confident she will live," Lilian added.

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