
Chapter 16


I'm going a bit nuts writing this right now.

I kinda cut back a bit, but I just can't stop now that I've started. Oh well. Don't forget, this is a 4th chapter, so the word count is misleading, it isn't quite as long as it seems.

And please, reviews are like...I dunno, I wouldn't say drugs, because those are usually bad for you. They're good, and we'll leave it at that! Please, leave one for me, I love reading them!

Chapter 16

"...I'm sorry."

Blinking away the tears forming in her eyes from laughing so hard, Akari took in the panda currently grasping onto the side of a tree with her Sharingan. It looked like a regular giant panda from her old world, right down to the black-outlined eyes, flappy ears, and...considerable claws. "It is no matter." The panda solemnly intoned, shaking its head. "I know my kind are not known for being very dangerous animals in your Elemental Nations. Rest assured, just as the slugs have a place on your battlefields, so too do the pandas."

Eyeing the panda carefully, Akari couldn't help but agree. While her personal bias for thinking of pandas as fuzzy, adorable and harmless sort-of-bears, the beast currently climbing steadily down a tree in front of her was anything but harmless. At least 150kg of muscle and fur backed up by a chakra network which her Sharingan could see flowing. Even if she couldn't see the actual Tenketsu or 'veins' of chakra running through the panda's body, she could still detect chakra flowing in their body in a general flow, which was part of the way Jutsu were copied.

"So, uhh, hi I guess? I'm sorry, I didn't really come here actually looking for a summons." Those words froze the panda, who turned his head away from his climbing to look at her in surprise, to which she elaborated. "I got stuck on a whole other world, and I had to use this as a way home. I know summons can request to be summoned, so I was hoping to find a summons clan who had a signatory within Konoha. Then I could just tag along when they get summoned and I'd be back in Konoha just fine." After a few moments, the panda sighed, climbing across to the nearest thick branch and sitting atop it.

"And here I was hopeful that we'd finally found a summoner. Tell me child, do you know how the Kuchiyose no Jutsu works?" Akari waved her hand in a so-so fashion. "Well, allow me to elaborate. The Kuchiyose is not merely a method to find a summons animal. When you use it, it reads your soul, your very essence. Then, using said essence, it finds whatever summons being most closely relates to your own wants, needs, desires, motivations and other traits, then brings you to them. If you appeared within Ryuchi Cave, for example, it would mean you likely have traits the snakes would approve of and like to work with, such as ruthlessness. For the slugs, a helping hand would send you to them more often than not."

The panda adjusted his grip, the branch creaking ominously under his weight, though he paid it no mind. "And, what would match with pandas?" The large panda rumbled his amusement at her question.

"Well my girl, you recognized me on sight, what are pandas known for, hmm?" Akari shrugged.

"I dunno, most of the time they're portrayed as shy and gentle, but that really doesn't match me. I'm more of a front-line fighter. Though I guess they're..." The panda grinned, or as close to a grin as a panda could make, as Akari's jaw slackened. "I get it. It's because of how I treat Naruto isn't it? I look after him like a son, I'm protective as hell, and because of that, it's come over into being protective of people I like in general." The panda nodded once in agreement.

He stabbed his claws into the tree trunk again, climbing down the rest of the tree and talking all the while. "Correct. I do not know your history, nor who this Naruto character is, though from what I can gather you have a protective way of him. You mentioned 'like a son', so I presume that, while he is not of your blood, you treat him as such. Perhaps he even sees you as his own family. I do not wish to pry though, for I know that for one human to protect another's cub as their own son, means the cub has probably lost his own family." The mood turned sombre quickly, the panda settling down at the base of the tree and peering at her.

Akari rubbed her arm, looking around the dense forest. "Yeah, he did. I bear the consequences, but I know I got the best deal from that situation, by far. Naruto has neither a mother nor father, and he has to rely on me to protect him." Biting her lip, Akari turned away from the black eyes of the panda. When she heard soft footsteps, she turned back, wary of an attack, but surprised as the panda merely came to within a few feet of her and sat back down again.

