
Chapter 38: S2-E14: Of Blades and Whispers 1/2

Chapter 37: Of Blades and Whispers

Forward: Editing credit to Rainsfere. Also congratulations to fall equinox 1 for being the 1000th commenter! Thank you for setting this amazing milestone for the crossover!

Five Days Later – Evening – Essos, Qarth – Ciri and Daenerys

It had been a week since Daenerys' exiles had arrived in Qarth and sheltered by their gracious host Xaro. It hadn't taken long for news of their meeting with the Thirteen to spread, of the two Targaryen sisters raising the first three dragons in centuries. Soon there were dozens of curious patrons visiting the gates of Xaro's palace, bringing lavish gifts just for the honor to meet the Khaleesi and get even a quick look at her young dragons. Already Ciri had lost count of their growing collection of clothes, exotic drinks and dazzling jewelry. At the least Dany now had plenty of clothes to choose from and had outfitted her handmaidens lavishly. Still, there was too much to keep, which often led to short trips to the market to sell unneeded gifts for coin. While their wealth had increased steadily, it was still far too little to buy a ship for themselves.

During that time Xaro continued his efforts for Daenerys' affections, always hosting lavish meals and chatting about her past. Ever since the meeting with the Thirteen, he had been more involved…showing he was concerned that she'd find new supporters over him, thus avoiding the proposal for marriage. Ciri knew the man's intentions were for his long-term gain, though couldn't deny he showed a formal charm with her. The real question was how much of it was real or not, though that was just the young woman's mistrusting nature nagging at the back of her mind.

Still, Xaro didn't have all day to try wooing Daenerys, having personal business to manage. During that time Dany and Ciri followed up on personal invitations by two other members of the Thirteen, the Prince of Blades and Lady of Whispers. They had been the most engaging of the council, open to the potential Daenerys had to offer. Today, Harito Forerah, the Prince of Blades had invited them both to a private meeting along with his companion Siranea, the Lady of Whispers.

The two 'sisters' traveled by carriage through the nobles district, passing by massive palace homes of the other Thirteen and major merchants of Qarth. Ciri looked out the window idlily in thought, feeling unfazed by every new show of incredible wealth. She currently wore her Braavosi duelist outfit, which she had made sure to polish up for the meeting. Her gaze did drift from the streets to Dany and Jorah sitting across from her, the two quietly discussing their meeting with the two council members.

Beside the young Khaleesi were her dragons, two of them resting in their cushioned baskets while another laid on Dany's lap. With Xaro's permission, the dragons were allowed to roam the gardens and even hunt a few smaller livestock animals as a means of exercise and training. They're short bursts of flame to cook their catches were also improving, showing just how quickly dragons were growing up. From Ciri's estimates, they'd would reach size of a dog within a month and keep growing at a rapid rate if they continued eating well.

Daenerys had chosen a fine white linen gown, a sleeveless outfit that fully bared her slender shoulders and arms. It was a change from sturdier practical clothes she had been wearing for over a month, showing off her youthful beauty fully to others. "Getting Prince Harito to fully support us would make it easier to recruit both a fleet and an army. His ties to mercenary groups across Essos makes him invaluable."

"True, but we have to focus beyond that. Lady Siranea has ties in Westeros, a means for us to seek out allies there. We can't rely on just mercenaries to retake the Iron Throne and then hold territory." Jorah remarked. The knight as usual wore a plain yet better quality outfit, a button up gray shirt, soft leather pants along with dark leather boots and gloves.

"Jorah has a point. At the least securing ships should be our priority before gathering up an army." Ciri remarked, drawing both of her companions attention. "You've said before that there is support for a Targaryen to retake the Throne. With the civil war going on, that support will no doubt grow."

Daenerys nodded back. "That is what I have been told." Despite the determination on her face, there was a hint of uncertainty in her voice. Even Jorah seemed to shift slightly at the mention. "Just…so much is happening so quickly. With so many setbacks in my life…I need to take these opportunities before they slip away from me!"

Ciri was silent for a moment, thinking on how to answer. "Being reckless can put a lot more at risk. We've gotten this far because we planned carefully, so let's be too overconfident." Before either could say any more, the carriage swayed slightly as it was slowing down. Everyone turned in their seats to see the palace they were arriving at…or at least they had assumed. "Wow…the rumors weren't jesting about Harito's home." Ciri muttered.

