
Marriage Meeting

Erica sat at the table awaiting Seiran's arrival. She wore her faux locs from the previous day, her mask, and a beautiful hunter green maxi dress that had a round collar and belled sleeves. She hated dresses, but it was a requirement for these meetings. She couldn't wait for the day that she could change these stupid rules. As forward thinking as Belysia was, they hadn't moved away from some old traditions.

When Seiran entered the room, she stood and bowed. She did a quick up and down trying not to be distracted too long. He looked perfect. His hair was down and was almost as long as his body. He had on a grey suit that accentuated his muscular body with a hunter green shirt that matched her dress, no tie, with the first 3 buttons open. He hadn't matched her on purpose, but he did have slightly more green items with him since she was known as the Emerald Dragon General.

They bowed and then sat down. He wondered if he would ever get to see her face. He had hoped that at this meeting she would reveal herself, but she stayed hidden from him. How would he know if he was interested? She started the conversation, not wasting time with the getting to know you game that plagued these types of meetings. "I am willing to marry you under certain circumstances. As you know, the main rule is regular consummation and that we can never divorce. We must interact sexually weekly. There is a device that is implanted that monitors this. Aside from that you can do what you feel within reason. Do NOT embarrass me by being seen with other women! And do NOT expect me to cater to you, nor want more from you. You are your own person and so am I. If you can agree to these terms, then we will move forward."

Seiran was taken aback. Would he be able to deal with this woman at all? Seems like she wanted nothing to do with him. That's fine, he's done this before. But she said he would have room to be free as long as he didn't embarrass her. But then that would make that woman become a mistress and he didn't want that either. He was torn between getting the rigmarole over with this marriage crap and pursuing a real chance with the mystery woman. He asked, "Can I have a day to think?"

"No, once I leave this room, the offer is null and void."

He sat and though it over. She suddenly said a couple more stipulations. "I forgot to mention that in marrying me, you would become one of the leaders of the Emerald Dragon Army. This means you would no longer be able to remain in your home country. You must become and Elysian citizen which superceded your country citizenship. Your parents will no longer be able to direct your path nor will they be able interfere with how Elysia is run. I will not lie, I am not ever going to be an obedient daughter-in-law. I bow to no man, woman, or alien. And neither will my husband. I expect you to fully learn how to be one of our soldiers and keep our secrets close to your heart. I expect complete loyalty to my planet."

"Was that supposed to make me want to stay or leave?", Seiran stated sarcastically.

"Neither, it's just facts. Take them or leave them. You have 5 minutes to decide. If I'm going to go along with having to get married, it will be on my terms. Period."

Seiran looked at her a few seconds too long. He noticed her eyes again. They looked familiar, yet still very distant. This was the first woman he was even remotely interested in that his father had presented, but would his father ever approve of the other woman? Probably not. If it wasn't the Emerald Dragon General, then his father would approve of no one from here.

He sighed heavily and reached out for the contract. After signing Erica started to exit the room. He called out to her, "So does this mean I should pack my things again?"

"No need, you will eventually have a room in the general's quarters. Stay in your training room until it's finished. That may take a few months."

Everyone exited the room. Once in the hallway, Seiran called to her again, "Will I ever get to see my wife's face at least?"

"After the wedding!" She called back without even turn on ng around.

Well hopefully she's at least cute under there. He knew her eyes were at least intriguing, but didn't know what to expect for the rest of her face. Just then the image of the mysterious woman popped into his head. He was learning to control his reaction, but it was still a serious struggle. He though about it, he didn't even pay any attention to his future wife's figure. He guessed he would find out soon as they would be married in the next 3 days.

She didn't want anything fancy, just a ceremony and a fun time afterwards. The next 3 days would be quick planning and time for guests to arrive. It was warm out, so they would have the wedding outside. Erica giggled to herself. He actually still accepted. Most men struggle under terms like that. They wanted obedient women and she was no where near that. There was still several things she didn't explain to him, he would find out day of. Would he be surprised? She had noticed him watching her the day before after their conversation. Would he be shocked to find out I'm the same person?

Later that night in the dining hall, people congratulated Seiran on his successful marriage match. Some of the guys were jealous though, and tried to insult him. "Why would she want someone so lowly?" Yeah fine, you are a prince, but what kind of status do you really have in your family? Your father has yet to select a Crown Prince. Seems like your brothers would be a step ahead since none of them have married before. No woman wants to deal with someone else's brat."

Seiran's aura darkened and he stood up and walked towards the man. Richard quickly assessed the situation and intervened. "It's not worth it Seiran." Then he pointed, "You, do you want to remain here? This man will be one of the leaders of this army and he is to be respected. Do you understand me?"

"Y...yes sir. I apologize sir."

"Not to me, to him."

The trainee turned to Seiran and reluctantly apologized. Seiran was surprised. Someone actually took his side. He was sure Rochard was going to scold him, but instead he stood up for him. His body softened a bit at this gesture. 'Is this what father was referring to when he said I needed people? I don't know if I can trust this or not. They may turn on me tomorrow if I do something they don't like.'

His thinking was interrupted by the woman brushing pass him, saying excuse me, with a slight laugh in her voice. Here she was again. She had on short shorts and a tank top. She turned on some music and everyone got up to dance. Bodies swayed, grinded, and moved in various ways building sexual tension and creating and very mellow and sensual atmosphere. He watched her as she moved about the floor. This time he could see much more of her body. She had on a bra, but her nipples were very erect.

The song "Bailando" came on and she began dancing with one of the gentlemen from the crew. She touched herself all over, getting into the groove of the music. The control Seiran had was completely lost. He could only cover up the huge erection that was growing in his pants with his hoodie. He was extremely jealous of her dance partner, not wanting him to touch any part of her body. He observed a bit more and calmed down. Although they were dancing close, he never touched her aside from her hand when she was spinning.

They looked closed, but in reality, there was plenty of separation. Were they a couple or was he angry for no reason. No reason honestly. How could he get upset about a woman that wasn't his?

Erica noticed the change in Seiran's mood once she started dancing with Thaddeus. Was he jealous already? She chuckled to herself. She knew once her knew who she was, she wouldn't be able to dance like this or he would probably lose his shit. She continued to play it up though and really let loose while dancing. He was watching her every move and she would make him have erotic dreams all night. Would he be able to sleep?

After a few hours of dancing and drinking everyone retired to their rooms. Tomorrow was the first day of training and Seiran knew he would have at least twice as much to learn as the rest. To become a leader, the training was much more arduous than the regular soldier. But he couldn't shut his mind off. He was still very hard and no amount of meditation made that go away. He would have to handle that himself. He grabbed on to his penis and began to stroke it. Images of the positions he would like to put her in came to mind. He started moving faster and faster. He hadn't even masturbated in about 5 years. He had just stopped being interested in sex altogether. Forcing himself to have sex with women he cared nothing for removed every sexual interest from him. Only now, this woman had woken his drive back up.

He could feel his release was well on it's way. He thought about wanting to taste her and that sent him over the edge. He shuddered for awhile before calming down. What was he going to do when he started having to have sex with Erica? Was he going to have to keep the woman's image in mind just to make it through? That made him sign even more. He should've said no. He should've just made due with trying to persuade his father. He still didn't even know her name.

It was too late now. Now he had to hope he could have any chance with this woman, but he felt that if he did, he would never touch his future wife again and that would be horrible. She was the only woman he could touch for the rest of his life. Would he have to go back to the little blue pills to fulfill his obligations? Ugh.. He eventually fell tired after expending so much energy in his release. It had been so long since he had done this and he was so spent he fell into a deep sleep.