
First day at U.A

"Today's the first day of U.A I'm so excited" said Izumi as she was walking with Katsumi "Yeah it sure is" said Katsumi. When they arrived into the classroom Kasumi sat down and put her legs up on the table "Take your legs of the table Young lady" said a blue-haired boy with glasses "Why should I listen to random person like you" replied Katsumi "Apologys my name is tenya IIda" said IIda "Katsumi" replied Katsumi "Kacchan please put your feet down" said Izumi who was sitting beside Katsumi. "Sure" said Katsumi who to the surprise of IIda actually put her feet down "Thanks for-" said IIda before he was interrupted by Izumi who said "Don't talk to my girlfriend like that anymore" purposely leaking out bloodlust. IIda promptly shut up. After two minutes Uraraka walked into the classroom holding hands with the green-haired girl Izumi saw this and gave a thumbs making Uraraka and the green-haired girl blush Izumi then walked over and said "Hey did you ask?" "Yes and Tsu said yes" replied Uraraka "congratulations" said Izumi as a yellow sleeping bag rolled into the classroom and a man got out "hello my name is Aizawa your homeroom teacher today we're doing a quirk test" then he got out the sports uniform.

In the changing room

"Look there's a hole in the wall to the girls room" said some guy "don't look through there" said IIda remembering Izumi but the guy started looking anyway. Izumi heard this and walked over to the hole and punch through the wall into the guys face and said while releasing a lot of bloodlust "if you look at the girls like that again" she then drew her finger across her neck while smiling "Got it" the guy started rapidly nodding his head. Everyone then silently promised not to mess with Izumi

On the field

"Izumi you got the best score in the exam what was your score in middle school?" Asked Aizawa "five meters" replied Izumi "ok throw it with your quirk" "k" Izumi then got into throwing position. Aizawa then erased her quirk before she threw it but it still went to 756.4 meters. "Kid how did throw the ball that far without your quirk?" Said Aizawa to the shock of everyone but Katsumi. "Pure strength" said Izumi "wait one minute". She then transformed into Sylveon "Better" said Izumi but to everyone else it was gibberish. Katsumi face palmed and said "Izumi don't transform manse into Sylveon randomly". "Ok" said the now human Izumi who then transformed into fennekin. Aizawa just said "leave it and get on with the tests". The first test was 50 meter dash second place was IIda who got 1.03 seconds first place was Izumi with 0.50 seconds. Then the standing long jump Izumi came third. The side to side jumps Izumi won with double team and so on. "Here are the results" said Aizawa Izumi was first and Mineta was last. "Goodbye" said Izumi as the waved at Mineta "Mineta you are now expelled" said Aizawa.

Last class

"I'm coming through the door like a normal person" yelled All Might as he came through the door in an odd manner. "It's All Might" yelled everyone in the class but Izumi. "Today we are doing battle training here are your hero costumes" said All Might

After changing

"Wow you look amazing Uraraka" said tsu "thanks" replied Uraraka while blushing. "IZUMI WHY ARE YOU NAKED" yelled Katsumi "I'm transformed all the time and sometimes it tears them" replied Izumi nonchalantly as she transformed into Sylveon. "Ok someone will be on their own because of uneven numbers" said All Might "I'll go alone" said Izumi. "First team Izumi hero v IIda and Katsumi villains" "we're fucked" thought both IIda and Katsumi.

After setting up the bomb

"Hero team can now enter" said All Might. Izumi then jumped through the window on the third floor and used quick attack to get the bomb. "Hero's win" said All Might

Sorry for short chapter had something on today

crystal_tear_6966creators' thoughts
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