
Part 6.10

Remember how I said I was fast? I am, but it turns out that Reeze was fast as well. Not nearly as fast as I am but still an appropriate amount of speed. The guard captain was more than fast enough to leap in front of the massive lawn dart I had thrown.

He swung his sword in an attempt to cut my Javelin to pieces but it didn't quite work out for him. Probably had something to do with the amount of spin the giant lawn dart had going for it. Instead of falling into neat pieces like the swordsman expected it slammed I to the ground and bounced. It bounced high enough where it changed directions and landed somewhere else in the city. I didn't watch it fall, but I definitely heard it. Oh well, I'll just find it again later.

"You're going to remember regretting doing that pirate scum."

Reeze didn't look happy. In fact he looked the opposite of happy, which is unhappy. I'd be unhappy too I guess if I was him, but the thing is I'm not him. So I really don't care. It's amazing what opportunities apathy can open up for you.

Throwing the lawn dart was all part of a set up I had. Part one, throw the dart. The second part was shooting him while he was distracted. I knew this was going to be a difficult fight so I was gauging how fast-

In a split second Reeze had kicked off the ground and now he was in front of me swinging his schlong sword. Dodging wouldn't be enough for me. That glowing edge of his sword was giving me a sketchy feeling so I decided to get out of there entirely. His speed was greater than I thought it was so I decided to try something new.

Just how Reeze kicked off the ground and propelled himself torwards me I kicked backwards to make myself fly away from whatever danger the guard captain's glowing sword possessed. Of course I multiplied the force of my kick, and that was a mistake. I multiplied the force too much. Two or three Fold Speed would've been enough but I had ramped it up to eighty for some dim reason.

Instead of going to the other side of the street like I had planned I hit the row of buildings behind me. Then I went through them. I flipped in midair and hit the street in the other side, quickly going through the buildings there as well.

"Mistakes were made." I said to myself as I went tumbling through row after row of buildings. It hurt a little, but if a single brick wall could stop me I wouldn't have gotten very far in life.

Like when I was much younger. Before I had eaten the Moa Moa fruit and was sent to Level Two. I had stolen a spoon from... somewhere and I was convinced that I could escape Impel Down if I could tunnel my way through a wall in my cell. It took me three months of constant digging but eventually I had removed all of the mortar around one of the massive bricks and had removed it. The whole process had completely ruined the spoon and reduced it to nothing but a sliver of metal. I had expected an administrative room or something similar on the other side. What I hadn't expected was a small compartment holding a brand new spoon.

Impel Down always finds ways to torture people, including you torturing yourself.

Back to the present. Flying g through the air isn't nearly as fun as anyone would imagine. My head breaking through multiple walls wasn't exactly painful, but to was extremely annoying. I'd even use a word like distracting to describe it. So in an attempt to slow myself down I reached out and grabbed something while I was flying through a building. Some kind of house I guess.

The only reason I know it was a house is because when I exited the building from the other side I was holding a candelabra. The five candles it was holding were even still lit.

After another three rows of buildings I had finally lost enough momentum and came to a stop on a busy road. It was still filled with my crew all in various stages of doing what they do best. That is, looting and killing. A little bit of torture here and there of Diz-Harmony citizens who weren't fast enough to run away to shelter or hide.

They all stopped what they were doing when I crashed onto the street and landed on my face. I slowly stood up and began brushing rubble and dust off of myself. When I was mostly clean I undid the straps of my mask and examined it for any damage. Thankfully there wasn't any. I wasn't confidant enough in any form of craftmanship to repair it if it was damaged anyways.

When I was done I looked at the nearby crew and saw someone familiar. The only reason I recognized them was because they were wearing g the swankiest looking turban I had ever seen.

I snapped my fingers and pointed at him, "I know you. You're Ahlola right?"

The man in question was holding a burlap bags and seemed surprised I remembered him. He coughed nervously and said, "Actually my name is Aloha sir."

"Right. Ahlola. Just like I said."

He was still smiling but he twitched when I said his name. The shock of me remembering was still getting to him. "My name is Aloha. Ahlola is a girl's name."

How sad. "That's okay. I'm not judging you because you have a girl's name. Here's some free advice. It's not what you're called, it's what you do that matters. Am I right or am I right?"

The crew nearby began to mutter when I finished talking. It seemed they agreed completely. Ahlola raised his hand and opened his mouth to make a point but he must've saw the look of sheer compassion I was trying to give him because he just slumped down while still standing.

"Thank you for your kind words sir." I heard him mutter.

"Anytime. Now to change the subject. What's in the bag?" I ask him.

He swallowed and looked up. "Dynamite Captain. I found some in a basement near the docks."

Dynamite... That's a rather fancy explosive candle if my memory is correct. Italian maybe? "What were you going to do with the dynamite?"

He waved his hand. "The same thing that I usually do with dynamite. The same thing that got me thrown into Impel Down in the first place. Find some people, tie them down, chop off their hands, throw some lit dynamite at their feet, then run away and laugh as they panic before the dynamite explodes and they die."

So I was right! Dynamite is just a word for exploding candles. I look at my left hand and sure enough I'm still holding a lit candelabra. Wait... I have an idea coming on! An idea for killing Reeze that's much quicker than my old idea!

"Give me your dynamite." I tell Ahlola.

He hugs the bag to his chest and shakes his head. "No!" He yells.

Huh... I didn't expect him to tell me no. I guess he doesn't know that I need the dynamite more than he does. Maybe this is a good opportunity for me to use my words and convince him why I need it more than he does. Doing so should definitely build some trust and in the process- Never mind. He's dropped the bag.

Some other crew member had walked behind Ahlola and stabbed him in the back through the heart. Ahlola's turban falls off his head as the man draws his now bloody sword out. He wipes it on the back of Ahlola's shirt and picks up the bag.

Then he walks over to me and holds it up for me to grab. "Here you go Captain." He says quickly.

I take it in my free hand and say, "Thank you very much..."

"Schmee sir. My name is Schmee. First name Schmee, middle name Schmee, and last name Schmee. My name is Schmee."

"Thank you for getting me my dynamite Schmee."

He nods. "Anytime Captain."

With that I turn around and begin walking back to where I last saw Reeze. I have fire, explosives, and a Devil Fruit power that lets me increase the size of something by a Hundred Fold. I was ready before, but now I'm more than ready to kill a former Rear Admiral.

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