
Chapter 37: A New Plan

Author's note: Apologies for the wait, had the chapter down but had a change of heart midway through so I had to rewrite it. Once again I don't anything and D&D clearly don't know what they're doing anymore. Anyway Read Review and enjoy.


Ever since he made this bargain with Tywin Lannister, Balon Greyjoy was filled with a newfound determination. Since he had started attacking the north he had been humiliated again and again by the boy king Roland Baratheon. "No longer' he vowed, "I will not be played for a fool by a stifling greenland boy."

Still determined to take the North Balon sent Aeron with 32 longships up to the fever river to help Asha and Theon. Balon also hoped to destroy Roland's Redwyne fleet before he could make a move against him. To do this he started building new warships to replace those of the iron fleet. Then reinforced by 200 Longships, they would lead a joint invasion with fleets from Lannisport and Oldtown against the Arbor.

After spending hours deep in thought Balon headed for the Sea Tower where his wife was ailing over her children, often calling their names as though they were still there. A huge storm had erupted as Balon crossed the 2 stone bridges that led to the Sea Tower. The third bridge was made of rope and it swayed as the strong winds battered mercilessly at it. Undaunted, Balon began crossing not caring about the wind and rain that beat down on him. His hands lightly grasped the support ropes to keep from falling. He was about a third of the way when he noticed a tall hooded figure blocking his path.

Balon's eyes narrowed and straightened up so that he was at full height. "Let me pass," he commanded. The figure remained silent and remained where he was. Irritated Balon spoke again, "fool move aside for your king."

At this the figure spoke, "Haven't I always brother?" He removed his hood revealing a pale handsome face with black hair, a neatly trimmed beard and a patch over his left eye. Euron Greyjoy, the Crow's Eye.

Balon's face darkened, "I hoped you would be rotting away in a foreign sea by now."

Euron smiled, "what is dead may never die Balon." Balon remained silent as Euron spoke again, "have the customs changed in my absence brother? I believe you're suppose to repeat the words."

Balon snarled, "you can mock our god without my help Euron, you've done it all your life."

Euron chucked, "I do not mock the Gods, I AM the Gods, I am the Storm God, the Great Other, the Great Stallion, the Stranger and the Many-Faced God. From Ib to the Summer Isles, Arbor to Asshai, when people see my sails they pray."

A gust of wind rocked the bridge causing Balon to grasp the ropes, but Euron just stood perfectly still unafraid as he merely shifted his weight to the swaying of the bridge as though he was on a ship."

Euron laughed and shook his head, "You're getting old brother, well past your prime."

Balon frowned and stepped towards him, "I thought I made myself clear the last time we spoke, You can never return to the Iron Islands so long as I'm alive, or you would lose your head."

Euron nodded in agreement and stepped forward as well, "you did, but I have no intention on loosing anything. You've had your fun, you made your play but every rodent has its day."

Balon stared at his brother for a moment before realizing what Euron had come to do. He quickly drew his dagger meaning to drive it into Euron's neck and lunged. Euron deftly caught his brother's hand and twisted it causing Balon to drop the dagger. Then in one fluid movement Euron grabbed Balon by the collar and used Balon's momentum to throw his brother over the support ropes. Balon let out a scream as he plummeted into the waiting waves below his body crashing into the sea with a splash.

On the bridge Euron watched hs brother fall with a smirk on his face, "good bye brother," He said as he quietly walked away.


Asha was impressed by Theon's ability to come up with such a bold plan, it seemed that his warding with the Starks had come in handy since it gave him a deeper knowledge of the north than most ironborn. Like Deepwood Motte, Borrowton was mostly built out of wood, but unlike Deepwood Motte, there was no forest to hide any sneak attack making the town impossible to take by surprise.

Asha led the main force in a frontal assault, leading most of the Dustins and their allies to the gates. For a time it seemed like defenses would hold. Until the sound of a warhorn was heard, people turned and saw a fleet bearing the Greyjoy sigil approaching from the harbor. Now facing a fight on two fronts the defenders were stretched thin across the ramparts. The boats landed and Ironborn swarmed ashore breaching the harbor gates and engaging the defenders in vicious street fighting.

