
Chapter 3

It has been a few weeks since the Baxter building incident and the city had calmed down a bit, there were now allegations flying around that the Latvarien King, Victor Von Doom was also a part of the experiment and was horribly disfigured and was now, claiming that this was an attempt at his life by Reed Richards. The team of four people Reed Richards, Storm Siblings and one Ben Grimm were dubbed by the news networks as heroes or freaks or both because they had stopped an explosion on a bridge. Surprisingly, Johnny was only 16 years old and was also a mechanical engineer and an astronaut. However, he acted like the horny teenager he was and was never taken seriously, until he got the powers. He went ahead and named the team, the fantastic Four and garnered a lot of publicity for the team. Even then, the workforce at the building was facing a sharp decline. No coming back from explosive experimental disasters, i guess.

I was back to patrolling the streets and clearing out drug dens. The money I had 'relieved' from the 'victims' was used to but a bunch of super tension wire and a hook which Peter and I had modified to work as a grapple of sorts. It unhooked when electricity was applied to it and was charged by me so, it didn't need any battery making it super small. The thing was thin enough to be mistaken as a phone.

"Dude, hurry to my location. There is some sort of tank attacking everything." Peter yelled out.

"Sure, heading your way." I said and looked at the location Peter had sent over. It was a few

blocks away.

I used the grapple to climb a building and activated my gliding powers to make myself lighter to run faster. I was there within 5 minutes and was surprised by the destruction the tank had caused. Peter had tied it up in a lot of webs but it was slowing tearing to them. I jumped down and made my way to it. Peter looked worn out but relatively in good shape. I jumped on the tank and drain its power entirely. The driver yelled at us to stop and how we were ruining everything but fuck this guy. Peter then used a sewer lid to break open the suit and threw the guy outside.

A few cops came over and cuffed. Aleksi something and he said that he had gotten the suit for free and that a guy named gentle had given it to him.

"You both, out of my crime scene." A cop yelled out.

"Hey, we just did all your work for you." Peter retorted.

"Which is why I am not arresting you, now get out before I change my mind." He said and got down to examining the suit.

Peter and I looked at each other and went to a nearby roof. We saw a fireball approaching us and sighed. Johnny had been at our throats to allow him to join our patrols and stuff, but the cocky little shit was too proud to directly ask us and instead always came over at random time to hang out. Peter had been found out by Reed the same day as he got accepted into their employee because Reed was scary smart about this sort of thing. While, Peter nearly had a heart attack because of it, I was impressed by Reed. He had even given me an Unstable fabric uniform because he said the armor will eventually give out one day.

I was also working on another project of mine. It was to deal with the drug problem of New York because almost every day I had to call in nearly a kilogram of drugs, over the course of the 2 months i had nearly turned in 100 kg. 'How are they even able to transport all that into the town without getting caught?' I wondered. The answers was corruption and I cannot be going after High Government employees, because one word Shield. Those guys would bring pain one my ass quicker than i could say 'shit'. SO, i stuck to cleaning up as much of the drugs as I could. The police operators were now able to recognize my voice and would often talk shit before they sent over a uniformed officer.

Disrespect aside, the uniformed officers or at-least a few of them were finally warming up to us. Although, a few of them tried to shoot me but meh, you take what you get. In the school, the situation was different. People were even more weirded by us and Some teachers even moved us up to a higher classes. I really appreciated that and Peter didn't really like it. I groaned about how we will be even more social outcasts then before, which by the way is not much unless people started going after us with rakes and torches.

The dynamic of the school changed when another person entered, Felecia Hardy AKA the black cat. Peter was instantly enamored with her. He even tried to talk with her but froze up when he got close to her then Felecia simply smiled and walked away. There was also a sudden rise of high profile thefts that were reported.