The merchant prince's home was a literal fortress, no doubt the most defensive structure in Qarth besides the triple walls protecting the city. The palace itself was more of a block of pale stone, the roof of the main keep, towers and front facings of the walls having a sloping shape in their design. It meant any attempt to climb the fortress from the outer wall would be near impossible to scale and even offered added protection from ranged attacks. There was even a steep moat surrounding the wall, narrow enough to get an intruder trapped in…along with whatever could be lurking in the waist deep water. The Qarthian guards spoke out for the drawbridge to be dropped, allowing the carriage to cross into the fortress palace yard. From the looks of Dany's Blood Riders, even they seemed intimidated by the fortress.

"Our host must have a lot of enemies or likes being prepared." Jorah remarked as their vehicle stopped before the entrance. Up close, the keep had narrow slits all along it, making it perfect to shoot down anyone that entered the flat court yard. The guards also weren't all Qarthian, but in fact a mix of different Essosi cultures from both the Free Cities and Slavers Bay. "Braavosi duelists, Meereen pit fighters, Unsullied and more. Seems the prince is a collector."

The entrance to the keep opened out as the armored form of the Warden stepped out, followed closely behind by Harito. Like before the Prince of Blades was dressed in a fine deep green silk robe with blue Qarthian finery under it. His small white linen turban covering his clean-shaven head while his chin had a neatly trimmed goatee. Despite his noble ranking, the man had faded hints of scarring on his face, the largest one being three jagged marks that trailed from the far right of his face and to the middle of his cheek. From what Ciri knew on weapon injuries, that was most likely made by a flail or mace of some kind.

Harito spoke with the Warden, who'd soon glance over to the approaching carriage. That glance alone made the trade prince finish speaking, shaking hands with the warrior before handing him a bound scroll. The Blood Riders gave a respectful nod to the Warden as the he waited for his horse to be brought out of the stables. With the carriage coming to the stop, the trio climbed out to be greeted by the warrior.

"Daughters of the dragon. I welcome you to Prince Harito's palace." The Warden gave a short formal bow.

"It's good to see you again Warden." Daenerys greeted, giving a respectful nod back. "What brings you to the Prince of Blades' home?"

"Receiving orders for the city guard." Harito explained, the trade prince joining the conversation. "While the Warden has a duty to protecting the Thirteen, he is a veteran warrior dedicated in training and directing our citywide protectors."

"While you manage their routines no doubt." Ciri remarked, drawing a small grin from the man.

"My line of work is more than just simply selling weapons and armor." The noble explained. "Before taking my seat among the Thirteen, I traveled all across Essos and King's Landing, learning as much as I could about weapons, armor, defensive structures and military tactics." He gestured to his fortress palace. "This place I've built up in that time, melding different fortifications into one to offer a near perfect defense."

Waving the group forward, they entered his palace, walking down a short hallway before entering an intersecting entrance hall. All around were weapon and armor displays, be it on racks or in cases, ranging from modern masterpieces to ancient remnants. "Considering this and your unique choice of guards, you do seem the collector." Daenerys remarked as the group took a moment to examine the hall.

"Knowledge of the items I trade is important. After all if a buyer wishes to arm his men against Dothraki, I'd need an understand countless spears and polearms for the best result."

"And to ensure the highest payment." Ciri commented as she finished examining a curved slender blade in a display case, one she remembered leather clad warriors wielded in the world with the city of glass and metal towers.

"That and for a solid reputation. If my clients ended up slaughtered, then who would buy from me!" Laughing out, Harito moved to one hallway for the group to follow him. "We can discuss such tales though in the lodge. I'd rather not exclude Lady Siranea from our conversations."

Dany and Ciri nodded in agreement as they lead Jorah and the Blood Riders along. Even inside the palace, the hallways were designed to offer the defenders the advantage, each section offering a means of defense from intruders. Reaching one room, they'd entered a lavish lodge with large sitting pillows and lodging couches set around. In the middle of the room was a large low set table filled with plates of food and covered jugs with varying drinks. It seemed Harito had prepared a worthy lunch for the group, including some prime cooked meat for the dragons.

Relaxing on her side on one of the couches was the Lady of Whispers, smoking from a long elegant pipe filled with a sweet-scented herb. Like the other Qarthians she was pale skinned, which her veiled silk outfit showed off stunningly. Her black hair was braided back, resting along one shoulder in an alluring manner. The most striking feature though were her bright hazel eyes which focused directly onto Ciri and Daenerys.

