
Chapter 15: The End of a Stag

Note: Well here is chapter 14. See I told you it would come quickly. Anyway Read review and enjoy.

Note to DirtyInk: You say that newborn babies can't smile. Well that's where your wrong It is possible. I should know my nephew did it.

A lot of you have asked me who would play the part of Roland Baratheon in the TV show. Well to be honest that is slightly tricky. In a perfect world I would have a younger Ben Barnes (A.K.A Prince Caspian) to play the part. But due to the age difference between Barnes and Turner it would be awkward. So the one I would cast as Roland would have to be Robbie Kay, he is the right age and his face is just right for what I imagined Roland to look like. Granted he has brown hair and he is leaner but that's nothing that some dye and a workout can't fix.

Another group of you have complained that Roland is a Gary Stue. Which is understandable. Just keep in mind that this story is still young and we have a long way to go.


Eddard sat on a stone bench at the foot of the heart tree in the Godswood. He knew the queen's secret and he knew by all rights he should tell Robert. The only thing that stopped him was the question egging his mind. What will happen to Cersei and her children if he told the king? After witnessing Robert's determination to kill Danaerys, Eddard was no longer sure he knew what his old friend would do. Though he wanted to believe that Robert would spare the children, Eddard was no longer willing to take such a risk. Robert had gone hunting again so he had time to think about what to do.

Cersei finally strode in gracefully in a simple crimson dress. 'She does everything gracefully,' Eddard thought. Her hair spilled freely down her shoulders like a river of gold and her eyes would make emeralds look dull in comparison. Eddard never truly saw how beautiful she was until now.

She sat down beside him, "why here", she asked.

"So that the gods can see"

Cersei gave him a small smile. "I doubt they will care too much".

Ned decided to get to the point quickly. "I know the truth Jon Arryn died for."

"Do you Lord Stark." She asked mockingly

Eddard had to know, "How long have you and your brother been lovers."

Cersei didn't even flinch, "Ever since we were children," She said immediately. "Jaime and I are more than brother and sister, we shared a womb. We came into this world together, we belong together. Whenever I'm with him, I feel whole. The Targaryens wed brother and sister for centuries to keep their bloodline pure so why not."

Ned scoffed at that, "Many of the Targaryens went mad didn't they?"

Cersei's smile vanished almost immediately and she struck him across the cheek. Ned's head snapped to the side, but his expression remained unchanged.

"My son Bran saw you with Jaime didn't he?"

Cersei nodded and looked away, "he did, but I had no idea Jaime would push him off. That was ill-done I admit it," She turned back towards him. "Do you love your children?"

"With all my heart," Ned said at once.

"No less than I love mine."

"Even Roland," Ned asked curiously.

To her credit, Cersei bowed her head. "Roland," she repeated her voice barely above a whisper. "He is the one good thing that ever came out of my relationship with Robert." Before he was born Robert laid with practically every woman in kings landing. But since I had Roland, Robert has seen fewer woman if only for his sake. I had been so careful for so many years. But when I cradled his wriggling little body for the first time, his blue eyes looking up at me with absolute worship. All I felt was love for the tiny black haired form in my arms. Make no mistake Lord Stark I love my children, whether they be Robert's or Jamie's."

Ned shook his head in disbelief, "What did Robert ever do to make you hate him so much. A thousand other women would of loved him unconditionally."

Cersei's eyes burned and it looked like for a moment she was going to slap him. But she regained her calm composure and said. "I worshiped him, when I saw him on our wedding day, Tall, strong and handsome. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. But when the time came to consummate our marriage. He came in stinking of wine and called me 'Lyanna'. Your sister was a corpse and I was a living girl but he loved her more than me. Now, look what he has become, a fat violent drunkard."

Ned looked at her with pity in his eyes. Ned and Catelyn love was as strong as anything. But the queen had been forced to marry a man who didn't love her. To live a life she did not choose. Despite his sympathy Ned was compelled to do the honorable thing.

"When Robert returns from the hunt, I have to tell him everything. Cersei for your children's sake as well as your own I beg you to flee. Take Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen and go to the free cities. Your family's gold will give you a decent life. Roland will ensure his father doesn't come after you."

"If you expect me and my children to willingly go into exile, you are sorely mistaking. No, the throne will go to my eldest son Joffrey. You will have to except that."

"I can never pledge fealty to Joffrey. The throne belongs to Roland by all the laws of Gods and Men."

Cersei smirked, "You could of taken the throne yourself Eddard. Jaimie told me about it. You came into the throne room and made my brother step down from the Iron Throne. All you had to do was climb up those steps and take the throne for yourself. You would of made a good king. It was a grave mistake on your part."

Ned smiled and shook his head. "I have made many mistakes in my life. But that is not one of them."

"Oh but it was Eddard," Cersei declared. "When you play the game of thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground."

Ned laughed at that. "Keep that silly southern game of yours, I want no part in it."

Cersei frowned, "Goodbye Lord Stark." She said coldly. With that she turned on her heel and began to walk away. Ned was about to do the same until a dreadful thought came into his mind.