In the meantime, I was onto a local drug lord named Cottonmouth, weird name BTW, he was about to bring a huge shipment of drugs into the city. I had heard some chatter about this on the streets, heard was a selective term here, when I had beaten that information out of a few idiots. The man Cottonmouth was a huge black dude with gun toting morons around him 24/7. I could have taken him down but the shipment would have definitely gone somewhere else. So, I hunkered down and kept a close eye on them. Peter even offered to help but there was just nothing he could do because it was a stake-out.

I followed him for 2 weeks on the end and had to watch him put down goon after goon because they had 'messed up', he had killed nearly a dozen people in just 11 days and It had taken a lot of will just to stay put. I had told Peter about that he was furious as well, but the right thing to do was to wait for the shipment and take him and the shipment down together. I was at the dock eating a pizza when I saw another bright light coming form Middle East town, near Madison avenue. Fuck, those idiots sure were a magnet for explosion of all things. I sighed began to run into that direction.

"Max, the Doom guy is destroying everything, he took Ben's powers and is now trying to kill Reed. Hurry." Peter yelled out.

"I am on my way." I yelled out as i was running.

I hurried up and the closer I got the more explosions I heard. I got to the scene just as Victor was about to blow up a car. I aimed the grapple at the car and fired, the lightning arc that Victor had shoot out got conducted into the wire and straight into me. I almost sighed at the wonderful feeling but now was not the time.

"Electro, are you okay?" Susan asked and i nodded and ran straight at Victor.For some reason he kept trying to fire lightning blasts at me but I kept on absorbing them till i got close enough to punch him. *CRACK* Yeah, punching a metal covered metal dude was surprisingly not a great idea. I let out a scream and let him kick me away. I glided to safety and channeled lightning to my wound. It was healing but not fast enough, so I healed it just enough for it to move and began to attract all the electricity from the nearby area.

"Johnny, melt that sucker. Keep a constant stream on him all the time." I yelled out and focused on attracting all his energy blasts into myself.

"How dare you challenge doom?" He yelled out and charged at me.

Peter that beautiful bastard came riding on a flying car straight into Victor's face causing an explosion which sent him straight into the side of a building. Reed finally got the chance to bind him with glowing red belt which de-powered Victor's suit.

"You cant do this to me. I am Doom, the king of Latveria." He yelled out.

"Sorry, sucker. It's clobbering time." Ben said from behind us and knocked Victor out.

"Ben, when did you. . ." Reed asked.

"Sorry, stretch. I had to help and I did it, again." Ben said with a smile.

"Thanks man. That was great." Johnny complimented but I simply shrugged it off.

I got closer to Victor and sucked all the remaining electricity out of him.

"Good, thinking. I case the belt fails." Ben said and I nodded and went back to Peter who was sitting on the ground.

"So, still think we don't need to learn martial arts?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Rub it in." He said and stood up.

All the 6 of us then began to help out with he fires and wreckage. Till, the authorities came and detained the Dictator. Both, Peter and I went to our homes and boy oh boy, mom was pissed. She gave an hour long lecture before I was able to go upstairs.

"Seriously, be a superhero they said, it will be fun they said." I grumbled and jumped on my bed.

"Fun?" I deep voice sounded behind me and I instant speed up to the maximum and turned around.

The motherfucking eye patched black dude was staring right back at me. Nick Fury, he was sitting on the chair holding a gun and looking scary.

"So, nice weather?" I joked.

"I am Nick Fury. The director of shield here to talk about the Avengers initiative." He said standing up.

"Look dude whatever it is I am not interested." I said sitting down on my bed.

"I am putting together a team of individuals who I believe can do a lot of good and I want you in it." Fury said as he threw me a file. "So, believe me Max, you will be agreeing to it very soon."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because about five minutes ago, you were charged with over use of force and an attempt to kill a diplomat." He said. "You got too big too quick kid. People are looking at you in different lights and this is the best offer you have."

"I just helped put down a mad man and you are charging me with attempt to murder?" i asked, I didn't eve realize that my voice was strained.