Theon took 20 of their best raiders to slip into the town using grappling claws and ropes, They slipped past the defenders towards the gates. Once they had unlocked the gate Asha and her men Swarmed in joining their fellow reavers. Caught in the pincer, the defenders were slowly picked apart by the raiders while a small number manage to flee back to Barrow Hall. In the fierce fighting that followed, Asha engaged in a duel with Lord Rodrik Ryswell, slaying him in the process.

With the gates breached, Theon and Asha quickly took Goldgrass before turning towards Barrow Hall. They looted, raped and killed as they made their way to the keep.

Barbary Dustin knew this was coming, ever since the Ironborn had taken Ryswell castle She believed that they would strike Torrhen's next. But instead they headed straight for Barrowton. 'Typical Ironborn too scared to get close to Winterfell so they go after her instead.'

Though she could not be too mad at the king for this, Roland had warned the north of an Ironborn attack and had sent the men that marched south back home. They had all taken precautions to prepare, strengthening the defences and adding new ones. But despite this, Barbrey knew it was only a matter of time before the town fell, even with the reinforcements from Torrhen's Square, the Rills, the Dreadfort and even Winterfell. No her resentment was for the Starks. "The fault lies with Robb Stark not our king,' she thought.

Roger Ryswell entered her chambers as she packed her necessities, "sister," he urged, "we mustn't delay."

Barbrey nodded reluctantly and moved to follow her younger brother. She made her way to the crypts where she was joined by her other brothers Rickard and Roose.

With few options left they had no choice but to leave. they gathered what men they could and slipped out a secret entrance hidden deep in the Great Barrrow. Rodrik's eldest son Roger was now the new lord of House Ryswell, led his siblings to the Dreadfort. Barbrey took one last longing look at the smoke coming from her seat. Her eyes narrowed, "they may have taken Barrowton but I swear we will return and the ironborn will burn."

The fall of Barrowton resulted in the deaths of 2,000 northmen while the ironborn lost 400. It was a great victory, finally after a year since their father started this rebellion they had taken a prize.

The leader of the reinforcements stepped ashore and the Greyjoys were greeted by a familiar face. His hair laced with seaweed and green robes flowing in the wind.

"Niece, nephew, I'm glad to see you both well," Aeron smiled at them.

"Welcome to Barrowton uncle," Asha greeted.

Aeron placed a fist to his heart, "what is dead may never die."

"What is dead may never die," Asha and Theon responded in kind repeating the gesture.

Aeron looked around at the captured town, "the drowned god has smiled upon us," he said with a smile.

"If only he had smiled sooner," Asha said bitterly. "Barrowton is a small prize for the men I lost, good men, my men."

"Now they feast with him in the watery halls niece," Aeron replied.

"They should not have died so far from the sea," Asha said sadly."

That night was a night of celebration for the ironborn. Theon, Asha and Aeron sat side by side drinking from Lady Dustin's wine cellar. Finally Asha stood up and let out a shrill whistle, the ironmen quieted and turned their attention towards her.

"My fellow Ironborn," she called out. "This is only the first step in our invasion of the north. First Barrowton and the Rills, soon the north will fall one by one until it is all ours. Torrhen's Square, the Stoney Shore, Sea Dragon Point and Bear Island, Flint's fingers and Moat Cailin. We will avenge our defeat and raze Deepwood Motte to the ground." The ironborn roared raising their fists in triumph.

As the rest of the men feasted, The three Greyjoys left to talk in private. "It seems I owe you an apology little brother," Asha said.

Theon looked at her and smirked, "what about?"

"We all believed the greenlanders made you soft," Asha replied but now I see there is hope for you. You may be ironborn yet."

"You have done our family proud nephew," Aeron acknowledged

Theon snorted, "father would something to say about that. The meager force he gave me is proof of how low he thinks of me."

"Father is a brave man but a terrible lord," Asha said grimly. "We may take the lands I spoke of but we will never hold them. The quiet wolf will soon return and throw us back into the sea."