"Honored sisters." The woman purring out those words. "And my dear Harito. I hope you haven't been boring the Khaleeshi and her sister with your collections." Her tone though was jesting, making the fellow noble laugh in amusement as he approached her.

"I'm educating them on my line of work my dear, which is far simpler than yours." Taking her offered hand he gave it a formal kiss to the top of it before sitting close beside her. "Please, make yourselves comfortable."

Dany and Ciri did so, picking out the largest sitting pillows to relax on. The handmaidens would do the same after setting the dragon baskets beside the Khaleesi, letting her 'children' crawl out to surround her. Jorah would sit in a lodging chair, obviously wanting to be involved for the meeting but alert in his role as Daenerys' protector. Rakharo and his fellow Bloodriders would remain standing though, the Dothraki never one to drop their guard even as guests.

"From the way you to talk, you two seem quite close." Daenerys stated as she got some spiced meat from the table to feed her dragons.

A coy smile crossed Siranea's fair lips. "We have a special relationship beyond our duties on the council. While the business of selling weapons and organizing professional protection may sound simple, it requires a keen ear to pick out such demands."

"You mean spying?" Ciri remarked with a smirk.

Siranea took a deep breath from the long pipe, sighing out a gray stream of smoke. "I prefer the title of…informant. Through lesser traders, drifters, whores and other professions, I have a wide web throughout Essos' many cities…along with a few in Dorne."

"Why so few in Westeros?"

"Because it's a far less interesting place of late. Trade from them is mostly in material good. Lumber, ore and the like."

"Though I can say their armor and weapons outmatch most. The mercenaries I supply pay near double for such gear." Harito chuckled, drawing a short glare from his female companion for his interruption.

"Then there is the fact there is already a powerful man that limits my reach. The Spider…the Master of Whispers has always been able to keep my informants from infiltrating any major city beyond those in Dorne."

To Ciri it seemed impressive that one man could manage so much territory in preventing a foreign group from spying. Part of her wondered how well the Nilfgaard Intelligence would handle this mysterious Spider. "So from my understanding, you help Prince Harito in finding potential buyers because of your connections."

"For a small cut for my services." The woman chuckled back. "Really I help inform all my fellow Thirteen on potential business opportunities, both in buying and selling. Then there is the fact I have diplomatic ties between all the Free and Slave cities, a discrete way to find new allies."

"A very valuable one at that." Jorah remarked. "So between both of you, you'd be able to supply the Khaleesi with a potential army, along with a means to arm them and support to her cause. Though beyond the promises she has made during the meeting, you obviously have more in mind."

There was a tense silence at the knight's words, the two Qarthians keeping a calm look, betraying nothing about their intentions.

Daenerys at this point broke the silence. "If you wish to have positions in my future court, then simply say so. The worst I can do is refuse."

The blunt remark had both trade nobles look at each other in a faint show of surprise. The Prince of Blades smirked then laughed out while the Lady of Whispers smirked in amusement, taking a draft from her pipe.

"Hah, I forget that you can ne a blunt woman Khaleesi. Your fairness can be quite misleading." Harito complimented. "Then we will be direct. If you want our full cooperation, we wish to serve in close positions with you. I for one would desire the position of general."

Jorah scoffed a bit at the suggestion. "Forgive me if I'm blunt in turn, but it is hard to see you in such a role."

The prince frowned at the claim. "Why? Because you think me too soft for such a role?" A hint of spite showed in the man's formal words. "A good twenty of my years I've studied among the best mercenary companies across the continent, my longest term even being with Golden Company which you even served in." The hint of surprise on Jorah's face made the man chuckle a bit. "I'll admit I'm quite average in a fight…having learned that the hard way." He'd gestured to the scars at the right side of his head. "There is more to military leadership then simply being a dedicated warrior who leads at the front. Tell me Ser Jorah, how many men have you've personally managed between serving in Westeros and among mercenaries?"

The sudden question did take the knight off guard, pausing in thought before answering. "Two hundred at least, mainly infantry and a few dozen knights between fighting in Robert's Rebellion and against the Greyjoys."

