
Let the games begin

Seiran had always hated these grand fairs his dad took him to. As one of the possibilities for the title of Crown Prince, his father held him in much higher regard than his brothers. Seiran was the oldest of 5 boys, but he was the only son of the late Queen Samaria. Seiran was the only son to have a dark tan and beautiful, long, curly, dark brown hair. His piercing dark brown eyes and chiseled face made him the envy of his step mother.

Queen Samaria was Samoan, but fell in love with his father, King Seishun Shi of Japan. King Seishun loved her with all his heart, but after she died he couldn't function for a long time. The Dowager Queen forced him into another marriage so that there would be more heirs.

Seiran's brothers were all very pale, tall and skinny, with long flowing black hair. They were handsome, but not as strikingly beautiful as Seiran. The current Queen and his step-mother, Ivana, hailed from Russia. She hated his look and made him straighten his hair to match his brothers. She often wouldn't allow him to go outside for long because she hated his darker skin.

Today he would be presented to all of the eligible princesses from various posts of the world. At the age of 44, with a 16 year old son, Seiran was tired of having to go through this process. He simply wished to be left alone. Queen Ivana wouldn't have it. She wanted to have control over some aspect of his live and keep him from being able ro take the Crown Prince position. If the woman he married were less affluent than the one her sons married, then they would have a better chance of passing him up.

Today's event was going to be a very grand one; there would be a demonstration from the Emerald Dragon army, a small army, but the most powerful one in the world. The Emerald Army had settled in a large section of the south suburban part Illinois, remnants of a once lush planet, Belsyian. US government couldn't interfere with the space due to planetary rules which superseded country rules. The space they occupied was considered the planet's new home. It's leader was the first and only woman general to be respected by her peers. She didn't appear much in public, so this would be a rare chance for people to greet her.

Seiran stood by the window in the grand box seating room that overlooked the field. The Emerald dragon army would take on the Japanes army in a special show. There was no killing involved, but who was to say there would be injuries. The Emerald Dragon Army was known for its viciousness, so the Japanese army was pumped to get to take them on.

The announcer came out. "Good afternoon everyone and thank you for coming out for this joyous event. We will get started with out much anticipated match between the Emerald Dragon Army and the Japanese Army. Everyone please take your seats. The bell will sound shortly."

"Come Seiran." King Seishun beckoned. Seiran sat on the left side of his father with his 22 year old twin brothers Ryuske and Ryuki which adored their older brother. Queen Ivana sat to the right with his brothers Mitsukuni, 39, and Akito, 36, who hated and always plotted against Seiran.

Seiran sat down, his face stoic as usual, and immediately the buzzer went off. The Japanese army came out in their battle uniforms which were made out of a special black and red polymer that was supposed to be able withstand heady impact. They knew they would have an uphill battle and wanted to get the upper hand. The Emerald Dragon Army hadn't appeared yet. their door was open, yet no one came out. The soldiers stood on the field laughing and mocking them, assuming they were afraid to come out now that they see their new gear.

As the fans grew restless from waiting, a loud horn sounded. Drums began playing and out walks the Emerald Dragon Army in emerald green and black state of the art battle gear. They came in marching to the beat of the drums being played. Many times dancing and doing tricks. The Japanese Army was shocked. Was this who they feared? They looked like clowns dancing across the field. Their confidence grew and suddenly they were ready to take them on.

Another horn sounded and the Emerald Dragon Army lept into action. The scene was chaotic, but so far the Japanese Army was able to keep up. This gave them even greater confidence. A third and final horn sounded and another figure arrived on the field. This figure was short, but hefty. It donned a huge gold and emerald dragon that wrapped around the entire uniform. The future stopped for a moment seeming to assess the situation. The crowd was roaring, this had to be the Emerald Dragon General he had heard so much about. All of a sudden the figure charged into the crowd of fighters. One by one Japanese Army soldiers dropped. Other Emerald Dragon Army soldiers took this as a sign to get serious. After 5 minutes, there were no more Japanese Army soldiers standing. In a matter of 30 minutes, the demonstration of power was over.

Seiran looked upon the field with his mouth slightly open. His brothers had been jumping and screaming at the field the entire time. He had never imagined that this small army could wipe out their forces so quickly and efficiently. His father started laughing. "As expected from the Dragon General. She showed no mercy."

"Father, is this the army whose academy you want us to attend?", Seiran asked.

"Indeed my son. Aren't they magnificent? They only take 15 students per year. You won't learn all of their secrets, but those who have taken their trainings have always become great kings and noblemen. You Ryuske and Ryuki will go this time. I tried sending Mitsukuni and Akito, but they came back saying it was too hard." King Seshun stated.

"And they are led by a woman?", Seiran asked.

"Unbelievable, right? But you saw her just now. The one with the gold and emerald dragon is her. She never shows her full face, only her eyes. But I'll never miss the chance to speak with her, even if I can never see her face.", the king stated, looking sad that he wasn't deemed worthy of jet visage.

"How impudent. Surely she'll show her face to someone of your status fear husband." Queen Ivana angrily spat out. "I'll make sure of it. Maybe toug could have her as your concubine since you fancy her so much."

"I would never even dream of saying such nonsense to her. I have no infatuation towards her, I would love rui have her as a daughter-in-law though.", the king stated glancing at Seiran, but Seiran didn't notice. The Queen did and got a wicked thought. This woman was only a general in some army. She surely would be low enough in status that the senators would never allow her to take the throne as crown princess.

"How about it Seiran, wouldn't a girl like that be just right for you.", she stated.

"I have told you countless times I am not interested in marriage. Have the first 2 not been enough for you? Can't you simply let me be. I'm already 44, there's no more need to arrange a marriage.", Seiran stated with a very annoyed look.

"Seishun, you've always said that a man should have people on his side. I'm simply trying to help, yet Seiran is blocking me. Won't you say something? It's my job as his mother to select a bride. I only want what's best for our son." she said sweetly, while inside laughing maniacally. This will keep you from ascending the thrown.

"Seiran I agree with your mother."

"Step-mother...", Seiran interrupted.

King Seishun sighed very deeply. He knew Seiran never fully trusted or liked his step-mother, but he was actually in agreement with this match. If only he could convince her people to make it happen. The Emerald Dragon General refused all suitors. She had a son who was also a great soldier, even at the age of 18. She groomed him to be a general as she and her brother were. She even took pains to end her ability to reproduce so that she would ward off any possible suitors, but they still persisted. All he could do was try.

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