Aeron shook his head, "that will not happen I have seen it the Ironborn will sweep all across the greenlands. I have dreamt it so."

Neither Theon nor Asha wanted to tell his how preposterous that was so i stead they merely nodded.

"Let them take back their holds," Theon declared. "If that be the case we might as well make it worth our while."

Aeron nodded, "now that we are here, what is our next move?"

"How many did you bring with you nuncle?" Theon asked

"Eleven hundred men and 32 ships," Aeron replied.

Asha and Theon looked at each other, with these forces they could now lead bolder attacks against the north maybe even threaten Winterfell itself. But these were plans for another time and decided to discuss it on the morrow.

Sadly the morrow had an unexpected surprise, as the Greyjoys were breaking their fast, a messenger walked in with a raven scroll in his hand, "pardon my lords, my lady, a raven came from Pyke."

Aeron took the scroll and dismissed the servant, he unsealed it and read. Aeron's eyes widened and his face paled, 'no.' He thought, "this cannot be."

"What is it nuncle?" Asha asked. "What's wrong?"

Aeron looked at his niece and nephew disbelief written all over his eyes and handed them the scroll,"your father is dead."


Roland and his renegades rode to Riverrun where the northmen had gathered. Since the capture of Harrenhal, Eddard Stark had begun the task of mopping up what remained of the Lannister armies in the region. By the time Roland arrived at Duskendale, The Riverlands were back in the complete possession of House Tully. Eddard's efforts had ceased the raids and also eliminated several bandit parties that had sprung up as a result of Lannister presence. Thanks to the combines efforts of Eddard and the Blackfish the amount of brigands had dwindled down to nearly nothing. Only the Brave companions remained.

With the Lannisters gone and the brigands chased out, the path to Riverrun was fairly clear. They did encounter a number of raiders but nothing Roland and his renegades could not manage. His Band now included Sandor Clegane much to everyone's shock.

Even Sandor was baffled when Roland came to his cell and dismissed the guards. He turned to the Hound and smirked, "let's have a talk Sandor Clegane."

"What about?" He snarled.

Roland put up a stool and sat down, the last I checked you were my brother's loyal guard dog. Now here you are inside prison cell within a place that's clearly not the Red Keep. Would you care to tell me how this came about?"

Sandor spat on the ground, "your brother is a cunt."

Roland snorted, "is that suppose to be a secret?" He stood up and came closer to him, "if I were to let you out what would you do?"

"Get as far away from that rat's nest as possible."

"Sounds like you have your life all figured out," Roland quipped. He crouched down until he was eye level with Sandor, "but perhaps there is a better option."

Sandor looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "you would have you brother's former sword serve you."

"I would have a capable warrior with an axe to grind fighting the people he hates so much," Roland replied.

"I never could tell if you are crazy or stupid," Sandor said with a shake of his head.

"Why don't you join me and find out?" Roland offered.

When the rest of the renegades learned Roland was recruiting Sandor Clegane into the fold most understandably protested. Thoros of Myr was chief among them, "my king he is a Clegane, a Lannister dog," he protested.

Roland simply smiled and said, "don't worry about it, he's our dog now."

"I don't understand how you can trust him so easily," Thoros replied.

Roland petted shadow on the head and turned back to Thoros, "if you beat a dog long enough, eventually it will bite you. I've known Sandor all my life, he never liked serving the Lannisters and only did so since he had no real options. But now that I have given him one he will follow.

When he arrived the northern army had already gathered, he also saw to his surprise a number of Vale Banners also gathered. As he rode through the camps the men bowed with the typical 'my king.' He entered Riverrun where he was greeted by Eddard Stark, Edmure Tully, Yohn Royce and Robb, all bowed at he approached.

"Welcome back to Riverrun your grace," Edmure spoke up.

Roland nodded and turned to Robb, "good to see you haven't gotten yourself killed yet my friend."

Robb smirked, "I could say the same to you." He looked him up and down and noted, "though I see you lost an eye for your troubles."

Roland rubbed the patch over his new eye, "the gods blessed me with a spare."

Robb chuckled, "only you could be so optimistic about loosing an eye."