"Not me. The senators and a few of the people Doom has in his pockets." Fury explained.

"So, you want me to be a spy?" I asked.

"No, a field agent. The details are in the file." He pointed to the file. "You have about 15 minutes before you loose the option." He said taking a seat.

I flipped through the file and surprisingly, the term were rather good. It also said that the evidence collected by would be applicable in court. I would be trained and sufficiently equipped. I would even have the right to turn down certain missions given enough reason of course.

"Did you approach spider-man as well?" I asked and he raised an eye brow.

"Yes." He looked at his phone as smiled. "He as agreed to it as well."

"Fine, then." I said with a sigh.

"Good, choice kid. There is one part that would be uncomfortable though. You need to either drop out of school or graduate early. There is absolutely no way you can balance all that." He handed me a phone and left. I immediately dialed for Peter. He picked up after two rings.

"Peter, did Shield approach you?" I asked immediately.

"Yes, they did. We screwed up big time man. He said we needed to graduate early." Peter groaned out.

"Well, shit. Lets talk about that at school." i said and went to sleep.

The next day, I woke up and found a bunch of stuff in my room, there was a shield issue card and a whole bunch of notes. I picked up the notes and kept them in my bag and got ready for the day. Though, my hand was still hurt, I kept chanelling electricity to when ever it got too much. I headed down stairs and found mom in the kitchen.

"Mom, I will be late today." I said and gulped as she narrowed her eyes. "I've got a project with Peter."

"Fine, but don't make this a habit young man." she huffed.

We met at the locker and looked at each other. One look was enough to convey one message, 'we fucked up'. We both sighed and we to the principles office and found an agent sitting there.

"Mr. Parker and Mr. Dillon, you both have qualified to graduate early and this sir here will talk about your further studies at Empire state university." the principle said with a clearly smug tone.

"You both have already read your terms so all you have to do is collect your stuff and follow me. Your degree here will be sent to your homes." He said and lead us to our lockers.

Both of us looked tired all ready and wanted to stay here a bit longer. Luckily, the bell rang and the students filed the corridors.

"Hey, you guys. What's up with all this?" MJ asked.

She was with Liz and a few other girls and like bees to honey, the jocks were here as well.

"we graduated and are moving out." I said and picked up my stuff.

"Yeah, it's nothing. We could still hang out later." Peter said with a stiff smile.

"What? You dorks get to graduate early. UNFAIR." Flash yelled out.

"Yeah, come on, Pete." I said and Peter followed.

He stopped an looked one final time at MJ and walked firmly out of this dump. The agent lead us to the abandoned train yard and went to the farmost corner with all the rusted train cars and swiped the key card over an unseeming wall. The wall moved away revealing a doorway which looked clean.

"Training here was a bad idea, wasn't it?" I said out loud and the agent smirked at us.

"Yes, it was." he took us to locker room. "this is the locker room." he deadpanned at us. He then showed us our lockers and explained the security features of it. We kept our stuff in there and headed to another area. It was a huge gun range, the next was an equally huge gym with a lot of specialized equipment. He explained to us that nearly all the equipment here was to train superhuman and was designed for us. There was a computer room and a conference room along with a whole section dedicated to residential area. There was also a cafeteria in there but that part was just irrelevant.

"Do you know what is expected of you?" The agent asked.

"You want us to be a well rounded field agents?" Peter asked more than answered.

"Yes, and more." Another voice sounded from behind us. The man man walked in front of us and smiled. "I am agent Coulson. What the director expect of you is slightly different than a regular field agent. Since, you both are not regular humans, you will be required to test out certain training regimes and demands."

"Are we an experiment?" I asked.

"Yes, the world is become filled with more and more people like you and the shield would like them on our side. That requires us to be prepared to train people like you. While, there is no 'experiment' that will take place, you will be monitored closely during training and the program will be tailored to fit your needs." Coulson said. He then handed us both a tablet and showed us a document. "That is the Shield hand book, it outlines all rules and protocols. You both need to be thorough with it."