"And yet, you speak both correctly, and incorrectly." Akari blinked in confusion. "You have looked after this cub for...-" Akari murmured an answer. "-for four years, and yet you still cannot see what is in front of you. You protect him, and, dare I say as I might be presumptuous, you love him as a son, even if you do not wish to acknowledge it." Akari opened her mouth to angrily argue that she was NOT, and would NEVER be Naruto's mother, but the panda cut her off. "You will not replace his mother, no, but the boy needs a mother figure in his life. And, though you consciously do not wish it, your mind will still adopt the role it is pressed into. You look after him as a mother, and you come to love him as such."

Shaking her head, Akari groaned. "I don't want to love him though, he isn't my son. If anything I want him to be like a little brother. Don't some girls have to look after younger brothers just like this? Why don't they start loving like that?" The panda chuffed out a laugh.

"Because my dear girl, they are bound by blood to see each other as siblings. You, on the other hand, have no such protection. While you are not quite at the age for this to truly influence you, your maternal instincts will still see the boy as a child to protect, and will respond accordingly." Akari put her knuckles to her temples with her eyes shut, growling lightly. The plan was to get in and out of the summons realm quickly, not to get into a debate about how she treated Naruto.

Centring herself, Akari opened her eyes and looked at the panda, who was peering back inquisitively. "Look, I just want to go back to Konoha. I can just use the Kuchiyose again if I want a summon, right?" The panda shook his head, surprising her. "Why not?"

"Because the Kuchiyose only works to find a summons animal once, and pandas were what was chosen. Either you leave here having signed the Panda contract, or you will have to find one currently within your realm to sign." Growling louder, she pinched her nose. "if it's any consolation, there are far worse summons clans to be tied to, and as mentioned, we are most definitely not to be underestimated."

Akari nodded her assent. "I know that much, I just...wasn't exactly planning to get a summon right now. Ahh, what the hell." She eyed the panda closely. "Well, how about it? You've been interrogating me this whole time, I'm sure you've judged whether you even want me as a summoner or not. What's the verdict?" Though momentarily surprised, the panda rolled back to sit upright.

"To speak bluntly, you are...rather woeful in terms of judging yourself. You refused to see the bond which was right in front of your face." As Akari slumped her shoulders and made to ask if she could leave then, the panda continued. "However, you have demonstrated that you would defend a child for years even not of your blood, showing your protectiveness. You are honest, perhaps a bad trait for one of your profession, but something we pandas value. And, though it may be crude to mention, you have the body to learn our techniques."

This time, Akari was genuinely taken aback. "Techniques?" The panda looked her up and down again, nodding.

"Yes. Why, my dear girl, you didn't think we pandas were merely strong, did you?" The 150kg beast then, in front of her eyes, disappeared. Akari's jaw dropped for a moment before she looked around, a feral grin on her lips.

"Oh you have to teach me that."

Akari ended up spending several days with the pandas.

The original plan called for a much shorter period, but after the revelations that Master Bao, as she was told to call him, sprung on her, she decided that she was going to sign the panda contract. Of course, that meant she had to prove her physical side to the pandas. Bao vouched for her, of course, but several of the others, who were more wary of summoners, demanded she complete a stealth and evasion test, as well as a body strength test, before they'd be willing to work with her.

As Master Bao was the one who had control over the contract, she could sign it at any moment, but that didn't mean she could summon those pandas. The rules stipulated in the panda contract specifically granted them the choice to refuse a summoner. They would be required to give a damn good reason, as summons were often relied upon heavily for their strong and out-of-the-box abilities, but they could refuse it. If the dissenters banded together, they could deny Akari a significant portion of the panda summons, and as such, she acquiesced to their demands of testing. That was what led to her spending a few days with Bao and training.