Roland waved it off, "don't worry about that it's not as bad as it looks." He turned to his fellow lords, "we have much to discuss my lords, but they will be dealt with later." He strode towards Sansa's chambers, he didn't want the rest of them to see his eye until Sansa had first.

One of Roland's companions happened to be Yohn second son Robar. Upon seeing his father he went to hin and the two embraced. "I'm glad to see you well father," Robar began.

"As am I to see you as one of the King's personal guard," Yohn replied with a smile. "Come we have much to talk about."

Roland quietly entered Sansa's chambers where she practicing her stitches, Lady lay beside her on a pillow. Roland smiled and stepped towards her quietly and cupped her eyes with his hands and whispered, "Have you forgotten me my love."

Sansa whirled around and looked into a face she had missed for almost a year. She smiled brightly as she saw him and quickly got up and leaped into his arms their lips met in a deep kiss. When their lips broke apart she giggled, "never Roland never."

Beside then Shadow and Lady circled each other, Sansa remembered how Shadow was once bigger than her direwolf, now Lady had out grown Shadow. While she was still the smallest of the litter, Lady was now bigger than any dog."

She pushed back his hair and saw the patch over his right eye and her hand recoiled in shock. Sansa gasped and tears formed in her eyes, "oh Roland," she cupped his cheek and traced a finger down the scar and pass the patch. "you lost an eye."

Roland took hold of her hands, "yes, and no."

Her face turned confused and he continued, "I want you to the first in your family to see what's under here, but if it would make you uncomfortable I'll understand."

Sansa shook her head, "I've seen your scars before, my love, now stop with this ridiculous vanity and let me see it."

Roland nodded and slowly and carefully, he untied his eyepatch. The Patch fell to the floor and Sansa gasped into the golden Black orb that now occupied his right eye socket for the first time.

Sansa gasped quietly and pushed back Roland's hair for a better look. She put one of her fingers in front of it and watched as the golden eye tracked it as the finger moved side to side. "H-how?" She asked.

"I found faith in a new god Sansa." Roland tried to explain. "I do not know how this was accomplished but one thing I do know is that this power is real." He bowed his head, but if it repulses you I will contain it."

Sansa stared at the eye for a few moments before she cupped Roland's cheek and smiled. "I could only be repulsed by your actions love," She said softly. "Your brother has a golden face but his actions were horrendous. I learned the hard way that a pretty face is a poor mask for that and it nearly cost me. Your face can bear a hundred scars but as long as your heart is good I don't care." To prove her point she pressed her lips to his.

When the kiss broke, Roland was smiling, "Shireen was right," he said, "you do have a good heart. I'm ashamed to say that there are times where I feel I don't deserve you."

Sansa shook her head, "Rol sometimes you can be ridiculously brainless with certain things." The two embraced tightly burying their faces in each other's shoulders.

A knock came at the door interrupting the moment, Sansa went to the door and let her father in. Eddard bowed his head to Roland, "might I have a word alone, in private?"

Roland nodded and stood up, giving Sansa one last kiss before leaving. He followed Lord Stark to his chambers and Eddard closed the door behind him. It was here that Eddard noticed the Patch covering his eye was gone and was staring at a golde orb in place of a blue one. "I thought you had lost an eye?"

Roland nodded, "I did, but the lord of light gave me a new one."

Eddard decided not to question it, this was beyond his understanding. "Before we begin there's something I want to give you." Eddard walked over to a chest and opened it. He pulled out a long bundle wrapped in a cloak. "Howland Reed wanted to gift this to you in gratitude for the warning of the Ironborn."

He handed the bundle to Roland who unwrapped it inside was a Bastard sword. He unsheathed it and gasped quietly. The Blade was the colour of crimson and when he looked closely ripples could be seen etched in the blade. "Valyrian steel," Roland whispered, and he knew of only one valyrian sword with a blade this colour. "Red Rain," he said, "the sword of House Reyne of Castamere." He looked at Eddard, "how in the gods name did you get this?"