"This has over 4000 pages." Peter said and looked confused.

"4623 to be exact. Now, it also has all the programs that you need to complete before being certified. Agent Finn will be your trainer for the rest of your learning sessions." with that he simply left.

"Parker, Dillon. We will be sparring now." Fin said as he punched Peter in the face and kicked me in the chest simultaneously.

"The hell man." I yelled out as I rolled out of the way of a stompt to the face.

"Your attacker will not warn you. Also, no powers, if I sense anyone of you using them I will dislocated a joint of my choosing." Finn said and leapt at us.

An hour later.

"Ugh." I tried to speak and only that came out.

Peter was faring better than me but not by much. When Finn said sparing, he meant an hour long torture session. We were both beaten into the ground, no we were both destroyed. While Finnwas still standing and was now smoking in front us.

"Okay, I have an idea about how to proceed from here." Agent Finn said and pulled out his phone. "I have sent you both training videos of Karate. Memories everything and we will continue the training tommorow."

We both groaned out and Agent Finn left. "Before you leave I want you both to do 10 full repetition of the basic exercises in your tab." he said and exited the room. I immediately began to channel electricity to heal and it took me near an hour to get back to feeling my body again. Peter, on the other hand was up 5 minutes after me.

" Wtf, he want us to 10 sets of these." I yelled out.

"Can't be than bad." said looking at the tablet. His face paled and looked at me.

The exercises were simple enough but they were made difficult by adding weights and unnecessary amount of repetitions in poses that should not even be possible. Curl weights, no do that while balancing on a rubber ball while doing a wierd pose. There another level of mind fuck because if we even stopped for more that a second past the required time we need to do the whole thing again, by that I mean the entire set of exercises filled with many repetition. We sighed and got to it.

After 3 hours of pain, we were free from the abyss. Now, the schedules say to read up on studies from the ESU. Then there was the whole Shield manual to digest. Needless to say, the Shield has really thought out this plan of theirs and we were provided a near unlimited amount of information to go through, ranging from bad fanfiction to top level quantum physics. Peter was really enjoying this part of the day and so was I.

We left the base at the designated time but didn't really have the energy or will to go out to the city and fight crime. Fury was definitely right about Graduating early. There was no way in hell could we juggle all the three things at once. We both willed ourselves to go out on patrol and returned home dead tired.

Mom bugged me about over doing it with the exercise but I just laughed and fell on the bed. Although, I forgot to mention that I had graduated out of school. I knew that this will comeback to bite me but I was too tired to care at this point. I had the same weird dream about floating in lightning but this time it didn't really bother me all that much.

The grueling torture Fin called training continued for the month and we were still no where near able to touch Finn. The smug bastard even kept on saying that he is not even in the top 50 of the Shield's agents. So, with our spirits broken and bodies, well broken as well we continued. Although, the street level thugs were too easy to take out without even using my powers, I provided me with no comfort as the nightmares about getting my ass kicked by Finn haunted me. Seriously, fuck that guy. I was moving around the city untill my phone rang.

"Kid, the expo that Stark planned will likely be blown to shit. I am assigning you to a mission, the details are on your devices." Fury said and hung up.

"Well, fuck you too." I groaned out and checked my phone.

As he said, the plans for tommorows event and were all listed with many other details like, the floor plans, the ventilation systems, the power systems, the security details, the list of the people in attendance, the details of guards and on and on. Seriously, they even added in a few notes on the infiltration plan. I sighed and got down to reading anything that might be helpful

"Hey, Pete what are you up to?" I asked pressing on my helmet.

"nothing, Colson wanted me investigate this Russian mobster called tombstone. Searching for him right now." he said.

"Any news about the stark expo." I said and he hummed.

"Yeah, it's tommorow and it's gonna be amazing. I set up a few cameras to watch it live." he fangirled all over the place.

