
29. Someone to accompany (3)

"I'll make fried rice at home, we just need to make a quick stop on our way home for some ingredients" Dave plans to make fried rice tonight he just need to get some eggs to make un spices for them

"Thank you" Ben & John really grateful for Dave this time

"I'll have to take them this time, and I'll have them with me till tomorrow before breakfast, As I promise I'll spend this weekend with them, you'll have David to accompany you tonight" knowing Andrea well enough Gea assertively speaking

"Ok... " Andrea wants to ask her grandchildren to behave, but apparently they are behaving nicely from this morning, she held her breath that almost loose as a sigh of, she still can't resist the temptation of having Gea as David spouse and that's thinking across seeing how Gea understand her a lot.

Gea initial intention was to tell Andrea the relationship that Dave and her share.

She would like to have Andrea comes with them to the train station as she needs her opinion of the lady that they picked up, she believes in Andrea instincts and experience as an elder, Gea knows that Andrea loves Dave a lot coz Gea knowing for sure it's one of the reasons She says nothing when she closes with Dave even though she does not know their relationship yet

As soon Andrea gave her Agreement Jane, John and Ben storm out to their room and back with their belongings only in a few seconds.

They're left right away consider the train soon will arrive

David hold his fists since the time Ben and John speaks, he had the urge to storm out of the situation if not considered his mother and the two ladies in front of him are her guests

He was startled when he kissed Lyla hands and knowing Gea saw it, he hopes she didn't mistake his politeness for her mother guests. He wishes to saw Gea reaction at the time as well

He clearly saw her fear before, he feels pain raise in his heart for not knowing what the things that coz Gea to shiver like that, he felt useless that he can not comfort her.

'Oh God, if only I could explain to mom that they are siblings' David wish Her mom will know about this soon enough. He wishes Gea to tell his mother before their back to S city on Sunday

Lyla was smiling almost all the time even though she doesn't know David as the owner and CEOs of S entertainment she knew David is one of the great entertainers this country had and he is very well known all over the globe

she is the one that asked her aunt to introduce them when she learned that her 1st aunt is a close friend of David Mother.

Her interests in David not because he is good looking but is because he built himself a career through his dedication and really work hard, David not a nice and lovable person but everywhere she went she only heard Dave works hard and always give good results, he simply did not socialize with others however who needs to socialise if you produce a great result and in the entertainment industry it's hard to find someone who really sincere.

She's a fan, she does still not believe the man that she used to fantasy as her husband, now sitting in front of her and having a meal together.

She really knows to control herself though and maintain her composure one of many things that make her stands as a great performer

"My aunt can not join us tonight, she sends her apologised and greetings to you Aunt"

Lyla finally speaks when Andrea ask her to sit down and enjoy the meal afraid to leave them to long untouched as they were interrupted before

"My apologies for bringing my manager before inform you knowing you'll expecting two persons"

"Do not bother with that, we use to have an extra chair whenever some occasion occur in our house"

Andrea mind travelling back to Gea when she mentions extra chair she can not brush the thought of Gea being a real part of her family.

"I never heard of your name from Aunt Cindy, whenever she is around, she likes to talk about her niece, she even mentions one time that she wished to have a niece around your age to introduce to me"

David still wondering which of aunt Cindy niece she is as he also close to this friend of his mother

His question earned him a kick in his feet and a pinch in his waist, yet he maintains his straight face

"I just get connected and close with her lately, when I got free time I like to visit her and enjoy the scenery of this city... it really is gorgeous here." Lyla Father is Aunt Cindy brother from another mother.

They learn of each other existence only after her grandfather passed away

David really can not get the timing he needs to let Lyla know of his unwanted group date with her tomorrow, he does not care about her feeling, is Andrea excitement that he unwillingly to kill.

He should persuade Dave to tell his mother about their relationship because if it came from him she'll put her hopes up again while David doesn't know what Gea really feel.

Based on his conversation with Dave last time he learned of Gea unwillingness to have a special relationship with anyone from the entertainment industry

He will find a way to make her more open to him as well as open her heart, that's why he needs to be very careful about his plan and action.

Andrea may rush Gea into this and end up with Gea run away from both of them.

Something that he sure his mother doesn't want it and him definitely not too.

He needs to have a way to persuade Dave and after his mom learns about their relationship He needs to have an extra conversation with her to make sure she's not rush anything into Gea.

Therefore, even though he has the urge to punch or throws things, David, saying nothing when Lyla said she would join the group date tomorrow.

Knowing her son well enough Andrea pretend that she feels slightly dizzy but insisted to accompany Lyla till her car that Park at the front to make David accompany them outside and open the door for Lyla.

Gea notice David seems a bit worried and saw Andrea hold on David's shoulder as soon as the car drove away from their house, she just finished throwing garbage when she saw them

Running across Gea took Andrea from David

"Mom... are you ok, what happened?" Gea sounds really anxious

"it's Ok I am just feeling slightly dizziness... I should be ok when I am resting"

"Come, I'll bring you inside" Andrea happily hold on to Gea walking inside left David to follow them from behind

The Maid opens the door from inside she's just about to go home but can't find either Andrea or David, reporting that she cleaned everything already asking if there anything they need her to do before she goes home.

David says she needs to help Andrea clean up before bed then he has nothing more to do with

Gea cut David and asked her to go home as it was late than her usual time to go home, the maid says it's her job every day to help Andrea before bed today it's a bit late than usual but it is ok she doesn't mind at all

"It's ok, I'll help you clean up for tonight, what you say mom?" Gea offers her solution that puts a bittersweet smile in Andrea's face and heart while she nods to agree to it

"It's settled then, you can go home" Gea talk to the maid that still not move her feet. Only when she got an okay signal from David behind them that she willingly walk away

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