"During the battle of the fever river, several Ironborn manage to find their way ashore." Eddard explained. "The crannogmen manage to capture an Ironborn Lord but he refused to come quietly so he was slain by Howland Reed."

"Howland Reed killed Dunstan Drumm?" Roland was surprised that the Lord of Greywater Watch was able to slay one of the most prominent lords in the Iron Islands. "First Arthur Dayne then Dunstan Drumm, your friend is a man of talent it seems."

Eddard didn't respond to that, "swords aren't really weapons for a Crannogmen so he had this sent to you. I had the hilt remade to fit your heritage."

Looking at the hilt he saw that it had forward sloping quillons ending in antler-like prongs. the hilt itself ended in a large spike. Roland smiled as he admired the blade taking it out of it's sheath and giving it a few test swings. It was bigger that his own sword but lighter. "Now House Baratheon has a Valyrian steel sword," he declared turning back to Eddard. "I must find a way to thank him for this, tell Lord Howland that he may ask anything of me he desires and if it is in my power then consider it done."

Eddard nodded, "I will see to it then."

Roland unstrapped his old sword and strapped on Red Rain before leaving the solar. He entered the great hall were the lords had gathered. Among the Starks and Tullys was Bronze Yohn Royce who represented the Vale Lords.

Roland could tell some of the lords were put off by his eye but he ignored this and got down to business. Ned Stark was the first to speak. "The Greyjoys continue terrorizing the North, They sacked the Rills and have now taken Barrowton. Now they are using Barrowton as a base to conduct raids, mainly against Torrhen's Square."

"What of the Ryswells and Dustins?" Roland asked quickly.

"Most of them manage to escape and are currently residing in the Dreadfort, Eddard replied. "His gaze shifted to the floor, "but I'm afraid Lord Rodrick Ryswell was killed in the taking of Barrowton."

Roland sighed and bowed his head, "I apologize to you all for this grievance."

"Don't be too hard on yourself too much my king," Maege Mormont replied. "Had you not warned out countrymen, the North would have suffered worse from these ironcunts."

Robett Glover nodded, "indeed, if not for you Deepwood Motte would have been taken, Moat Cailin would have fallen and the stony shore would have been ravaged."

"How did you know where the Ironborn would attack," GreatJon wondered.

Roland smirked, "if one reads history they will find that the ironborn are creatures of habit. They are craves always attacking where a place is weakest. Balon does not have the spine to attack Lannisport and he knew that half the North's strength was in the south, thus making the North The most vulnerable. Then there's their other trait, as seafarers they attack it is always an area near water. Places like Torrhen's Square and Barrowton are right next to a lake or river allowing easy access for longships. Deepwoode Motte is not on the shores, but it is close enough to water for a raiding party to attack and make a quick escape when an army approaches."

Roose Bolton nodded in approval, "he's right, in all their history the Ironborn never like to stray too far from the water's edge."

"Fortunately for us we have one advantage," Roland continued. "Balon banished his younger brother Euron three years ago. Of all the Greyjoys, Euron would be the biggest threat to us simply because unlike his kin Euron Greyjoy actually has a brain and knows how to use it. It was he that gave the Greyjoys their only victory in their first rebellion."

"Aye," Greatjon agreed, "most those fish fuckers don't have the brains to fill an eggcup."

"Have there been any attempts against Winterfell or Bear Island?" Roland asked Eddard.

Eddard shook his head, "none so far my king."

Roland rubbed his chin, "how odd, I was certain they would tried to take Bear Island by now. It would have made a good forward base for future raids." Roland shook his head, "The ironborn can enjoy their insolence for now, But I swear to you that all of this shall be repaid in blood."

"Do you intend to make the Greyjoys bend the knee again?" Roose Bolton asked.

Roland shook his head, "I do not intend to accept their surrender this time," he declared. "I intend to put an end to their reign of terror, a PERMANENT end. When I'm finished, the Rains of Castamere will seem like a nursery rhyme"

Hushed gasps could be heard across the room and the lords murmured amongst themselves. "You mean to wipe them out entirely?" Eddard asked incredulously.