"Sigh, Fury has me guarding it. He suspects something might be up." I said and heard him quiet down.

"Need any help? Well, I suppose helping iron man is more important." Pete said in a low voice.

"Yeah, and then what? Want to talk to Fury about neglecting a mission. He will eat you alive." I laughed.

"I know. Just be careful. Spider out." he said.

"what did I say. . ." he hung up the call and i sighed, fucking nerd. Oh, I am one too. FUCK.

The next day, I arrived at the expo a bit early and got myself familiarized with the area. Then wait for a few hour for the crouds to settle in. I was perched on a large spot light and was on the look out for anything suspicious. The damn thing finally started after a lot of waiting.

"Electro." a woman said on the Shield link.

"Hello." I replied curtly and waited for to speak again.

"Where are you?" she asked.

"I am around." I said and began to look around for anyone one the phone.

The spotlight made sure that I was well hidden, no one down could see without getting their eyes burned out by the lights.

"fine. Natasha Romanof. Codename: black widow. Badge: ********." she said as I looked her up.

Holy fuck, I went all spy on the mother of all spies. Hope, she isn't petty.

"Checks out. Fury didn't mention you in the file. Are you a part of the mission?" I asked, need to keep up the appearances after all.

"Yes, Tony has completed his suit and is one the way. Be sure to keep the situation under control." she said in a level voice.

"Shit is about to hit the fan, isn't it?" I asked with a sigh.

"Yes." she said with a chuckle and hung up.

Soon, Justin went up on the stage and gave his speech about how he was going to change the world and all that. The drones were lifted up through the stage and did a few movements and the crowd went wild. The final addition was the iron patriot suit which flew in and landed beside Justin. Tony landed and started chatting up shit with Justin and all hell broke loose.

I charged up and glided right into the action. I drained a drone and was draining another one, when I was finally targeted by atleast seven more. I used all my power to speed up and avoided them and headed straight to a drone which was about to turn a few civilians into Swiss cheese. I kept on sending minor charges at the other drones which were out of my reach in order to short circuit them, while draining the drone nearest to me. I had intentionally placed myself in the middle of them because as I avoided the bullets other drones were hit and the drones farther away didn't have a clear shot. At some point, I forgot the number of them I took down. Mainly, because the drones were getting better at avoiding me. A dozen of bullets even hit me despite the speed. I grunted and kept on killing these drones. One drone which was intelligently flying nearby stopped firing bullets and sent a beam through his centre piece. It was unavoidable as I was currently draining a drone that was aiming at a few civilians nearby. My eyes widened as I sped my self even further and saw the beam of energy making towards me.

I angled myself in such a way that the beam would hit an armor plate instead of the fabric. However, I had seen this thing punch holes through tanks, i sighed and drained the drone even faster because that thing was about incapacitate me or kill me, either way those civilians were toast. The beam hit me but instead of punching through me, it got chanelled into me. 'oh, thank God or whatever is out there.' I yelled in my mind and kept on destroying the drones. It was a full half an hour of mayhem before all the drone at the expo were destroyed. I was not really tired physically but I was mentally exhausted. I lied down in a pile of drones and closed my eyes for a bit.

"Hey, kid. Where are you?" Natasha called me back.

"On the biggest pile of drone in the expo." I said.

"Oh, I see you." she said hanging up and came closer.

"Impressive." she said.

"Yet, I can't land a hit on Finn." I sighed.

"Agent Finn? Oh, Goodluck with that." She said and started calling a bunch of people.

"Hey, Max. Are you okay? I saw that beam hit you dead on." Pete called me.

"Yeah, I am fine." I said as I got up. I grappled in to a nearby spotlight and zipped away.

I bee lined towards the safe house and got changed. I was on my way out when Fury called me.

"Nicely done, kid. I want that report by this time tommorow. We have also transfered you the money for the assignment." Fury hung up before I could say anything. 'fuck you too.' I said in my head.

Next chapter