

so how do you like your name (i find that in your memories that there was a girl called nechelle is this why you called me that?) um yeaaa.( thank you for the name i am greatly pleased) ah your uhh welcome i guess. (also the administraters said that i should read this message out to you) ok can you say it now? also whats an administrater? ( you are to low level for that inforamtion is classified) ok wow that hurt now SHOW ME THE ViDIO! [hello if you're reading this then the reancarnation was successful now that we got that out of the way we know you have alot of questions but you can ask the artificial intelligence system for answer's K so you are a monster or a human idk but either way every thing is the same so since your in a womb you should start working on magic and stuff or you could be lazy and sit for 9 months so to start with magic your going to want to close your eyes and try and sense the atmosphere around you] * I follow what the guy said and try and sense my surroundings*[now you are in a hot and dark place so naturally your only going to find dark magic and fire magic K now your going to want to channel the dark magic and fire magic into your body thus making a core for you to store those kind of magics for you to unlock fire and darkness affinity K! now you have the artificial intelligence system with you and you are going to conquer the universe K also dont die unless you become useful in the future because we're not gunna waste precious resources on a low level like you K oh one last thing artificial intelligence system can make a personality and maybe somtimes refuse somthing but it wont K now complete your journey yada yada yada you get the idea now @%%:&:*^& signing off] ok so this is wicked i can see these red particles and black particles floating around me he said to put them in your body so how do i do that oh wait mabye I can grab them *grabs them* ooh ah my hand went through though what if I try to use my mind oh it's working. It went into my body huh (system found dakness magic in body, system found fire magic in body. affinity for dark and fire magic both are level1)oh my god!!!!!!!! (((((hey guys this is the auther and wanted to say hiiiiiii)))))

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