The issue with the stealth test was that it was tuned to test the panda abilities, specifically the art of camouflage. It wasn't genjutsu, the pandas actually exuded nature chakra around their bodies and used it almost like a mist, occluding their location to the naked eye. Even her regular Sharingan couldn't actually spot them when they were hiding. It was similar to Kirigakure's Hiding In The Mist assassination Jutsu, but different in that it didn't require monstrous levels of chakra to use. But, the hardest part of learning it was that her Sharingan was incapable of copying it.

When she remarked on this, Master Bao chuckled and explained that it was similar to the Sage mode, in that it was not a technique which required hand seals, and that it used Natural Chakra. The user would merely exude this chakra and hide within it, blending in near-seamlessly within a small cloud of illusion. The reason that was so hard to spot for the Sharingan was that the cloud took everything behind itself, as well as at all other angles, and placed it in front of itself, constantly changing to match the users perception. This was done to such a fine degree that even for the Sharingan's visual acuity, it was near-impossible to tell the difference.

Or at least, for the regular Sharingan. The Mangekyo was several degrees stronger than the regular Sharingan, and with that, she picked up on these minute errors. That still left a small area where, while she could see the trick, she didn't know exactly where in that cloud her target was. For someone who was used to seeing through all illusions, the reality that there were still things in the world which could hide from her eyes was rather chilling.

When the day of the test came up, having been granted several days to learn the ability from Bao and practice, she was taken out to a remote region in the forest and told to evade all hostiles in the region, find five golden leaves which had been planted somewhere within, and return, all without being caught, and only using the Mist-Walker ability. A single capture would result in failure. As that was announced, the panda who gave the order grimaced, knowing that it was rather unfair to expect that a human girl would be capable of evading pandas and other creatures in their home turf with an ability she didn't even know existed a few days ago.

Akari could have easily done it if she was allowed access to all of her abilities, but alas, she had to make do with Mistwalker. But...what a Jutsu!

Kiri-Woka no Jutsu - Enshrouded in your own chakra, this Jutsu will allow you to evade the sight of near-all enemy Shinobi, as well as many of your allies. Imperceptible to the naked eye, but with the tiny risk of turning into stone, this ability can only be detected by high-level sensors and Dojutsu users. Usage - 5CP/s.

Becoming invisible to practically everything but a damn good sensor, Byakugan user or Mangekyo user? That was really damn good. What worried her was the mention of potentially turning to stone. She brought it up to Bao, and though he was surprised at her knowledge, he revealed that just as Sage Mode, using the ability carried a risk of turning to stone if the user tried to draw the nature chakra into themselves. The reason he didn't mention it was simple. If she didn't know about it, there was no way she would draw it in, as she wouldn't have any idea of how to do such a thing. Drawing chakra from the surrounding area wasn't exactly something easy to do. Otherwise, tens of thousands of shinobi would have tried it, and subsequently become statues.

Accepting his knowledge, she waved off his worries about her maybe needing to practice any more, saying she learned it quickly thanks to her Sharingan. The reality was that as soon as a Jutsu was unlocked, there was no need for her to spend any more time other than the learn all its facets. Proficiencies were different, but that was because as she practised, she actively improved.

What she did spend some time doing however was looking through the few notifications she'd received and subsequently forgotten about. She could have opened them whilst waiting the week for Minato's cooldown to wear off, but they'd slipped her mind entirely. Leaning back against a tree, she flicked through them, dismissing the one about getting a new title as she'd already seen that.

Orochimaru Defeated!

35,000 Exp earned.

Sword of Kusanagi received.

While the experience was nice, the sword really sealed the deal. Of course, she would have killed the treacherous sannin anyway, but getting ahold of a legendary sword wasn't something she did every day. It wasn't relevant for her current situation, nor did her skills allow her to effectively use the weapon, but she knew that it was worth the investment to level her skill with swords to better use the weapon.