"Down to the last boy," Roland vowed. "My father made the mistake of showing them mercy, I will not fall for the same trick. It is time for the Iron Islands to be cleansed of it impurity. They are a plague and I am the fire that will purge it."

This gained roars of approval from all the lords. "Aye time to rid the world of them once and for all."

Roland nodded, "excellent now that the issue with the ironborn has been settled, let's discuss this disturbance in the Vale."

Yohn Royce stood up, "as I have told Lord Stark, Lysa Arryn declared for your brother Joffrey shortly after marrying Petyr Baelish."

Roland smirked, "I'm surprised you so easily allowed her ladyship to marry someone of low birth."

"That's because Baelish was made Lord of Harrenhal, thus making him a worthy suitor." Yohn replied.

To everyone's surprise Roland began to laugh, "no matter how many houses that place takes out people are willing to risk their lives to get it. Ahh well, considering it's history I don't expect the mockingbird to live much longer. I understand that you were among the strongest voices in the Vale for joining our cause, yet only now have you lend aid to us. Why?"

"Lysa was keeping us out of the war, one can hardly fault her for that," Yohn replied. "As long as it remained that way we were content with following. Neutrality we could accept, but joining the Lannisters is something we will never do."

Roland rubbed his chin and looked down at a map of the Vale, "what is the situation with your forces, Lord Royce?"

"We have 20,000 men with us My King." Yohn replied, "but those loyal to Lady Lysa still out number us. They are reinforced by the Hill Tribes who are under the Lannister's pocket. In addition they have the Three Sisters and Gulltown so we cannot give you any naval support."

Roland waved that off, "do not worry about that, Lord Royce. Fortunately for us, their navy is not as significant, I will have their ships dealt with in due time."

He studied the map again, "What is the state of the Gates of the Moon and the Bloody Gate?"

"Nestor Royce holds the Gates of the Moon, and Donnel Waynewood is the Knight of the Gate." Yohn confirmed, "why do you ask?"

Roland looked up at him, "we cannot meet Lysa's forces in the open field so we will have to ensure they can't do battle at all."

The Lords looked at each other confused, Roose Bolton was the first to speak up, "how will we do that your grace?"

House Waynewood will guard the Bloody Gate while House Royce secures the Gates of the Moon. We are going to trap Lysa Arryn's forces in their own homeland and at the same time Lay siege to the Eyrie. Winter is coming my lords they cannot stay up in that mountain forever. They have to come down sooner or later and when they do we will be ready."

"You would starve a sickly boy into submission?" Lord Royce asked.

"If Robin Arryn dies then it will be the fault of his mother, for choosing her boy toy instead of her family and being too pigheaded to surrender peacefully. Let's hope she makes the wise decision." Roland determined.

Eddard and Yohn nodded reluctantly, before Roland continued. "Because of the recent Ironborn Incursions, I will be accompanying the northerners back home to drive them out."

"Without the north than how will we continue attacking the Westerlands?" Robb asked.

"Don't worry about that," Roland assured him, "the Lords Declarant will take care of that."

This took Yohn Royce off guard, "how my King?"

"Lord Royce I would like you to take up Robb's task of invading the Westerlands. Robb, make sure you share everything you know about the terrain."

Robb nodded, "as you wish my king."

"What would you have me do exactly?" Yohn Royce asked.

Robb has already sacked Oxcross, Ashemark, and the Crag, but I want you to take the Golden Tooth."

This surprised Lord Royce, "the Golden Tooth my king?"

Roland nodded, "it is the gateway to the Westerlands, the main way in or out. If we were to take that then we bar Tywin Lannister way of returning home."

Yohn Royce scratched his head, The Golden Tooth was one of the strongest castles in the Westerlands due to it's strategic position. It would not be an easy task but Yohn understood how important this was to his king."

"I will have Lord Tytos Blackwood lead an army to assist you in this task," Roland assured him. and Yohn got the gist of the plan. So I will strike from the west and Blackwood from the east. We'll catch them in a pincer movement."

Roland nodded, "what do you think, can it be done?"

Yohn studied the map for a moment stroking his beard. finally, he gave Roland a nod, The Golden Tooth will be yours, my king."

