
Part 3.6

Running on Keystone's bridge was an experience. Very quickly we made our way out of sight of Impel Down, and I didn't know what to say about that.

I had spent my entire life in that prison, and now I was out. Truly out. I was above the ocean and if the bridge gave out, I'd plummet in and probably die. I heard that seastone reproduces the effect water has on people who've eaten Devil Fruits like myself.

Keystone was rapidly running while copying bricks and throwing them in place, somehow making them stick wherever they landed instead of falling. The way he did it, we kept moving forward running as he built the bridge in front of us.

I didn't know how the bridge didn't just slump into the ocean considering how it was only supported by its anchor point far behind me on the docks of Impel Down. To be honest, I didn't want to know. I had a feeling that I wouldn't like the answer.

Speaking of things I didn't like, I didn't like the way the bridge swayed in the wind. Neither did some of the prisoners behind me. Some vomited, creating puddles that the rest of the running crowd was forced to run through. In anger, all the people who had to run through vomit pushed the sock to the back so they wouldn't have to run through the puddles they created anymore. That was the exact reason I was running directly behind Keystone.

I don't like vomit. Don't get me wrong, it tastes better than glop, but it stinks. Glop at least doesn't have any smell to it whatsoever. I just realized something! I'll never get to have to eat glop again!

Real changes are happening in the world, I swear.

We keep running for a long time. I'm bad at keeping track of time, but I look to the searing ball of evil alpha radiation better know as the sun every once in the while to track its progress across the sky. As we moved away from Impel Down following Keystone on his bridge we eventually made our way out of the fog bank and above the bright blue ocean and the even brighter blue sky. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. As I ran I couldn't help but think 'the horizon goes on forever, does that mean the world never ends either?'

It's a good thing Gurry was running right next to me with a somewhat comical gait. His shorter legs meant they had to move faster to carry his larger body forward. I decided to would be best to ask the sage the question that popped into my head.

"Gurry-Rōshi, does the world go on forever?"

The Greenland Shark fishman crossed his arms and closed his eyes while still maintaining his pace and began to hum thoughtfully. He strokes one end of his mustache and twirled it with his fingers for a while. Then he stuck it in his mouth and sucked it.

I patiently waited for his response. Giving responses as a sage was an art, and I didn't want to rush art. Eventually, he spit his facial hair out and nodded his head. "Alright. I got the answer."

He clapped his hands together and spoke in a 'sagely' voice.

"This wonderful world we live in is large. Very large. It can take a person very long to circumnavigate it's entirety, and even longer to explore every inch our world has to offer. However, it is still possible. Our world, while large, is not truly infinite. That is not what you asked me however. You asked me of the world went on 'forever', not if it was infinite. While the places you may travel are stationary and don't change, the people that live here and their beliefs are like the tides. Ever changing. Everyone, all the time, is constantly changing. Because people change, as long as the world is filled with people and their change, the world is never truly the same. So the answer is yes. The world does go on forever."

I feel my jaw dropping in astonishment. That was really wise sounding! Totally smart! I quickly look behind me and the prisoners who aren't dead in their feet running behind us tonsee they are just as astonished.

"Wow Gurry-Rōshi! That sounds amazing! Is there anyone smarter than you?"

He laughs. "Without a doubt. The first thing I learned when I was becoming a sage was that I was not nearly as smart as I thought I was, and that would always be someone, or something, smarter."

"Something?" I ask curiously.

He snorts, "Fucking Sea Kings."

"Those giant monster fish everyone goes on about?"

He nods. "Have you seen the size of those damn thing's heads? Some of them have to be capable of higher thinking with brains that size and considering how old they can get? Bah."

So... super fish was a thing? Interesting.

I was going to ask Gurry more about Sea Kings when I heard a thump behind me. I turned to see that a man running behind me had fallen on his feet and was about to be trampled by everyone behind him. Without thinking, I grabbed his arm and began pulling his unconscious self along the bridge with his legs dragging behind him.

I pulled him forward and tossed him over my shoulders. He probably would've been hard to carry when I was seven, but I'm much stronger now than I was then. I don't know exactly why I'm carrying this guy, but I am. He has never done anything for me, and he's probably a murderer considering that 98% of the population of Impel Down is incarcerated for being a sea going murderhobo. But I have saved him from being left behind anyways. Just because I could.

Does that make me impulsive? Yes. Yes it does.

I turn around and call out to the crowd, "If anyone collapses, and you're strong enough, have you and the people near you grab them and drag them along."

Someone nearby with a red face huffs and puffs, then replies, "Why should *huff* we *huff* do that?"

"Because I told you to." I snarl at him while giving him my best glare. This being a glare I cooked up while trying to imitate Magellan, a man who kills daily and can make the most vicious pirates void their bowels in terror.

He blanched immediately and shut up.

Huh. That's nice. Usually if I want to tell a prisoner something important, like to shut up and stop talking so the guards won't come by and torture both of us, I have to argue with them. Now that I can resort to violence however things are much smoother!

We keep on running for who knows how long. Eventually, I start to see a silhouette way off into the distance. A lumpy grey mass wedged between the ocean and the sky.

I nudge Kreig who is red faced but still keeping up with me and all the other front runners. He looks at me with blood shot eyes and I ask him, "What's that thing pirates say when they see land?"

"You mean 'land ho'?' He asks out of breath.

Ah. That's what that is. I rear my head back and yell at the top of my lungs, "Land ho!"

The people who can spare their breathe let out a short cheer. Land is in sight.

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