

When Izumi woke up everything seemed bigger than usual "why is everything so big" thought Izumi


"Wait I remember now" said Izumi (for some reason it sounded like she was barking) as she remembered what had happened earlier today. "I wonder what the message from the system was?" Thought Izumi "I'll check it out"

[ Welcome to the World of Pokemon you are now a Pokemon called eevee] was written on the screen beside there was a picture of a small light-brown dog-like creature with big ears and a bushy tail

"Wow that looks adorable wait I'm now Eevee that explains everything being big" thought Izumi but what am I to do now how do I get back to Japan"


[ Quest found "Get to level 10" description: you can't be a hero without trainings etc too it. Rewards: Free travel between Pokemon World and Earth, Control over transformations and Eevee evolves]

"Thanks system I don't know what I would have done without you" said Izumi "Ok I need to find some Pokemon to level up on"

After walking around a bit and seeing lots of Pokemon Izumi finally found one that looked easy enough

[lv 5 poliwag moves bubble]

"That seems like a good target" thought Izumi. As she was thinking the poliwag spotted her and shot at her but the bubbles were pretty slow Izumi managed to dodge them by jumping in the air "That was close" thought Izumi as she flicked sand at the poliwag with sand attack. The blinded poliwag tried to use bubble again but without sight the bubbles were far off target Izumi used this opportunity to tackle the poliwag


"Not now system" thought Izumi as she dodged the barrage of bubbles from the poliwag that just got rid of the sand. Izumi tried to flick more sand but got hit by some bubbles.


Ignoring the system Izumi tackled the poliwag again

[critical hit -30 opponent poliwa has fainted +100 exp added LEVEL UP! you are now lv6]

"That was exhausting but fun" thought Izumi "I need to rest now it's getting late" Izumi then went looking for a place to sleep found a flat rock in a cave "I guess I'll sleep here" she thought

The Next Day

"Morning system"thought Izumi

[Good Morning host]

"Time to go hunting" thought Izumi as she jumped of the rock and exited the cave to find more opponents it only took a moment before a powerful shot of water shot at her


Izumi growled at her attacker out of instinct

[staryu lv 7 moves tackle, harden , water gun, rapid spin attack has lowered]

Izumi was surprised but kept started attacking with sand attack then tackle


Izumi stared wagging her tail because of the damage and accidentally activated tail whip

[staryu defence fell]

Izumi saw this was happy but staryu suddenly started spinning towards her she barely managed to avoid it by jumping into the air but unfortunately the sand was blown off by the spinning so staryu started shooting water at Izumi. Izumi panicked and got hit


Izumi thought she had lost but she noticed that the water gun had hit the dirt up the beach and got an idea. Izumi suddenly started running to the dirt. The staryu saw this as Izumi trying to escape and chase after her then stopped it had gotten stuck in the mud. Izumi used this opportunity to start attacking the staryu's back

[-40] [critical hit-50 opponent staryu fainted +500exp LEVEL UP! 2x hidden quest complete "Beat a opponent higher level then you" Rewards level up double team tm]

"This is amazing wait what are my moves"

[moves: covet,helping hand, growl, tackle, tail whip, double team, sand attack, baby-doll eyes]

"Wow these are good moves" thought Izumi "one more level and I'll be able to go back actually how long has passed in Japan"

[50 seconds]

"What" thought Izumi "wait so time is different here"


"Ok" thought Izumi "I need to rest all that fighting made me tired goodnight system"

[Goodnight Host]

2 hours later

"Hello system" thought Izumi

[Hello Host]

"Eevee Eevee" said Izumi. "Ok that's Embarrassing" thought Izumi as she left the cave

[Boss incoming]

"Wait Wh-" thought Izumi before a loud roar caused her to jump. In front of her there was a Pokemon

[Vaporeon lv9 moves: water gun, tackle and tail whip]

Izumi decided to use baby-doll eyes

[Vaporeon's attack lowered]

The Vaporeon used water gun but missed because of double team. Izumi responded with a tackle but the Vaporeon dodged and shot water at Izumi


Izumi responded with a tail whip and a growl which looked surprisingly adorable

[Vaporeon's attack and defence lowered]

Izumi then used double team and tackle together to make sure it didn't dodge. It tried to dodge but it dodged the wrong one and got hit

[critical hit -100]

Izumi almost cried tears of joy looking at the damage. The Vaporeon then hit Izumi with a water gun


Izumi just realised that she was dripping wet the attack was more annoying then damaging Izumi now just wanted to go back to Japan and see kacchan again so she used double team and started to run at the Vaporeon but it jumped into the air into the real Izumi's tackle

[-60 opponent Vaporeon fainted boss defeated +1000 exp LEVEL UP! Quest complete Eevee will now evolve into sylveon because of love for kacchan]

Izumi blushed a lot at that

[travel gained, transformation new moves: fairy wind, disarming voice]

Izumi then transformed back into a human and went back to Japan

Sorry for late update hit writers block in the middle of it

crystal_tear_6966creators' thoughts
Next chapter