The test was honestly...rather depressingly easy. For a Shinobi as experienced as her, walking silently was practically mandated, and with her position being completely obscured, the pandas stood no chance. The only hard parts were actually getting ahold of the leaves, as they were rather sneakily hidden. To solve this, she normally would have sent out at least a dozen clones to scour the area and find them while she sat back, drink in one hand and food in the other, but as the rules said she couldn't use any other techniques, she made do with slowly searching the area.

A few hours later, she slunk back to the starting position, dropping off the five leaves and at the same time cancelling her Jutsu, before taking a knee and catching her breath. Her chakra pool was considerable, but when using 5 chakra points a second, she only had just over sixteen and a half minutes before it dropped, so she had to move, find a hiding place, drop the jutsu, recover her chakra, then enable Mist-Walker and continue on. It was rather exhausting, and the area just above her abdomen, where her chakra coils resided, felt rather worn out from the constant usage and regeneration of her Chakra. It sucked that she didn't regenerate whilst using a Jutsu, but it made sense, otherwise she'd be able to walk around under Henge forever.

The strength test was even more pitiful. They had to be sure that their summoner was physically strong enough to be worth their time, so they devised a test. The summoner would be deprived of all equipment, then told to climb a sheer cliff-face without using chakra, relying only on their physical strength. For Shinobi who frequently used chakra to strengthen their bodies, as well as those focused on long-range, this would be a nightmare. But Akari never had a teacher to learn unconscious or even conscious Chakra-enhancing from, and as such her body was physically as strong as her strength stat allowed.

Just out of curiosity, she used her barely-utilized ability to read other people on Master Bao, ignoring everything extra and snickering to herself when she saw the strength stat.

Bao - Level 41

Strength - 63

She had a strength stat of 55, meaning in a straight-up strength fight, the Panda which outweighed her by a ridiculous margin, would only be able to claim that he was about 14% stronger than she was. Of course, that didn't mean his other stats would allow such a victory, as he had much lower stats in other places to make up for the increased strength, whereas hers were balanced towards agility after strength, then vitality, so she could take a hit. By contrast, as he was a lower level, his stats were all inferior, making him overly strength-focused.

As such, she went into the test confident that she was plenty strong, and her stats most definitely didn't let her down, allowing her to climb up the rocks with rather amusing ease. The fact was that it wasn't just a strength trial, it was also a dexterity/agility trial, and her second-highest stat, only trailing behind strength by a measly five points, was in fact agility, allowing her to hop from outcrop to outcrop without slipping. At one point the rocks she'd grasped rolled straight out, as they were loose, but she just pivoted on her other hand and spun straight out of the path of the falling stone, using the newly excavated hole in the stone to continue the climb.

As she reached the top, she was met by a rather baffled set of unprepared pandas. When asked, Bao told her that they were expecting her to either fail, give up, or take three times as long as she did, on account of how..."unstable" the cliff-face was. As he put the speech marks in, the pair snickered. It was obvious the pandas didn't like her very much, and sabotaged her attempt to climb the face so they'd have an excuse to refuse her summons and laze about. As it was, she passed both the mandated tests with flying colours.

And, as she signed the contract, she could honestly say it was well worth the effort, since while she was practising, Bao very kindly got in contact with the Crow clan, whose summoner was actually an Uchiha, and after explaining that their summoner was stranded and needed to be reverse-summoned back to Konoha, Bao convinced them to reverse-summon their own summoner to the realm so he could inspect Akari and make sure she was actually of their village before taking her back to Konoha. Akari was fine with this, and sat waiting at the selected meeting point with her legs crossed over.

While she was a bit of a black sheep amongst the Uchiha, she knew that they wouldn't leave a fellow Shinobi stranded in the summons realm when all it'd take to bring her back was a single Jutsu. "Oh, hey there! Well whaddaya know, you actually are a Konoha nin! Wait a minute..." As she looked up, she was met with the same crimson eyes she regularly saw in the mirror, though they were only tomoe rather than her own special Mangekyo. "Kenso, why the hell didn't you tell me she was also an Uchiha?!"

