
Qin Feng's face turned grim when he saw what was happening. 

These human sacrifices might have been the people the Dark Coalition kidnapped from the villages in the area. It could also be their own people that were living in their own territories. 

To be frank, he knew about this incident before he was reborn.

The Human Alliance, naturally, was disgusted by this and openly criticized this action. Over a dozen B-tiers' names were pinned on the bounty list and these poor sods were hunted wherever they went. 

Some of them even got chased out of the Huaxia Alliance's borders. And the B-tiers from the Human Alliance that were in the scene too were brought in for questioning and punished. Why did they not stop these murderers from doing what they were doing—it was because they themselves wanted to hunt the Cinderclast Golems. As such, they waited until the Dark Coalition was done with their human sacrifice offering before attacking.

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