Turning around he called after her. "If Joffrey becomes king, that means he will go after everyone he deems an enemy."

Cersei turned around and smiled. "That is good," she said. "A king must destroy his enemies before they destroy him."

"But that will also mean getting rid of everyone he hates. Tell me Cersei, who does Joffrey hate the most in this world?"

Immediately Ned quickly turned and walked away leaving Cersei to ponder what he had just said. Behind him, Cersei was staring after him with a shocked look on her face.


It had been four days since his father had left to go hunting. Roland usually went with him but now he was more interested in spending more time with his betrothed. Roland was surprised how easy it was to talk to Sansa. He felt that he could talk to her for hours, speaking about their lives in Winterfell and King's Landing. While He told her about the pranks he would pull on Joffrey, Sansa talked about the pranks Arya would pull on her. Naturally, Roland left out the crueler pranks out of the conversation.

Beside the bed Shadow sat as still as a statue. Occasionally Sansa would gently stroke the fur of the big dog. Despite his size and ferocity Shadow held a degree of beauty about him. 'He's not Lady,' she thought, 'but he'll do.' In response to her caressing Shadow nuzzled himself against her leg.

"So I couldn't find where the smell was coming from," Sansa was saying. "Then when I pulled the covers of my bed I saw a large cut in the middle. So I use a cheese knife and start cutting into my mattress, and right there at the bottom was a small clump of sheep dung. It took two whole weeks to clean it up."

Roland chuckled, "I remember one time Joffrey was sleeping, his hand was outstretched so I put molasses on it. Then I started tickling his cheek with a feather. Eventually his hand went to his face to wave off the annoyance and he gave himself a hair full of molasses. It took days to wash it all off."

Sansa laughed at that. "So what will we do once we are married."

Roland rubbed his chin in mock thought. "I think my betrothed needs to visit the rest of the Seven Kingdoms."

Sansa's face lit up, and she placed her hands on his chest. "Truly Roland? Can we visit Highgarden first? They say it is the heart of all chivalry."

Roland smiled and he took her hands and brought them to his lips. "Highgarden, OldTown, Sunspear, The Eyrie. Wherever you wish to go Sansa."

Sansa wrapped her arms around Roland's neck. Roland returned the embrace in kind. She laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes. "I feel so safe with you," she said softly.

Roland pressed his lips to her head before bring them to her ear. "I love you Sansa," he whispered, 'To the heavens and back."

A moment later a servant burst into the room, he seemed winded. But when he saw the sight in front of him, he quickly turned away. "Apologies my prince," he gasped.

"What is it," Roland asked with a trace of irritation in his voice. Admittedly Roland was slightly peeved to be interrupted in such a happy moment.

"Your father has been badly injured in the hunt," The servant explained. Almost at once Roland and Sansa were on their feet. Roland had a look of terror in his eyes, Sansa placed her hands over her mouth in shock.

Giving Sansa a kiss goodbye, Roland sprinted down the halls towards his father's chambers. It may not be proper for a royal to run indoors, but Roland cared little for such things all that mattered was getting to his father.

When he finally came in to the kings Chambers, Roland found that his father was not alone. His mother and brother were there as well as Eddard, Renly, and Grand Maester Pycelle. Robert was lying on the bed, his belly was covered in many bandages. But even the bandages failed to cover the entire wound. Judging from what Roland saw, it wasn't looking good.

Renly was pacing anxiously across the room. Cersei was speaking with Pycelle. Joffrey to his surprise was sitting on the bed with a look of grief written all over his face. 'Wow I never knew you had it in you Joff'. Roland thought slightly amused.

As Roland entered the room, all eyes turned on him. Robert looked up and smiled weakly. "Roland," he breathed. He lifted his hand and gestured for Roland to approach. "Come closer my son."

Roland walked over to the bed and placed a hand on Joffrey's shoulder. Joffrey looked up at his brother his breathing was heavy. He wasn't crying, but his eyes were closed. For the first time in years Roland saw the brother he had always hoped Joffrey would be.

Kneeling next to the bed, Robert's face was as pale as milk, his eyes were sunken and bloodshot . "What in the seven hells happened?" Roland asked to no one in particular.

"A Boar," Robert replied weakly. "My fault Roland, drank too much wine, missed my mark. But I got it boy, slashed the bastard's throat with my dagger."

Roland closed his eyes and shook his head. 'You fool, you fool, you blind bloody fool.' He cursed to himself. 'Why do you always have to drink.'

Robert then directed his attention to the other people in the room. "Cersei, Pycelle and Barristan clear the room, the rest of you stay."

So the three left the room leaving Roland with Renly, Joffrey, and Ned. Robert turned to his eldest son. "I'm sorry Joff, I should have spent more time with you. Teaching you how to be a man, and how to be a ruler. Tomorrow you will become king and I pray that you will be a better ruler than I ever was. Be the king that I never was my son."

Yes father," Joffrey replied, "I promise to be a great king." Roland doubted that Joffrey will ever be what Robert hoped for. but after seeing the look on his face maybe there was a chance. With that Joffrey left the room but before he left the door Roland saw a single tear roll down his cheek.