She most definitely wasn't expecting the same boy she'd seen on the folder the Hokage gave her after her visit to Hideyoshi Depot. "Uhm...Shisui-san?" Her voice drew his attention from where he was looking around for the crow which brought him here. "if you don't mind, could we get back to Konoha? I've been away for at least a few days now and I'm...putting it bluntly, I'm worried about Naruto." The boy in front of her widened his eyes, quickly nodded and sticking a hand out.

"Uhh, sure Akari-san, I'll get you home asap." Smiling, she took his hand, preparing herself and feeling the bizarre inverted feeling of being reverse-summoned. As they landed on the other side, Akari's eyes immediately took in their surroundings, spotting the familiar Hokage monument and, without meaning to, letting out a sigh of relief. For her, it had actually been closer to two weeks than a few days, owing to how weirdly-different time passed on the world she and Orochi-busu were on. "I should probably tell you that Hokage-sama would like to see you, but I'm guessing you'd probably ignore me in favour of finding Naruto, right?" Akari grinned, using a Shunshin to disappear.

She quickly re-appeared a good distance away, her chakra drained by a third as she travelled slightly over a hundred meters. Looking back, she grinned at the surprised face of Shisui peering back at her, disappearing again in a short Shunshin and using the momentum of the Jutsu to start leaping from building to building, swiftly making her way home and plowing into the door.

With deft fingers, she slid her keys into the door and opened it, coming face to face with the surprised cycloptic gaze of Kakashi. "Uhh..." Was all she managed before an orange blur flew right past the man and into her legs, knocking her over with his speed and trying to choke the life out of her with his arms. Smiling, she looked down at Naruto, where he was burying his face into her stomach, trying and failing to suppress his tears.

Slowly, she wrapped her arms around him, carefully lifting him up to hug him properly as she walked into her apartment, eyeing Kakashi for a few moments before, much to his surprise, she smiled at him, giving him a gentle nod as she sat down on her sofa, Naruto still bundled up in her arms. Peeling his face away from her body for a moment, she tipped his head up to look at her, planting a soft kiss on his forehead as he stared at her with tear-rimmed azure eyes.

"I'm back cub..."

So how's them apples? Bit of background, Akari gets a new Jutsu, we learn exactly what she got for killing Orochi-busu, she signs the panda contract, and Shisui brings her home. Alls well that ends well, except for the snakey bastard. The ending I think was also cute, Akari giving Kakashi an earnest nod of thanks for looking after Naruto while she was away somewhere else.

Up next in Akari's grand adventure...I have no fucking idea honestly. Maybe...ooh yeah, I have an idea. What's that, you want a hint? Okay then...uhh...27th-31rd of December, there's an obscure hint for you.

I do have a pat reon, if you have the cash and think I'm worth it, please throw some coin my way, there's a link on my profile, as Fanfiction seem to think the name of that site should never be mentioned.

Name: Akari Uchiha

Level: 48

Age: 15

Experience: 37217/48000

To Next Level: 10783

Title: Sannin-slayer - Defeating one of the three legendary sannin is no easy feat, but you managed it. Future opportunities unlocked.

Secondary Title: Tokubetsu Jonin - +25% experience gained during solo missions.

Health Points: 6500 - (100 Base + (Vit x End)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 1200/m - 20/s - Vit x End - Halted when afflicted with bleed status.

Chakra Points: 5000 - (100 Base + (Int x Wis)) x 5

Regeneration Rate - 500/m - 15/s - Int x Wis - Halted when continuous chakra drain Jutsu in use.

Strength - 55

Vitality - 40

Endurance - 30

Intelligence - 30

Agility - 50

Wisdom - 30

Luck - 30

Chakra Nature(s): Fire - Primary, Lightning - Secondary


Mystical Palm technique/Beginner - The catch-all medical ability. Able to regenerate wounds of varying degrees. Usage - 25CP/s. Heal-rate - 25HP/s. Can be levelled. Levelling will increase Chakra cost and Heal Rate. Can still use inferior versions after unlocking improved variant.

