
Chapter 124: Chances Are - Part 2


Happy Valentines everyone, I wasn't supposed to update for the week but Yoonly's message greeting got me really happy. Thank you Yoonly :) so yeah I decided to release a new update. Sorry it took long, I told him/her in her comment that I'll just eat dinner and rest for a bit but I fell asleep and I just woke up hehehe sorry about that. Anyways here's the update.

Happy Valentines to you all and Happy Reading 🥰!


"Your honor I'm humbly request to change prosecutor for this case." Terrence handed the a brown envelope to the judge.

"Mr. Harris you are fully aware that this case is now under the Government thus it can only be presented by the Government's attorneys." The judge said. "And in what ground are you basing your request?"

"I do apologize but I news gotten to us that Prosecutor Lim was doing a backdoor business and agreements with the Witchburns in exchange for tampering and dismissing of the evidences submitted in your office. Inside the envelope are the evidences we have gathered." Terrence pointed the envelope.

The judge opened the envelope and saw the photos and flash drive. After checking the files the judge sighed. "Do you have anything to say Prosecutor Lim?"

"N-no your honor nothing." The man admitted, he didn't even denied it.

"Ok then effective immediately you and your team will be removed from this case and all evidences dismissed shall be under assessment the next hearing will be until further noticed." A wide smile appeared on Terrence face, since the hearing keeps on delaying Rion for months hadn't appeared in front of the people which is a good situation for them since the Omega still yet told the public about his pregnancy. He doesn't want to get questioned about it by the media and he doesn't want to expose who the father of his child since Clarence is planning in running to be a Governor in the upcoming election.

Terrence answered his phone as soon as it rings.

(How's it?)

"Getting impatient aren't we Aiden?" Terrence said. "It went well according to plan, I didn't thought it could work."

(Of course it will work, we have thought about it thoroughly.) says the voice on the line.

"Of course Dexter, so how's Maica doing?" Terrence asked.

(We successfully got her out of that house.) Terrence knew that voice was from Axel.

(Hi T, they got me out of there safely.)

(Yeah they used my wife as a decoy again!) Terrence just laughed at Zeejay's shouting voice.

(Cost I'm a great actor! Hey I played as a crazy man this time so don't sulk. It's not like I seduce another men.)

(Well that's your initial plan! If I didn't hear about it you would go touching other men!)

(Ow come on Zee!)

(Hey don't mind the couple who always fights so how is it?)

"They will give the case to another prosecutor, that will represent the State."

(We will get that case.) Aiden suddenly said.


(Remember we are applying to be the Government accredited Law firm partner for Omegas? We are already in the last stage and if granted I want this to be our first case as Government representative.)

"You're unbelievable." Terrence just laughed.

"Terrence nothing will change if we will let the state prosecutor handle this, I'm not saying all but most will blindly accept any bribe as long as it involves issues about Omegas. It is an open secret that the discrimination against Omegas have been happening and the proud Alphas and Betas wont stay still. They won't let Omegas rise and know their rights."


Jeffrey keep on glancing to his phone waiting for Henry's call. "Why don't you call him?" The old woman asked. Before Henry's departure an old woman and a bunch of people came to Henry's home. He told him they are people who he can entrust him with

"I might disturb him and people around him might get the wrong idea." Jeffrey shyly but honestly said what's on his mind.

"I have never seen him cared for anyone else as he does for you. Call him I know he will be more than happy to take your call." The old woman said which made Jeffrey beamed in happiness as he grabbed and dialed Henry's number.

(Darling! Did you missed me?) Those are the words he used to greet him as he answered his call. Jeffrey thought he will be called using different name just like all his other flings did who are married or like what Victor does whenever he sleeps with him and his wife calls but Henry still calls him Darling over the phone. The gesture made him really happy but worry at the same time that others or Axel might hear it and got suspicious. (Cause I really miss you so much.)

"Where are you?" Jeffrey asked.

(At my home here, I really miss you good thing I brought some of your clothes, these will at least going to keep me company. I clothed my pillow with your shirt and ow wait let me show you. Open your FaceTime Darling.)

Jeffrey got nervous instantly, he got worried if Axel might see him and get suspicious but since Henry is persistent he did what he was told and opened the his phone's FaceTime. He saw a pillow with his printed sleeping face clothed with his shirt. Words got caught in his tongue and he doesn't know what to say nor how to react. Henry is so bold in parading the face of his mistress. But then again he thought that maybe Henry already told Axel that he plans on divorcing him that's why he's being so bold.

(Wait Darling someone is at the door, let me just go get it ok?) Jeffrey just nodded in response and Henry put his phone to his pocket as he walk toway his door entrance to answer it but the next thing he heard is not something that Jeffrey wanted to heat.

(Axel?) Henry mentioned the name of his wife. (Are you crying?)