Nodding, Harito leaned back in his seat. "So the role of a field commander at least. Then you understand how difficult it is to ensure the whole group is supplied, properly organized and follow the greater battle plan." He let those words sink in. "Now imagine that with thousands of soldiers of varying specialties, along with mounts and possibly siege weapons. Then include managing supply lines, scouting, marching routes…one matter after the other which needs to be relayed to dozens of commanders."

Jorah was silent, look of deep thought on his face. Ciri knew very well what Harito meant since she knew how complex managing a large army was. Nilfgaard after all hosted the largest and diverse armies in her world, yet despite its numbers and vast resources had been repelled by the Northern Kingdoms multiple times because of the stretched supply lines.

"I…do apologize for being quick to judge, Prince of Blades." Jorah formally replied back. "I forget how complex matters on warfare can be on a larger scale."

"I take no offense, Ser. You no doubt simply wish me to be a qualified adviser to the Khaleesi, especially in a role of such power." He looked towards Daenerys. "That is if you wish for me to join your cause."

Ciri looked to Dany as she thought over his words, petting her dragons as they relaxed on her lap or the large pillow she sat on. "The value of your connections and knowledge would make you a worthy ally to have Prince Harito. I'd welcome your skills as my potential general."

Bowing his head slightly, a pleased grin hinted his lips. "I'd be honored. I will work towards creating a list of potential forces we can recruit at a later date."

"As for I, it is obvious you need a…spymaster. While I detest the title, you need to be informed on potential allies or threats within Essos." Siranea spoke up, it now being her turn to speak. "With time I could expand my ties within Westeros, give us a means to seek out possible supporters within the Kingdoms."

Ciri nodded in agreement. "No telling who we may cross building up our forces. Also we'll need to be informed if the Khals of the Dothraki hear about us and try to make any moves. Last thing we need is a unified horde rising up or some other faction surprising us."

Daenerys as well nodded in agreement. "I'm sure you'll also be able to educate me further about the many other cultures in Essos. While Ser Jorah has been invaluable in understanding the Dothraki and Qarth, I must be capable of such things on my own."

"Wise way of thinking, Khaleesi." The Lady of Whispers remarked. "Yet from the look in your eyes, I can tell you have a personal question to ask of us. The subtle curiosity." She purred the last words.

A hint of a smirk crossed Dany's face before she nodded. "I'm curious at why you two seem so interested in leaving the comfortable lives you have here in Qarth. You already have all the luxury and comforts any one could desire, along with great power within the Thirteen."

"Hah! You are right on the first part, yet the second…it's more of an illusion." Harito laughed out. "Despite the glamor about the city and the authority shown during our gathering, Qarth right now is stagnant."

"Stagnant?" Ciri questioned.

Siranea nodded as she blew a puff of smoke into the air. "The fact is most of the other Thirteen are content with our city's situation. Our control of the eastern passage through the Jade Sea ensures our wealth and our defenses prevent any conquest towards us…"

"…For now at least." Harito finished. "As I mentioned at the council meeting, pirates are our biggest threat. Their leadership has become stronger within the last decade, with the newest high captains being former members of Free City navies or serving among the elite mercenary companies. These new captains have even began to build up ties with Slavers Bay, becoming a mercenary fleet to indirectly target their rivals and expand their enslaving reach."

Jorah hummed in agreement. "The Slave Cities ever crave to shackle more people to sell off or to labor away. Using the pirates would greatly expand their 'selection'."

"Indeed, which makes Qarth a prize to them." Siranea stated. "Despite the wise defense plans dear Harito has offered in our meetings, most of the Thirteen do not see the pirates or Slavers Bay as a threat. They've become content with our current situation, lazy through arrogance."

"They no doubt think Qarth's defenses are strong enough as it is, ignorant about the rest of the world advancing." Ciri remarked. "Battle tested pirates and mercenaries will no doubt find the laxed fleet a small challenge."

"The exact point I made!" Harito snapped out before looking to Daenerys. "By supporting you, we can subvert the influence the other Thirteen have in protecting Qarth. Is it a risky and costly endeavor…yes, but both you and your sister show much potential, that it is worth it."

"Good to see you're willing to take such risks." Dany replied back as she petted her dragons. "So if we have your support, what can you tell me of the other members of the Thirteen?"

"Besides Xaro, the whisperings I've heard have been mixed. Some see you as a valuable ally though untested, others simply a spoiled outcast…and a few as a threat." Siranea answered. "It's between the fact you're more cunning than they expected and the fact your dragons are growing quite quickly. Barely a week and I can tell they've grown slightly since the meeting."