Mystical Palm technique/Novice - You have become proficient enough with your healing Jutsu to be regarded as a Novice. Usage: 50CP/s. Heal-rate - 50HP/s. Can be levelled. Levelling will increase Chakra cost and Heal Rate. Can still use inferior versions after unlocking improved variant.

Mystical Palm technique/Graduate - You have become proficient enough with your healing Jutsu to be regarded as a Graduate. Usage: 75CP/s. Heal-rate - 75HP/s. Can be levelled. Levelling will increase Chakra cost and Heal Rate. Can still use inferior versions after unlocking improved variant.

Fire Release: Great Fireball - A well-known Jutsu within the Uchiha Clan. Moulding Chakra within your lungs, you can expel flames as either a colossal ball of fire, or as a continuous stream of flame. Ball Usage - 150 CP/each. Stream Usage - 25CP/s.

Fire Release: Phoenix Flower - This technique coats Shuriken, Kunai or Senbon in Fire Chakra, slightly hiding their exact location within the flames and causing extra damage. Usage - 15CP/weapon.

Substitution Jutsu - An Academy standard, the art of swapping your position with an inanimate object up to the same size as yourself when in imminent danger. Usage - 75CP/each.

Transformation Jutsu - Take another form and hide in plain sight. This ability puts an illusion over the user, but is easily disrupted. Target must be within 2 feet of height to caster, and within 50lbs of weight. Usage - 75CP/cast, 2CP/s to maintain.

Clone Jutsu - An illusionary non-corporeal clone. Great for distractions, but not much else. Upgrades into Shadow Clones, which are corporeal. Usage - 15CP/each.

Poison Extraction Jutsu - This ability drains poisons and foreign bodies from wounds. Length of time for extraction varies depending on strength and amount of poison. Usage - 100CP/s.

Shunshin - The pretty-much teleportation ability. This Jutsu acts by hyper-enhancing a Shinobi's abilities, essentially enabling them to run at absurd speed for a fraction of a second. Cost is calculated by distance. Usage 15CP/meter.

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - The eyes of a close relative. When in use, will no longer degrade visual acuity. Mangekyo Techniques will now also no longer damage eye-sight. Same abilities as regular Mangekyo Sharingan. Usage: 25CP/s.

Left Eye: Megami No Te (The Hand of Goddess) - This technique grants the user the ability to completely manipulate the ground around them within a fifty-meter radius. This requires great concentration but can be devastating if used correctly. Usage - 500CP/Cast, 50CP/s to maintain.

Right Eye: Megami no Mon (Goddess's Gate) - This technique will summon forth a corporeal spectre from the Pure Lands to fight or act on your behalf. To use, the name of the Spectre must be invoked, and the face of the summoned one must be in Mind's Eye. Spectre will have 2x Player's Chakra amount, and will drain Chakra at 1% per minute. Can use all original techniques of Spectre, but will use Chakra to fuel them, leading to a faster disappearance. Will follow all orders of Summoner, and cannot be affected by Genjutsu or compulsion techniques. Can be granted free will to act autonomously, but will mean Spectre can attempt to use loopholes in orders to hinder summoner if they so wish. Usage - 25% of total Chakra pool, will immobilize Summoner for 5 second duration whilst Spectre is called forth.

Susanoo: As the user has both Mangekyo, the Susanoo has been unlocked, a large Chakra construct capable of being formed around the user for protection and offence. This construct can be summoned in multiple forms, each one being larger, more protective and with more abilities.

Level 1 - A rib-cage surrounds the user, protecting them from harm but lacking offence. The form will slowly grow until it is formed into a large skeletal structure, where musculature and skin will grow, finally forming into a giant humanoid: 500CP/Cast, 25CP/s to maintain.

Level 2 - Armour forms around the Susanoo for added protection, though it is not a complete protection: 1250CP/Cast from nothing, 500CP/Cast from Level 1, 50CP/s to maintain.