Edmure shook his head, "The Westerlands, The Iron Islands, most of the Reach, half the crownlands and half the Vale. We are indeed out numbered."

Roland frowned, "not for much longer if all goes well."

All eyes turned to him and Eddard spoke, "what do you mean my king?"

Roland stood up, "I have a plan that will even things out. But the problem is none of you are going to like it especially the northmen."

The Northerners looked at each other wearily, and Eddard's eyes narrowed "what are you going to do Roland?"

Roland sighed deeply, "Ser Alliser Thorne of the Nights Watch has proven to us that the rumors of what lies beyond the wall are true. We have too many enemies for us to fight on multiple fronts, we cannot afford any more." Roland bowed his head and took a deep breath, "so I have decided to go north and call a truce with the King Beyond the Wall Mance Rayder."

AS Roland expected the northerners rose up in an uproar.

"My king you can't be serious."

"You can't let wildlings past the wall."

"Making peace with them is impossible."

"They'll sooner spear you as to speak to you."

"They're nothing but savages."

Eddard raised his hand and the northmen quieted down he turned to Roland his face stern, "Roland many of us have lost kin to the wildlings."

"Aye," the Greatjon roared, "my uncle's daughter was carried off by one of them goatfuckers."

Roland nodded, "I know you all are against this, but remember the hand Ser Alliser brought to you, make no mistake, White Walkers are stirring in the far north and they are coming south. When they do come south the dead come with them. If we do not deal with the wildlings they will become fodder for the walker's army." He slowly scanned the room taking in each lord's reaction. "The way I see it I have only two options, in how to deal with the wildlings. We can slaughter them all or we can negotiate a truce. I will not commit genocide if I can avoid it."

"Wildlings are nothing but murderers thieves and rapists," Roose pointed out.

"And we do not have such people here in the south?" Roland asked, "you seem to forget we have our own monsters in human skin. For that matter most of the Night's Watch is comprised of the same sort."

"And pray tell where will you settle these wildlings?" Greatjon asked.

Roland smiled slyly, "once I have rid the Westeros of the ironcunts than I will give the Iron Islands to them as a gift so they won't bother anyone."

The northerners turned to each other talking among themselves. Finally Eddard spoke up, "we still don't agree with your decision my king," Eddard said grimly. "But you are right about having so many enemies and the threat the Walkers pose not just to the North but to all of Westeros. I have followed your lead you so far and I think I can follow you a bit farther. It's the least I can do after all you've done for my family."

Roland nodded, "thank you, Lord Stark. He turned to the rest of them, "what of the rest of you?"

GreatJon stood up, "Eddard trusts you, I pray you do not betray that trust, should these wildlings play us false-"

"Then they will follow the Reynes to the afterlife," Roland promised.

Greatjon nodded, "then you will have my support." He drew his sword and knelt and the other lords followed suit.

Once the Lords Had disbanded Roose approached to speak with Roland. "Might I have a word, Your Grace?"

Roland nodded and led him to the solar to talk, He closed the door and turned to the Lord of the Dreadfort, "Now how can I help you, Lord Bolton?"

Roose's faces remained stoic as he spoke, "do you remember how you tasked my son Ramsay with dealing with the Brave Companions?" Roland nodded and Roose continued, "I fear he may have been taken prisoner, He has not contacted me in days."

"If he is a captive then it shan't be long before we receive a letter demanding ransom," Roland replied. "Fear not we have more than enough Lannisters to trade for him should the need arise."

Roose bowed, "thank you, your grace, I will not forget this. You do still intend to legitimize him?"

Roland nodded, "I'm a man of my word Lord Bolton."

Once the meeting had concluded Roland left to check on their hostages, Shadow growled at the sight of the Spicers, and Roland took a bit to mock them before moving on the the ones of actual value, his Lannister cousins. Over the course of his campaign in the Westerlands, Robb had manage to capture several. Tion Frey, the son of his great-aunt Gemma, her grandson Willem, and Martyn Lannister, the son of his great-uncle Kevan. Adding his other cousin Tyrek to the list gave a total of 4 hostages of value. Useful should the need for an exchange arise. He checked on how they were doing and if they were being treated fairly, before taking his leave.