(Henry…..) silence came after and all sorts of things run into his mind, he thought that the two might be kissing that's why it went silent.

(Here sit here for a moment.) Jeffrey heard Henry walking and seconds later Henry's face are on camera again.

(Hey, something suddenly came up so, I'll call you later.) Jeffrey couldn't even say his goodbye and Henry simply dropped the call.

Jeffrey tried to play different scenarios in his head.

*Don't worry Axel is just being clingy because Henry is divorcing him. Yeah right.*

Jeffrey stand up and pace back and forth while bitting his thumb nail.

*It's ok, even if they got back together it will be ok because Axel will never know that I'm his husband's mistress.*

Then he sat down when he finally convinced him self. "No as long as he's beside me I'm already happy." And just like that Jeffrey was able to convinced himself of the things that he can only get, the things of a person like him can get.


"Here have some warm choco, so what brought you here?" Henry asked.

"You told me you're back and a lot of things has been going on around and it's driving me crazy…"

"I told you having constant communication with your husband helps…"

"What if there are things I couldn't bring to say?" Axel asked.

"So what happened?" Henry asked.

"Remember the omega I'm telling you who's been with me when I was still in that place?" Axel asked.

"Ow yeah that omega so what happened? I thought you said he hated you was his name Jeffrey?"

"He jumped from the bridge down to the ocean a few months ago. We can't find him and the authorities found a body but I believed he's still alive. It's not like him to kill himself. I'm trying to think positively but the longer time passes by I'm losing hope in finding him. I tried hacking all the nearby CCTV in the area to see if he manage to get out of the water but no I've seen nothing."

"What bridge and ocean?" Henry's heart is beating fast on how strangely coincidental the possibilities of Axel's Jeffrey and his Darling Jeffrey the same but it becomes clearer when Axel confirmed the location and the month the said Jeffrey jumped.

"Do you have photos of him?" Henry asked.

"You said it's ok to just named him." Axel looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course of course, I'm not forcing you, whenever you're ready." Henry re assured.

"Why do you think he jumped?" Henry asked.

"You know how I told you the man who he's in love with?"

"Yeah his brother on the papers." Henry answered and he's kind of feeling the bitterness and realized why Jeffrey acts that way.

"He sold him, it's pretty inhumane to sell your adoptive brother for marriage and still sell him to other people to gain advantage of others."

"What do you mean sold to others?" Henry was not aware that he's clenching his his hands to a fist.

"He was sold to a prosecutor in exchange of manipulating and dismissing the evidences that will be used for the case. It turns out the man is an sadist addicted in doing an orgy party." Henry's blood is at its boiling point after hearing that, he clearly remembers how Jeffrey looks like after pulling him out of the water.

"You told me he was also his brother's mistress."

"Yeah." Axel answered.

"And that he's addicted to sex."

"Yeah…. I think so…." Axel answered.

Henry wanted to punch the people who did that to Jeffrey but he knows he can't, now that explains Jeffrey's unusual behavior when the two of them are making love. He has this behavior that wanted him to go rough on him and sometimes their sex life can be over the top but Henry never complained he knows that in every beginning of the relationship both couple can be highly active with sex but Jeffrey is a different case. His weariness of being clingy and showing his affection when they first started out and even now, he's just glad that little by little the Omega is getting a little greedy and wanting of his attention.

"You said he's like you so does he, does he?"

"Henry were you listening to me when I told you countless things about him? I told you he's the same as me, he's probably stronger than me and ruthless that's why he's Vladimir's favorite."

Henry couldn't imagine his cute and adorable Darling can kill someone but he shakes the thoughts away. He's determined to accept everything about Jeffrey no matter what. In the eyes of the public and even to his fake family he's now dead and Henry will do everything to hide Jeffrey even if it means hiding him even to Axel.

"The probability of a person surviving that fall without anyone's help is close to zero. Fall from that height and the impact of the fall and breaking of water is enough to break a person's bone and with that movement will be limited and hard thus swimming from there back to the shore is impossible. I don't want to break your hope up it's better to accept things as they are Axel."

Axel snip and blow his nose before nodding. "One more thing, I'm pregnant." Henry was surprised, he wanted to be happy for Axel but with all the realization dawning on him he can't bring himself to be completely happy about it.

"Congratulations isn't that what you and Jules wanted?"

"It was unplanned, it happened even before Doctor Miller was able to reconnect my tubes so the baby…."

"Don't tell me it's an ectopic pregnancy?"

Axel just nodded. "Tell Jules right away! Don't you know that if that ruptures you might die? Dang it!"

"We are planning in delivering that at its 28th week. She doesn't want the baby to grow more before taking it out of my body as this will get more dangerous for both of us. Originally I was planning in delivering it at 32nd week but I don't know Jules suddenly told me not to leave him and I was confused. I can't give up on my child but I don't want to die and leave my husband so I made a decision of gambling on the 28th week. It will be all up to my child.... Hey am I a bad mother for wanting to live? Is what I'm doing enough?"

