
Return of the queen

After school

As Izumi was walking home


'Oh there's a quest' thought Izumi

[quest: beat the king of the beach in the Pokemon world rewards:???. Good luck host]

'This seems like it will be a big fight HAHA YES' thought Izumi 'finale a good fight'. Izumi had now arrived home "mom I'm home" yelled Izumi as she walked into the kitchen and saw a note "Sorry Izumi i had to go abroad to your father I'll be back in a year or so love Mom" Izumi then told the system "Transport me to the Pokemon world"

[Okay host]

Replied the system as Izumi passed out.

10 minutes later

*yawn* 'I'm back' thought Izumi as she woke up in the cave she slept in a couple months ago.


'What's this' thought Izumi

[target found LV30 Wailmer]

The system showed a picture of a whale-like Pokemon with a toothy grin, peach bottom half and a blue top half. 'LEVEL 30 THATS MORE THAN DOUBLE MY LEVEL' thought Izumi 'I guess that means huh more fighting YES' (A/N Sorry for making Izumi a battle junky it was an accident). Izumi then went hunting for strong Pokemon. She found one

[Lv 14 Dewpider]

'This seems like a good target' thought Izumi as she started howling.

[Attack stat raised]

Izumi then used quick attack on it but it reacted in time and used bubble on Izumi


'That hurt' thought Izumi as she saw it try to bite her but she dodged and used tail whip

[opponents Defense stat lowered]

Izumi then sand attack, double team and quick attack all at once so it was blinded and attacked what it thought was Izumi but it was a double then the real Izumi hit it from behind


'Wow that was power full' thought Izumi as she jumped back and used shadow ball

[-50 opponent has fainted LEVEL UP x3]

'WHAT why is there so much exp' thought Izumi

[CONGRATULATIONS fennekin has evolved into Braixen]

'Wow' thought Izumi as she transformed into Braixen 'I'll go back to the real world and level up there because all of these take a lot more energy to fight then Villians'

Izumi: where am i

Blaze: hello Izumi I’m the Author of this book

Izumi: this is a book that. Explains why i was frozen for weeks wait if your the Author write more or ill kill you

Blaze: Sorry i had to study for midterms

Izumi: Ok but do that again and I’ll kill you


But seriously I’m sorry for not uploading

crystal_tear_6966creators' thoughts
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