
20. Too Complicated

"Is it really bad to let others knew about our relationship?" Dave confronted Gea as soon as Andrea's family leave the house

"You know me, you knew my story with Chris, and how public figures live that I've been avoided all these years!"

"I knew how he used you, your job and break your trust to the point that your clients need to sign a confidentiality agreement before starting their first session with you. But isn't Andrea is someone who you trust and call mom cause you knew her sincerity towards you?

" Yes, she is... it's just I love the way things are " Gea let out a deep sigh, she knew how much Andrea loves her, but she's not ready to let things out and make it complicated than it already is

"or, are you embarrassed about letting other people know about our real relationship?"

"NO!, c'mon you know, its never be the reason, besides we still need to sort things out of our relationship and enjoying each other companion at the most of it"

Before Dave could let other words, Gea excuse herself. Dave does not nag her further and kiss her forehead to wish her nice dream and good sleep

Gea sits on the tip of her bed, her mind going back to the interaction during dinner, the conversation around it, others gesture, expression and the way they communicate. Gea could saw some sign of David feelings, she's not dumb she's a psychologist after all. However, she also knew that this kind of feelings could miss interpreted and men mostly not act based only on their feelings


Deena gave David a signal to look at how devastated their mother when entered their house and saying

"Mom, I should go now... we'll meet tomorrow "

Andrea let out a heavy breath that seems to weigh in her chest keeping her from taking a nice and fresh air, looking at Deena and waving goodbye

"David will company you outside, I'll just head to the backyard and clear some of my mind"

" Please do that mom, I'll be joined in after sending Deena to her car, would you like me to bring some tea?"

"That would be nice"

David make sure to Deena that he will talk to their mom and kissed her goodbye before going to the kitchen and prepare some tea and join his mother

David joining his mother that sat in the couch, put his head on her mother lap and let her play with his hair

"Let it out, mom, I am all ears"

"I don't think I 'll be able to only let it out without hitting you with a lot of words, are you sure you all ears right now?"

could guess what the heavy burden that Andrea carried, what his mother might think or want to leashes out, David assured Andrea that his really fine with it

"Yes mom, I am all ears!"

"Why?... why you always have something to deal with it or something that comes up in the last minute every time I asked you to come here?"

"Cause that is what really happened, mom...what you think it might be?"

David cursed himself inside and asked the same question again and again, actually, he's been asking this question since he learned that Gea is the one that his mother keeps trying to make him meet.

"Is it not because of the possibility that I would make you meet her?"

"I don't know mom, honestly, I was really busy"

David drinks his saliva forced his angry feeling at himself. Yes, he was busy and sometimes things unexpected come in the last minutes, yet he still could force himself if he wants to.

Like this time he really avoids all reason that keeps him from visiting her mom considers the possibility that he might encounter Gea somehow, as B City not too big, and from their talk at the ball, he knows Gea stays at the same clusters of his mother.

"I'm angry at myself for not forcing you enough, cause based on what Gea told me, he meets Dave later on than several arrangements I've planned for you!" Andrea body became stiff from the angry feeling rise inside her as she recalls all her efforts

David sat and hugged his mom, whispered sorry for several times

" It's me, who you should blame not yourself!"

Let out of another heavy breath Andrea hugged David back and pat his back

"Yes, it's you to be blamed not me, however, like what I keep saying and you keep reminding me lately 'Everything happened for a reason, maybe it's just my wishful thinking"

"Yes, mom everything happens for a reason"

"I'm sorry I forced you to it and never asked how you feel, only considered my own feelings that you may like her, that she would become a great partner in life for you"

"It's okay mom"

His mouth speaks calmly as the result of all efforts David trying to compose himself for not trembling from the pain that he never experienced before, the pain of regret, the pain of what-if questions, pain from the helplessness to turn back the time

"Guess, you never meant to be" Andrea start to accept the reality that hit her today

"Yes..., mom?" David was space out... but He clearly heard what his mother said about never meant to be, it just hard for him to swallow it.

"I was saying, perhaps, you and Gea are never meant to be, besides she still my daughter just not really related"

"Hmmm, " it's all David could reply

"Dave is also a great man, he'll treat Gea nicely and I'll make sure to talk about this to him when times are right"

"It's late mom, I could see you a little bit better than before let's finished our tea and head to sleep, shall we?"

David knew his mom, she will keep talking to convince herself that what happens now are the best scenario, God wrote, therefore, she would look even greater reason to justify the relationship between Dave and Gea

It's not that He would not want to company her, but he can't hold himself back anymore if he kept hearings more reason why he and Gea are never meant to be and that Gea and Dave are the best for each other.

Every time his mom talk like that it is like his mother stitch his heart that broken back together... the problems are he never had any sedative medicine through the operation.

20 lap around the clusters after bring his mom to her room before had fallen into a bad dream seeing Gea hugging with Dave in her wedding dress.

wake up full of sweat, another cool shower finally help him get a deep sleep in

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