Level 3 - The Susanoo will now form the final pieces of armour, becoming fully-enshrouded. The Susanoo will gain wings for flight, with Ornate robes over heavy armour granting the construct hefty defences. The Complete-body Susanoo is capable of summoning weaponry to assist it during battle: 2500CP/Cast from nothing, 1500CP/Cast from level 1, 1000CP/Cast from level 2, 100CP/s to maintain.

Mindspace - The presence of the Kyuubi within your seal has granted you the ability to enter your own mind. Experience earned within the Mindspace is reduced by 100%. Time is dilated by a factor of 100 within Mindspace. You may converse with the Kyuubi no Kitsune within your Mindspace. This action is recommended. No Chakra cost.

Fire Release: Flame Bullet - This Jutsu pools oil within the user's mouth, before firing then ignites said liquid in a bullet shape. Usage - 25CP/bullet.

Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder - By moulding Lightning-nature Chakra into your hands, you can release varying powers of electricity to stun or even kill your opponents. Usage - 25CP/s for stun, 75CP/s for lethal.

Earth Release: Rock Trail - This Jutsu spikes out a series of large rocks from the ground in a stream towards your target. Cost is dictated by distance between user and target. Usage - 25CP/meter.

Shadow Clone Jutsu - Take the regular Bunshin. Mix on some more chakra. Then more. Then, just for good measure, a large sprinkle of more chakra. Voilá! You have a Shadow Clone. This Bunshin is corporeal, it can hit a foe, it can carry things, it can even (With an extra-large helping of Chakra) take a hit without dispersing. But, the best part? It shares its memories when it disperses. Enjoy! Usage - 150CP/cast, lasts 1 hour, every 10CP extra grants extra hour.

Kiri-Woka no Jutsu - Enshrouded in your own chakra, this Jutsu will allow you to evade the sight of near-all enemy Shinobi, as well as many of your allies. Imperceptible to the naked eye, but with the tiny risk of turning into stone, this ability can only be detected by high-level sensors and Dojutsu users. Usage - 5CP/s.


Uchiha Interceptor Fist - A Taijutsu form used by the Uchiha which makes the best possible usage of the Sharingan Dojutsu's predictive abilities to counter enemy attacks and bring victory. - Level 43 - 17.2%

Shurikenjutsu - The art of throwing pointy things. Pretty self-explanatory. - Level 37 - 6.7%

Bukijutsu - The way of the weapon. Covers all weaponry. - Level 53 - 61.3%

Knife-fighter - Using short-blades, daggers and Kunai in close-quarters combat. - Level 56- 11.8%

Fuinjutsu - Sealing arts. The practice of using ink to achieve your goals. - Level 67 - 93.4%

Mystical Palm - Ability to detect and heal wounds using linked Jutsu. - Level 51 - 12.2%

Polearm-user - The act of swinging a long thing with a pointy bit at the end. - Level 0 - 0.0% - Defunct -

Tree-running - Leaf Shinobi are trained to flit through trees, which increases their speed and concealment. - Level 37 - 97.1%

One-handed Seal usage - Using only one hand to make seals? You showoff. - Level 17 - 22.1%

Cooking - Really? This is a proficiency? Whatever. Your cooking skills have been noted. Now get out there and make more food! - Level 23 - 33.0%

*e** C**d**s*** *a***r* - *o**e***** **a** ** * v****b** ***l* *** * *hi****, **tt*** **** ** f***a**** ***e. - Level 0 - 0.1%

Nature Manipulation - Direct manipulation grants increased versatility at the cost of less power. - Level 0 - 3.7%


Jinchuriki of the Nine-tailed Fox - You now contain the Kyuubi no Kitsune. Can call upon Bijuu Chakra when needed to fight. Will turn your body more animalistic (when in use); Claws, Tails, Ears, Eyes will become similar to the Kyuubi. Potential to be ostracized by your village. Will become hunted by certain elements in future for your tenant. Mindspace Technique granted.

Next chapter