After Joffrey, Robert turned to Renly. "Brother, I know we never saw eye to eye, hell I haven't been the best brother. But please Renly, make peace with Stannis. He is the only family you have left. don't let your differences tear House Baratheon apart. He may not be as jolly as you or I but he is a good man. It's not worth it to resent him." Renly nodded curtly, yet Roland saw something in his eyes that set Roland off. With that Renly turned on his heel and left the room.

"Roland," his father called out weakly. Roland knelt beside the bed close to his father. Robert placed his hand on Roland's head, before cupping his cheek. "Roland," he began. "Oh my boy, no father ever had a better son. I cannot tell you enough how many times how proud I am of the man you have become. From the moment you were born I was proud of you. We are so alike in appearance and interests. Yet you have manage to inherit the mind your mother's house is famous for. Look after Tommen and Myrcella for me, they are still young and will need your protection."

Roland clasped his father's hand with his own. "I promise father," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. Roland was close to tears, 'do not cry,' he told himself. 'Not in front of your father and not in front of Lord Stark.'

Robert let out a violent cough and continued. "I want you to know you were right." Roland looked up curiously. "You were right about Danaerys," Robert clarified. "She is only a girl, I wanted her dead and the gods have punished me for it. The rest of those ingrates in the council, worthless the whole lot of them. None of them objected to my plan, nobody would tell me NO. No one but you, Ned and Ser Barristan. I'm glad you talked me out of killing her. I'm glad you were there to speak reason in a crowd of idiots."

"It was the right thing to do," Roland replied. "I'm glad you finally see it my way."

Robert smiled and pulled Roland closer and and rested his forehead on his own. "I'm sure the bard will ensure your memory will live on." Roland said.

Though it was likely painful, Robert laughed. "My memory," he replied before going into a coughing fit. "King Robert Baratheon, murdered by a pig. What a song that will make." Roland burst out laughing, even now his father manage to find homor in his own death.

"Now go Roland," The king said. "Go to your younger siblings and tell them what will happen. I have to speek with Ned alone.

"Of course Father," Roland replied. Taking a slight bow he left the room but not before turning to look at his father for the final time.

Roland walked slowly towards Tommen and Mrycella's chambers. during the walk he was trying to figure out the best way to tell them that their father was going to die. One skill he never truly learned was how to tell things mildly. All his life he had been blunt and honest about things, regardless of other people. As he turned a corner he saw Joffrey looking out the window. his hand was over his face and it was clear the he had been crying.

Roland walked slowly over to him and placed his hand on his shoulders. Joffrey whirled around startled, but immediately relaxed when he saw it was Roland. "I don't want father to die," he muttered.

Roland nodded, "I don't as well, but I don't think there is anything either of us can do to stop it." Then to Roland's surprise, Joffrey pulled him into a hug. After overcoming the shock of the gesture, Roland returned the hug. Finally breaking apart, Roland looked at his brother. He had finally found common ground with his brother. Hopefully they could built a true relationship from that.

At that moment they saw Lancel walking across the hallway. "That moron gave our father the wine," Joffrey hissed. Roland looked at Lancel in shock, slowly the shock turned to anger. Rage overtook any reason. After looking at his brother he saw Joffrey was wearing the exact same expression and also had the same idea. Quickly the two brothers caught up with Lancel.

Before Lancel had a chance to react. Roland grabbed him by the collar and pinned him to the wall. "You got my father drunk you pathetic insect," Roland growled lifting the shaking boy off the ground.

Joffrey came up and punched Lancel in the stomach. "He's going to die because of you," he screamed. Lancel was looking at the two Baratheons trembling in fear. He tried to pry Roland's hands off but it was no good. Despite being younger Roland and Joffrey were stronger than him. that coupled with the fact that he was terrified of both of them didn't help matters either.

"If you weren't my cousin I would have turned you into Shadow's next dinner by now," Roland snarled. With that said, Roland threw Lancel onto the floor and stormed off. Behind him, Lancel tried to get up but was knocked back to the ground by a blow to the head from Joffrey. "That's for my father you witless worm," he whispered before storming off himself.

Roland finally reached Tommen and Myrcella who was sitting on the bed with looks of worry. As soon as they saw him they hammered him with questions.

"Is it true that father is hurt," Myrcella immediately asked.

"Will he be okay?" asked Tommen.

Roland, not knowing how else to put it he decided to be blunt. "I'm afraid the wounds are fatal, father is not going to make it." Upon hearing this, the younger Baratheons burst into tears. Roland approached the bed and the two wrapped their arms around their elder brother.

"He can't die, he just can't," Myrcella cried out. Roland gently stroked his hand across Myrcella's golden hair.

"Don't worry?" he said "Father wants to know that he loves you both very much. If the gods are just, he will be hunting thousands of boars and drinking his fill in the afterlife." This made his siblings smile but tears continued to roll down their cheeks. So Roland just held them. "It will be alright," he told them. though in his head Roland wasn't sure about that anymore.

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