"Does that mean they may threaten us?" Ciri questioned.

"Who can say." Harito replied back. "The Prince of Spices while seeming the most neutral does not like his ideal of order being shaken up within the city. By far, he has the most support among the other Thirteen. Then there is the Prince of Beasts who does after all desire your 'children'. Considering they are one of a kind, he may go to great lengths to acquire one."

It was what Ciri had suspected from both men after their meeting. All of this was no different to the political games that Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms had for decades, though on a far more isolated scale. All it would take is one bad move for Qarth to burst into complete chaos. "Then we best arrange our matters swiftly. All that matters is sorting out our relations with Xaro."

The mention of the trade prince made Daenerys shift slightly and even a faint blush hinting her pale face. "I'm…still unsure of how to approach that matter." She muttered almost shyly. "We do owe Xaro much for getting us to Qarth along with serving as our host. I know if we married he'd gain considerable power, yet his talents and wealth could mean so much."

"Heh…its ever hard to know the intentions of Xaro. One of the more humble members in comparison to the rest of the Thirteen, he has a quiet ambition that no one can truly figure out." Harito stated.

Jorah clasped his hands at the man's words, seeming to be in thought. Ciri still wondered what he and Xaro had spoken of privately when they first arrived at the trade prince's palace. If there was one thing about men, they had a habit of being more open about their real thoughts between each other.

Siranea sighed before shaking her head. "It's not our place to decide for the Khaleesi. I can understand your indecision, that of the heart and mind. Emotion and reason." Taking a final puff from her pipe, she flipped it to empty its remains into a nearby tray.

Those words caused Daenerys composure faulted slightly more as she glanced away. Even the dragons seemed to sense their 'mother's' conflicted feelings as they huddled around her. "I…I think we've discussed enough for today." Standing from her seat, her handmaidens approached to let her put the dragons within their basket beds. "The next Council meeting is two days from now. During it I'll have an offer to Xaro's proposal." With the dragons cared for, everyone else stood up from their seats. "Thank you for inviting us and offering your support."

Both trade nobles bowed low in respect to her. "The honor is ours, Khaleesi." Harito formally replied as he and Siranea would lead the group through the fortress palace and back outside to the courtyard where their carriages awaited them. "Do try to relax before the next meeting with the Council. A rested mind is a sharp one as they say."

"Heh that I can agree with." Ciri remarked back before giving a respectful nod to their hosts. Dany didn't reply back, still seeming lost in her thoughts as she got inside the carriage with her handmaidens setting the dragons inside with her. For a moment Ciri hesitated in getting in, glancing to Jorah who also noticed her pause.

"I think I need to stretch my legs after all the riding in the carriage and sitting during the meeting." He spoke up, moving closer to rest one hand on her shoulder. "She needs you right now…someone to relate to what she's feeling."

Ciri nodded in agreement, patting the man's arm in thanks. "I think I know what's troubling her." A small smirk hinted her face. "Just don't get any ideas of eavesdropping now."

The knight scoffed at the idea. "Me? Spying…how harsh of you." He jested back before moving aside, speaking out in Dothraki as Daenerys' convoy was ready to leave.

Moving to the carriage, Ciri climbed in before closing the door behind her, then moving to tug the window shades down for added privacy. Looking at Dany, the young Targaryen was focused on her dragons who had crawled out of their basket beds. It was fascinating to see the strong bond the young dragons had for her, one that could prove powerful if it was maintained in the months and years to come.

Soon the carriage shook as it began to move, leaving Harito's palace and making its way through the palace district to return to Xaro's home. "Dany…" Saying her name made the Khaleesi look up, violet eyes alert yet distant at the same time. "I know what's on your mind, that sadness you show whenever people talk about the marriage proposal with Xaro."

"Do you?" Dany's tone was low, a hint of dismissal in her words.

Ciri though didn't let such manners stand. "I do in fact." She nearly snapped back. "I know you keep thinking about Drogo, about your Khal…your husband." The mention made the Targaryen tense slightly, though she didn't reply back. "I know how he and you were married simply to gain the might of his horde yet forged an intimate bond that few could make in such a pairing."