Afterward Roland went looking for Robb for a private talk. He found the boy in question in the godswood praying to a Weirwood. Roland waited patiently until it seemed Robb had finished then he approached him.

"Does it help?" Roland wondered.

Robb stood up and shook his head, "sometimes I'm not so sure. But it doesn't hurt to try right?"

Roland shrugged, "I suppose not." He scratched the back of his head, "But I think you have better luck with your trees than I ever did with the Seven."

The two shared a look and chuckled lightly, Robb then bowed his head, "I sorry Roland for all the trouble I caused you."

Roland cocked his eyebrows, "what trouble is that?"

Robb sighed and slumped down on a large rock, "if I had not sent Theon back then the Greyjoys would have remained docile. You would not have had to sent half my army back to stop them. Now Galbert Glover, Rodrick Ryswell, so many of my fellow northmen have died because of my mistake."

Roland sat beside him, "you have to trust someone to be betrayed, I never did."

Robb shook his head, "I lived with Theon for nine years, you met him for only a week and yet you knew him better than I did."

"I know his people," Roland corrected, "I can't speak for Theon himself." Roland frowned, "to be honest I don't blame Theon for this betrayal."

Robb turned to his friend incredulously and Roland continued. "Theon betrayed you aye, but he did so on behalf of his family. He chose blood over honor and I can never fault a person for such a choice."

"Does that mean you intend to spare him?" Robb wondered.

Roland laughed, "mercy for Theon? Gods no, while I understand his reasons that doesn't mean I condone them. Make no mistake, Theon Greyjoy will die. It all depends on which one of us reaches him first."

Robb nodded grimly, "I want to do it, I want to look him in the eye before I take his head."

Roland nodded, "as you wish."

The Goat

Vargo Hoat waited with his men near the red fork at midnight. He and his most trusted men Urswyck, Togg Joth, Iggo, Timeon, Shagwell, and Three Toes were all on horseback. His war against the Bolton Bastard had dwindled his forces to only 100 men, not counting his lieutenants. Now that it was over he was now going to collect his due.

Also with them was a struggling prisoner, who unlike the Brave Companions was barefoot. "quit your thquirming bathdard." Vargo warned, "unleth you want more latheth."

"How do we know this isn't a trick?" Urswyck asked.

"He'll come," Vargo said confidently, "he thed he wanted him alive and 'moethly' unthpoiled. Now we thall thee how badly he wanths him."

The wait was now much longer as a group of riders approached under cloaks. The leader trotted forward, "do you have him?" He demanded.

Vargo nodded, "whereth my gold?"

The figure reached under his cloak and pulled out a heavy sack he tossed it to the ground at the hooves of Vargo's Zorse. "As promised," the figure replied.

Vargo smiled and gestured to his men, the shoved their prisoner towards the figure as one of the men retrieved the sack. He handed the sack to Vargo, and the goat smiled ran his fingers through the shining coins. "thank you, my lord," he sneered. "good luck with the pwithner, he'th a handful." With that, he turned and rode back to his group with his men in tow.

The Hooded Figure raised his hand and brought it down. At once dozens of men appeared from the brushed and ambushed Vargo and his men. Archers rained down a hail of arrows into the middle of the group, while others charged to face them head-on. The Hooded Figure drew his sword and entered the fray. In ten minutes, Vargo and all 100 of his companions lay dead, "take everything you can, the hooded figure commanded. His men then stripped the bodies and piled them up before setting them ablaze in the middle of the trail.

The prisoner was taken by the hooded figure's men, "take him to the castle," he said. The men nodded and threw him into the cart and rode off. The figure looked down and the lifeless body of the Goat, his body riddled with arrows. His golden eye surrounded by black shining with malice, "a pleasure doing business with you Lord Hoat."

Note: I know Euron didn't really kill him in the books but I did like the confrontation between the brothers. Enjoy this D&D cause this it the ONLY thing I'm taking from your otherwise pathetic rendition of Euron.

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