
41. A Get-Away place = A Getaway place

Gea spent her runaway time arranging her thoughts, however, she can not leave David out of her mind.

She knew the urge to saw him even slightly was tortured her, and the thought of him being with someone else it's like the end of the world that she knows for sure won't happen... however she can't stop her mind to go wild... she needs more time and space to sort out her thoughts.

David has not contacted her since the day DJ pick her up, yet an explanation message to David won't be needed at all for her not wanting to continue this relationship.

The energy consumes just to think and analysed this situation makes Gea a bit thinner than before. She would love to have everything sort out yet for sure she knows that in a matter that heart involved, time is the only source of the solution.

Took a deep breath Gea text Dj that still working and explains to her clients about the sudden schedule change.

[I know it is a lot but I think I'll take another week off, really sorry for the trouble I've caused you] Gea sent her message to DJ

[it okay, still manageable. Take your time just transfer my salary with a 10% bonus😘] the reply from DJ come back shortly

[sure... it's nothing for the trouble I've caused you. Another favour, please send messages to Dave and Andrea tell them I am fine but will be unreachable as my phone will be off after this, I won't be at the apartment as well, I'll contact you every day though. ] Gea turn off her phone after sent the text to DJ, took the suitcase and a bag, left both of her phones on her table desk beside her bedroom then walking out of her apartment. She needs her time but not here... someplace away.

DJ tried to call back several times only to have the machine answer insurance that Gea already turns off her phone. She then texts Andrea and Dave per Gea instructions.

Her phone rang right away, saw Dave name on the caller ID, Dj release a heavy sigh before picking it up.

"Yes? DJ answer the phone

" what you mean by she's unreachable for a week or more?" Dave questioning her

"Literary meaning so, that she would not be reachable" Dj reply

"I mean is she not in the apartment or, is she travelling or what?" Dave's voice sounds a bit frustrated

"She just asked me to inform you that and said she would not be in the apartment as well, I even already called her several time only to be answered by a machine... she must turn off her phone right away " DJ explained to Dave

She left out the info that Gea will update her daily coz she was very sure, Dave will try to talk with her and Gea would not want that and knowing Gea it will only make her run further.

B city was not an option even she loves to be there, Gea decided to look out for info about a nice getaway place on the train station.

Look at the map on the station wall Gea choose a further place of the country, kinda a remote one near the beach... she's hoping at least there is a motel for her to stay.

Took one night travel by train to finally arrive in F City, it was 11 AM when she arrives at the post office to look for information about a place to stay.

The people seem nice as everybody keeps smile whenever their eyes meet hers.

it's a small office with two Lady in front of the desk

Gea smiled at them and heading to the one that had an empty chair in front of her

"Excuse me, mam is there a hotel or place around here that I could stay for a while?" Gea call the lady mam because she seems to be in her fifty

"There is a hotel up at the hill, you could wait in the bus station if you want to be there, but I am afraid that you need to wait for half an hour as I saw Jasper a few minutes ago and he says he needs to do a grocery shopping" the lady reply to Gea

"Oh, okay then" Gea Nod to her and about to leave when the lady talk again

"If you need one around here, I could offer you my annexe it needs a bit of cleaning though"

"Is it possible for me to look at it first" Gea was thinking it might be better because she does not bring the car and a hotel up at the hill may be good for the view, but she needs the beach and walking around to clear her thoughts

"Sure, let's go see it right now" the lady stand up as she speaks

"Mary, I leave first, this young lady needs to look at my place... see you tomorrow" The last talk to the other lady whose name is Mary

"Yes, Miss Anne I see you tomorrow then" Mary reply to the lady

"Let's go dear!" Miss Anne grab Gea hand and walk with her to her house that only three houses away from the post office

They arrived at the house shortly, Gea falls in love with miss Anne house already, it has a wide front yard, the annexe just beside the main house.

"This annexe belonged to my brother before he got married and move out. Before my husband passed away a few months ago he was trying to transform it into my work area. He got sick after that and I don't feel like using it, but I still asked Mary to clean it once in a while. She needs some extra to help with her expenses" Anne whispered for the last sentence

Gea understand that's the typical attitude of people in the remote area they are friendly and like the company of each other

"I am sorry for your loss, is it ok for me to use it? Gea asked Anne

" Don't worry someone should use it then left it like that, come look inside" Anne open the door for Gea to came

The place looks nice it looks really good. it has a big window facing the sea view even it's a little bit far, have a bathroom with a closet and sink inside, two armchairs, a table a wardrobe with a small mirror, it does not have a bed or a mattress though.

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