The compliment did make a hint of a smile show on her face. "Its funny how you say that. To many Drogo would seem like any Dothraki. Under his fierce nature though he was affectionate and open minded, a side he kept away from the rest of the men, so none saw him as weak."

"Traits that no doubt make any overconfident raider challenge him."

Dany nodded at that claim. "The Dothraki way is a harsh one…one that favors strength and their own ideal of honor. When I pleaded for him to show mercy to those his horde raided…give the women and young under my care, his gesture was seen as a weakness which others took advantage of."

"And it cost him."

Again Daenerys nodded. "I was naïve. Naïve to think that simple wound wouldn't sicken him. Naïve in trusting Mirri and her Blood Magic." The mention of the witch made her clench one hand tightly in anger. "His body was healed but his mind was dead…a fate worse than death. It even cost me the life of our child."

While she knew of these grim losses, hearing Dany say it with such mournful feeling made Ciri reflect. "Dark magic…it always has a price." Ciri muttered, knowing well how certain powers required a 'payment' of some kind. "I know you killed him, just to end his suffering. I can understand how hard it was…so why does his memory bother you so much of late?"

"Its…two issues. Xaro's proposal conflicts me. Kind as he is, part of me feels forever bound to Drogo. To simply marry another for gain…wealth and power…it feels like an insult to his memory." She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "Then there have been dreams."


She nodded back. "It takes place in the tent where I…bore my son. My husband was there, cradling our child, a healthy strong boy." A happy smile appearing on her lips and for a moment Ciri thought she'd tear up. "I just…talk to him as I hold my child. Yet I know it isn't real no matter how welcoming it is."

The way she described it did seem odd to Ciri. She knew well that dreams could be mean many things, especially ones that can be remembered so vividly. The question was this recurring dream something Daenerys was creating or from some outside force? She didn't remark on such possibilities, not wanting to stress the young woman when she was this emotional. "Could be your mind is torn between longing for them or moving on. Loss…can do that to you."

"From the way you speak, you seem to understand that quite well." Dany was silent for a bit, the only noise being the muffled rattle of the carriage. "It…wouldn't happen to be related to that tattoo you have?"

The sudden deduction did draw a surprised look from Ciri, but she did chuckle a bit. "I guess it takes someone special to get one where I have it." A faint blush appearing on her cheeks before she continued to speak. "I can say a lot of my younger days involved me running away from others, be it from arranged marriages, my own father, countless mages and then the Wild Hunt."

"Surprised you made it through so much."

"Didn't do it alone. Lost count of how many times I nearly died, be it from injuries or lack of supplies. It felt like long a blur with how much I went through." She paused before continuing. "I ran into a group of thieves called the Rats, a colorful gang of troubled youngsters. They gave me food and a place to stay while in turn I helped them save one of their own from trouble."

"Heh sounds like a tale I read about woodland rogues who stole from the rich and gave to the poor." Dany giggled, mood cheering up from the tale.

Ciri shifted at that remark. In truth the Rats were more of kill and take from the rich…then give to themselves. She decided not to share that unsavory detail right now, not wanting to sour the Targaryen's mood. "Despite their habits, they always stuck together no matter the odds, even if we often caused that trouble."

"So…what were their names?"

"Giselher, Asse, Iskra, Kayleigh, Reef and Mistle." The last name she had a faint smile with. "Mistle was the one I was…well…close with. At first it was just a fling…but we both deep down wanted something more. One thing led to another and we both got matching rose tattoos on our legs, sort of a reminder for each other."

Dany blushed at the details, smirking slightly. "Seems like a wild pairing. Jorah will be quite heartbroken that you're more into girls." She teased back.

"Who says I can't also be interested in men?" Ciri countered jestingly. "I guess in Jorah's case he has the gruff older appeal…with knightly manners you'd find only in tales." However she stopped herself when she saw the way Dany rested her chin in one hand, having a sly look in her eyes. "N-No I'm not implying anything!" Ciri grumbled back.

"If you say so." Dany remarked with a shrugged. "Yet let's focus on your story. So…what happened to her and the others?'

With that question, Ciri's flustered mood quickly calmed as darker memories came back. "Well…being highway thieves draws trouble, especially when you're good at it." She muttered. "An infamous bounty hunter had arrived in the area, a ruthless swordsman who claimed to have even killed Witchers."

"Did he corner your group?"