Certainly Henry knows what Jules might be feeling because he too doesn't want to lose Jeffrey.

Henry got up to hug Axel. "You've done more than enough. Your child will be able to understand. You also need to live Axel."


"Where is that woman!" Victor screamed at the top of his lungs.

"So a mere woman double crossed you? Now this has never happened before." Victor glared at Raven.

"Shut up Raven! That bitch, it must have been that bitch!"

"So what happened to your so brilliant plan?"

"You're not helping!" Victor swift everything that's on his table.

"That woman ruined everything and then left!" Robbie was listening the whole time he's inside the room. He couldn't believe it at first but certainly Alice just disappeared with no trace the day before the trial and now that Victor is angry he can't guarantee the woman's safety so he silently wished for the woman to hide herself but deep inside he wanted to see her so he promised himself that when things lay low he will find her, he will find Alice.


"Maica, you need to hide for awhile." Dexter said.

"It won't take long, only until we engaged to our next plan." Aiden added.

"I think it is better if I moved to a different place, somewhere remote. It will be dangerous for you all if they will ever spot me here." Maica suggested. She got out of there in a hurry without them suspecting her and thanks to Nicholas with Terrence they managed to sneak her out.

"Yeah I like that idea better, you go to where my wife is." Taekyun suddenly said which got all other people's attention and now all eyes are on him.

"What my wife only has my mother with him and my father keeps on complaining how he's not with his wife. So I think it's the perfect solution for that." Taekyun said smiling.

"Do you want to go?" Dexter asked.

"Yeah I missed Theo and the kids as well." Maica said with so much enthusiasm.

"Then that's great!" Nicholas clap as he squeal in excitement. "Know what I think Maica needs an acquaintance, I guess I need to accompany her then. I miss Theo too…."

"Wifey are you running away from me?!" Zeejay immediately stand up after hearing Zeejay said that.

"Enough with the wifey thing it's making me cringe!" Nicolas run and hide from Aiden's back, then he whispered. "Ai save me…"

Aiden looking from the man hiding behind him he sighed and looked all the alphas inside the room.

"Nick baby why are you avoiding me these days? What did I ever do wrong?" Zeejay said in agonizing voice and expression that's making his friends jaw almost drop.

"You don't know? You don't know?!!!! You keep on clinging to me, you keep on wanting to do it! On the bed room, shower room, coach, living room, kitchen and basically everywhere!" And just like that Nicholas exploded. "I love the sex don't get me wrong, even though I'm dead tired my body keeps on giving in but I'm sore! Not just that place but my whole body!"

"Hey you that kitchen thing, it's not in our kitchen right?" Lee suddenly asked but Dexter just elbowed him. None of the two answered which made Lee's face red.

"Fuck you two fuckers did!" Lee shouted! "Honey why aren't you saying anything?" Lee asked.

Nicholas face is now in deep red.

"I never thought you'd be that adventurous man." Terrence pat Zeejay's shoulder with a smile mocking him.

"Shut up Honey." Dexter said in a low but stern voice.

"But they just did it on…."

"I know." Dexter said turning his gaze away.

"You know?" Lee asked.

"Yes I know so don't worry I always had the kitchen cleaned again so yeah." Now everyone's eyes are on Dexter as if asking him the same question on how he knows.

"The house is planted with cameras and one of the people monitoring them told me about these two little kinks. It was really a hard thing to watch but also embarrassing to bring up so I just told them to delete it whenever they do it and also to clean the area again."

Nicholas with his tears brimming to his eyes run, Zeejay was about to run after him but he was stopped by Chester.

Aiden found Nicholas on the little garden at the roof of Aiden's house. He's sitting in a fetal position while sobbing. "Hey." Aiden gently pat Zeejay's back as he sat beside him.

"It's embarrassing." Nicholas said.

"Not really, each one of us has their own quirks and kinks." Dexter said who also sat beside him.

"He's the one who's out of control and keeps on wanting to do it. I'm scared you know, I have been mentally preparing my mind to be a mother again and I keep on persuading myself but whenever I remembered what happened to me when I had Zai it scares me. I thought I said yes to having a baby and yet I also take contraceptive pills without Zee knowing and now my emotions are all over the place for taking stronger contraceptives."

"Why don't you talk to him about that then?" Chester asked.

"I don't want to see him sad, he wanted another child to experience how it was when Zai was born"

"Hey wanting and having another child is a big responsibility. Don't force yourself in having another one if you are not ready just so you can make your husband happy." Aiden said

Nicholas looked at Aiden. "How can you go through all that again after what happened? Chester too and Theo, then you too Dexter."

"Maybe because even though it's painful and full of mockery from the prying and prejudicial eyes of many still I know I will be bringing a beautiful and wonderful child to this world." Dexter answered.