She shook her head. "Not how the Rats work despite our name. If anything Giselher always favored the idea of offense being the best defense. The group decided to take the fight to the bounty hunter, catch him by surprise." A long paused followed. "Personal matters came up…a chance to return home and reunite with loved ones. I left before they went off to face the bounty hunter, only turning back when I learned it was all a trap."

"One that you were too late to stop." A gloomy look showed in Dany's eyes, the young woman shifting slightly in her seat. "You feel guilty abandoning them. Do you think if you had been with them you could have stopped this man."

Ciri didn't answer at first as she clasped her hands, remembering the moment she had rushed into that town. She remembered the moment Bonhart kill Mistle before her, surrounded by the rest of the Rats. The rage she felt…the reckless charge and the thrashing she got from the bounty hunter. The memories of what he forced her to do, the suffering she caused him for every hour she was forced to travel with him.

"Ciri?" Dany's voice snapped her out of the angry memories, making her look up to see worry in the Khaleesi's eyes.

"I'm fine." She sighed back. "The point is…I avenged them all. The bastard is long dead, nothing but bones and memory." Despite that assurance, Daenerys didn't seem any less eased. Even Ciri felt tense since it had been so long since she thought back to those harsh days. "Despite it all I moved on. I focused on the good memories…the fellowship which helped me get through in those times." Composed once more, she leaned in to rest one hand on Dany's arm. "I get it that you have a lot on your mind. If you don't want to accept Xaro's proposal, then politely decline."

The sincere suggestion made Daenerys blink in surprise. "Are you sure? The last thing I want is to insult him after everything he has done for us."

"You just need to keep that commanding demeanor you had when dealing with the Thirteen. With two of the Thirteen supporting us, he has a lot more to lose by abandoning us. He may still have a chance to marry you, but it will be more on your terms than his."

The idea made Daenerys nod in understanding. "I need to show I still have authority. I can see how it would weaken my influence with the others as well."

Before anything else could be said, the carriage came to a sudden stop, making Dany yelp in surprise and Ciri having to brace herself to stop. There was a thud as the carriage was now still, Daenery calmed her dragons who hissed and scampered about.

Dany raised the shade for one window, looking out into the narrow street. The convoy had stopped before an intersection where a large wagon full of crates had spilled out to get in the way. "Seems like a little accident has happened further up the street." She informed Dany before seeing Jorah moving up to the carriage. "How bad is it?"

"Ugh…not too much if we lend a hand." Jorah sighed. "The street is too narrow to turn around and backing up will be slow with both carriages. Just sit back and wait."

"Heh won't argue with that." Ciri chuckled before leaning back into the carriage. "Seems we'll have to wait for a bit before we can move on."

"Maybe we should just walk the rest of the way." Dany jested as she petted her dragons who had calmed down. "We had plenty of time to practice that."

"True enough!" Ciri laughed. "Course I'll take paved streets over-" However she stopped herself mid-sentence as she heard faint footsteps from the left side of the carriage. Her gaze snapped to the door, noticing the handle was being tugged back from the outside. Without hesitation, Ciri lunged as she kicked the door, slamming the wooden barrier into the intruder's face.

With the carriage side open, Ciri saw the the intruder sprawled on the ground, a man dressed in tanned leathers and wrapped in deep brown clothes fitting for the warm climate. His face had similar colored cloth wraps around the mouth and nose, though it was soaked red considering she had broken his nose slamming the door into it. Her attention though quickly moved to more figures down the alleyway, four more similar dressed men armed with curved short blades.

"Jorah! Assassins!" Ciri yelled out, moving to draw her blade off her back, she noticed how the bloodied attacker's gaze was off…looking more upward instead of directly at her. She realized what was going on just as the sturdy line of rope dropped down her neck, giving her just enough time to put her left arm up to stop the noose from closing around. The attacker from above was strong, making her grunt as the noose pressed to the right side of her neck and her bracer arm. It was a good thing she bought the duelist outfit; otherwise she would have suffered rope burn along her arm. With what freedom she had, she glanced up to see a larger assassin on top of the carriage, making her realize the man had jumped down earlier when the carriage had come to a sudden stop, muffling his landing. Being hoisted up, she grunted out as she was being partly strangled, unable to fully draw Zireael.

The assassin with the broken nose cursed in an unknown tongue, standing up and drawing his blade to attack her. Yet despite being hoisted, she had no plans of being gutted. Growling out, she kicked her legs back to slam the carriage door shut, also giving her a surface to push herself forward. Both steel heeled feet slammed into the man's bloodied face, giving a satisfying crack as she crushed what remained of his nose. Howling out, the man fell over again, flailing in pain as his injury was only worsened. Seeing their companion in pain made the other assassins hesitate, giving Ciri the chance to slip free.

Between the momentum of her pushing kick and the arm at the noose, she forced the rope loose to slip her neck free with a gasp. The movement caught the assassin on the carriage roof off guard, letting her yank forward to pull him off balance and tumble off the carriage. At the least he had a softer landing, being that on top of the broken-nosed assassin.

"Dany, take this!" Yanking the long dagger she kept on he left hip, she tossed the sheathed weapon into the carriage before drawing Zireael. "You picked the wrong Targaryen to cross!" She growled at the assassins, eyes glaring fiercely as well. Despite the act of intimidation, the four standing men held their ground, curved blades up while they moved closer. Ciri decided to go on the offensive, lunging in at the leading assassin…making sure to stomp her heel down on the larger prone assassin for good measure. While she could use her Elder Blood to cut them all down, she couldn't risk being noticed in public using it.

She opened up with a straight stab, the assassin using his curved blade to parry it aside. Ciri didn't back off, only pressing forward as she shoulder tackled him, making sure to put her knee and shoulder forward for full force. Course having her leading knee drive into his groin did a good job in staggering him in pain. Twisting, she struck across the the man's jaw with the cross guard and pommel of her blade, knocking him into a wall of the wide alley. She kept her momentum to avoid a slash from the next assassin, twisting her slim form into a pirouette before giving a short leap. The man had a wide-eyed look at her agile grace before her sword sliced down into his exposed shoulder, gnome forged steel cutting through him like butter. Cutting near halfway through, she withdrew her blade to let the slain attacker fall aside and made the three other assassins curse in their language.

Despite the shock the men pressed on, two attacking at once, trying to overwhelm her. She blocked one blade with her sword while the other with the armored bracer on her left arm. Parrying both attacks, she drove her left fist into one man's gut while angling her blade to skid along the curved weapon to slash across the other assassin's chest. It wasn't a deep cut, though he howled in pain as he stumbled back grasping at his wound. With both foes staggered, she glanced at the one she had tackled earlier lunge at her with an angry yell. His rage left his weapon arm too exposed, a quick side step avoiding it followed by a dismembering slash at the elbow.

The disarmed assassin stumbled back grasping his bleeding stump, staggering away while pleading out in his foreign tongue. Whatever he said made the unharmed assassin growl before getting in the dismembered man's way. In one fluid motion he cut his throat before throwing him to the wall, letting him garble out as he quickly bled out.

"Weak!" The assassin growled in a thick accent. His intimidating action rallying the slashed assassin, who also hissed out in anger. "This wasn't supposed to be this way…" He muttered. "We were told you'd be simple to deal with."

Ciri sighed at the remark, wondering how many times she had heard that. She could hear the noise of another fight happening in the street, no doubt a second group of assassins fighting Jorah and the Blood Riders. "You made a mistake trying to threaten me and my sister. Yield and I'll show mercy." Her stance shifted, feet spread in a wider stance while she grasped her sword with both hands, pointing the blade forward. "Then you'll tell me who hired you." By now the other two, broken nose and the large one, had gotten up as well. She was surrounded yet showed no worry at this.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with girl!" The lead assassin threatened. The group all shifted slowly, inching closer as they were on edge to attack…or perhaps run. Ciri stared down the assassin leader coldly, waiting for the right moment.

At once they leaped at her, curved blades all attacking in one angle. It was fast, yet years of real combat had Ciri prepared for this. She had studied this technique for a while, but never had to use it since her Elder Blood was a better choice. In this case though, it was time to put it to use. Her right leg shifted, body twisting as she rose her sword up in her hands. The pivoting move put a lot of speed in her swing as she slashed upward at the lead assassin, getting a split second to see the shocked look in his eyes as the blade cut through his neck to decapitate him. Next was the large assassin behind her, the right arm cleaved at the forearm. Lastly, the wounded one had a deep slash across his chest, crimson 'x' across his diced chest. With the whirl finished, she exhaled before she stabbed right into the large assassin's heart, silencing the cursing man before he could launch another desperate attack.

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