"Even without Terrence back then I know no matter how hard things will be I want to keep my babies, Terry told me how I want to keep my babies even Thirdy who's just on the way back then."

"You know what, you are all lucky to even carry a life inside you while me, no matter how muchI try I won't be able to produce any…." Drake said, *Maybe in my past life I can but here in this present I can't.* Drake sadly thought.

"Just be open to your feelings." All of them tried to console Nicholas but little did they know their husbands are all listening.

Derrek sighed. "Let's just go back inside, let us not disturb them."

Zeejay drop his body on the couch "Move aside!" Lee shouted.

"Hey why is it I'm struggling in getting what I want?" Zeejay whispered.

"Karma." Lance answered immediately.

"Yeah definitely Karma." Lee also said repeating what Lance just said.

"Karma got you hard." Terrence added.

"Ok! Ok! Enough!"

"Hey guys I heard Rion is here?"

"The diplomat…." Zeejay greeted with a smirk on his face as if he's not even sad a moment ago.

"So what are you guys even doing now?" Jules asked who follows behind Clarence. "My Sweety? Where is he?" Jules asked.

"Hey congrats bro!" Terrence hug Jules and then soon the boys follows and hugged Jules too and Clarence just stand there looking at them awkwardly with grimace on his face as they flock on Jules.

Jules on the other hand tried to shake off his friends. "Get off me! Get off me!" Jules pushed them all. "What's gotten to all of you!" Jules said as he dust off his clothes and tried to straighten it out.

"Axel's pregnant, so we need to celebrate!" Terrence happily said.

"Yeah that's why this fucker here is hurrying his wife to get pregnant because till now him and Nick still yet to conceive a child." Lance explained.

"Nick in response got angry because apparently he does it everyday at anytime In anywhere! The nerve of this fucker!" Lee was about to hit Zeejay but Derrek hold him.

"Wait what? Pregnant?" Jules asked.

"Yeah you didn't know?" Derrek Terrence asked.

"We thought you know." Zeejay said.

"Yeah it's not showing yet but I'm sure he is." Lee said.

"It's impossible, he does pregnancy test monthly and we go to his consultation monthly but he's not pregnant." Jules said.

"It's weird, the scent." Lance said.

"Yeah pregnant Omegas and alphas gives off a unique scent it is faint but you will recognize it if you have been around a pregnant Omega or alpha." Lee explained.

"Precisely." Terrence agreed. "When I didn't know about it before I just thought that Kitten smells extra gratifying but it turns out he's already pregnant that time."

"But he's a marked Omega, I bitten him."

"Jules you're still new to this." Terrence pat his back.

"Take it to the man who has 4 children." Lance said.

"Marked Omegas scent no longer can be sensed by other alphas and they only reacts to their partners scent but it's difficult when they are pregnant. They release this particular scent that won't make an alpha act horny but it's more like, more like...." Taekyun tried to explain.

"Soothing…." Lee answered.

"Yeah right soothing."

"It is the same with my Dexy."

"But his O-BY is your brother in laws wife." Jules said trying to reason out.

"What if he just got pregnant while you two were away." Zeejay said giving him the possibilities.

"Yeah right, yeah that's it. Where's Axel? We need to his her!" Jules run to the direction where Lee point his fingers at and there they saw Jules disappeared.

Lance kick Lee. "Why did you tell him? They will get angry if they got disturbed!"

"Is Aiden still have mood swings?" Lee asked.

"Nope the moodswing is gone now, he's in his 7th month now almost 8." Lance explained. How about Dexter ?"

"Yeah the mood swings are gone now, he's in his 5th month now." Lee explained.

"Same here." Terrence said.

"But he's pregnancy is quite sensitive this time. I'm worried." Lee's face became serious all of a sudden.

"How long can we hide Rion's condition?" Clarence hide. "I don't really mind coming out as the father's child."

"We know it's just that it is his decision, he only thinks about you and your reputation." Aiden explained.

"A person who loves truly will not want for you the person they love to get hurt. Even if it means hurting themselves." Taekyun said remembering all the sufferings that his wife carried and endured all those times he was cruel to him.

"I know how it feels to want to shout to the whole world the person you are in love with and yet the circumstances wont permit it. Rion is worried that they might set their eyes on you and so as the baby." Lance explained

"We are trying to delay the hearing as much as possible so Rion can give birth safely and keep the baby away from the enemies eyes." Lee added.

"We hope you understand." Terrence said.

"Where's Axel? I thought you said he's here?" Jules asked, he looks exhausted running around the mansion looking for his wife.

"Did I say he's here? I just randomly point my finger somewhere." Lee said Jules without hesitation charge towards Lee but Clarence hold Jules back and Lee run away while sticking out his tongue to Jules.

Next chapter